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Forex Board

Forex is a highly volatile and liquid market, so traders need to act quickly and with precision. MultiCharts Forex Board is intended to simplify the trading process — such as placing buy or sell orders just with one click. Visualize the FX quotes to interact with the current market more efficiently. This functionality is especially useful for traders whose trading logic is based on opening / closing a lot of orders in a short period of time.

Set up your Forex trading

To make the right choice it is equally important to see the small details and the big picture. In MultiCharts, you can easily perform multi time frame analysis without cumbersome extras, such as custom DLLs and global variables.

Forex Board - LMAX

One-click trading

Forex Board allows you to place an order just with one click simply clicking Buy or Sell. If you want to get a detailed setup of an order then please use Require Order Confirmation for Manual Trading Options in MultiCharts Preferences. With this option enabled, you will get an opportunity to select order type, quantity and Time in Force fields.

Place Order


You can change Forex Board components according to your needs. It’s possible to customize the tile size, swap “Buy” and “Sell” buttons, set spread as unit of 1 or 10 pips, for example. Also, you can make the look of the window more convenient by switching between show/hide options of Day High/Low, spread, quantity, Last Quote Time.

Symbol Mapping

Forex Board allows you to trade through any of supported brokers and based on any supported FX data feed. Symbol mapping lets you translate between the quote provider and the broker by filling out necessary details, and making the symbol understandable to the broker.

Price Movement Indicator

You can recognize the most volatile pairs by light movement indicator and the last quote time. When the bid or ask is changed the button color turns from faded to rich color. Also, arrows on each Sell and Buy button will help you to identify the latest price action.

Watch List

Forex Board is possible to use as a service window that can be attached to any side of the main MultiCharts window. A convenient solution of this window will be Watch List. It saves space on your desktop and stays always available when you’re switching between workspaces. Watch List has also price movement indicator and the arrows showing the latest price movement. Easily arrange currency pairs by dragging them up and down within the list. If you have made up your mind to place an order – simply click on the instrument line and you will get a trade window dialogue.

Forex Board - LMAX

Contextual menu

Switch between accounts, brokers and data feeds just with a couple of clicks. Forex Board menu has all the settings gathered in one place for your convenience. You can even create a chart for a particular currency pair in order to handle a technical analysis of the data or probably start automated trading.