Pre-loop a chart  [SOLVED]

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Pre-loop a chart

Postby signalworks » 19 Apr 2017


is it possible to pre-loop a complete chart and start a final calculation after that?

Idea: I need the lastDayOfWeek, lastDayOfMonth and lastDayOfYear for a calculation. I can calc that with i.e. dayOfMonth(date) < dayofMonth(date[1]). Here I need the value a day earlier (at the lastDayOfWeek...).


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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby Angelina MultiСharts » 21 Apr 2017

Hello signalworks,

No, I'm afraid, it is not possible.

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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby TJ » 21 Apr 2017


is it possible to pre-loop a complete chart and start a final calculation after that?

Idea: I need the lastDayOfWeek, lastDayOfMonth and lastDayOfYear for a calculation. I can calc that with i.e. dayOfMonth(date) < dayofMonth(date[1]). Here I need the value a day earlier (at the lastDayOfWeek...).


You can get lastDayOfMonth and lastDayOfYear without a pre-loop.

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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby maxmax68 » 22 Apr 2017

is it possible to pre-loop a complete chart and start a final calculation after that?
Hello signalworks,
you could try with a condition

Code: Select all

If LastBarOnChart the begin
Best regards.

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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby evdl » 23 Apr 2017

What I understand from your post, you want to have the values of lastDayOfWeek, lastDayOfMonth and lastDayOfYear
on bar one of the chart to use in the calculation of other values. The problem is that these values are not known yet at bar 1.

Maybe you can have a separated indicator get those values and send these from the indicator to the signal with GV or ADE.
Just be sure to run the indicator first.

wullenweber helmut
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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby wullenweber helmut » 23 Apr 2017

Code: Select all

Var: Datei("D:\Temp\test.csv");

if dayOfMonth(date) < dayofMonth(date[1]) then value1 = 1 else value1 = 0;
if dayOfMonth(date) < dayofMonth(date[1]) then value2 = barnumber else value2 = 0;

if value1 = 1 then arw_new_bn(value2-1,low,false);
if value1 = 1 then plot10(low*0.99);

If value1 = 1 then
O[1] :0:0,";",
H[1] :0:2,";",
L[1] :0:2,";",
C[1] :0:2);
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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby maxmax68 » 23 Apr 2017

Hello signalworks,
I need the value a day earlier
what do you mean for a day earlier ?

For my understanding you recalc on close of every last bar

Code: Select all

i.e. dayOfMonth(today date) < dayofMonth(yesterday date)
and can not look into the future.

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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby TJ » 23 Apr 2017

Someone asked the same question not too long ago.

I have already given the solution.
It is in the forum somewhere.
No pre-loop required.

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Re: Pre-loop a chart  [SOLVED]

Postby signalworks » 26 Apr 2017

Hi again,

I need the info: today is the last trading day of a month. (not a day later on beginning of the new month).
My solution is running over a date-calculation (except holidays), that calculates the weekday of the last day of month and if necessary (weekend) recalculates the last session day as follows (includes a bit overhead to check any relevant values). Thanks to you for your ideas above. I would be glad about your comments/criticism.

Function 1 "SWF_DayOfWeek_v1.1"

Code: Select all

//MODUL: Function SWF_DayOfWeek
//DESCRIPTION: calculates DayOfWeek of last day of month (adapted from:
//Author: Signalworks
//Version: 1.1
//Date: 26.04.2017

inputs: odd(numericRef), omd(numericRef), omd_last(numericRef), ome(numericRef), oyd(numericRef),
ocd(numericRef), olc(numericRef), owd(numericRef);

vars: da(0), mo(0), ye(0), yds(0);

if currentbar = 1 or year(date) <> year(date[1])
then begin
omd_last = 0;
omd = 0;

ye = 1900 + year(date);
yds = round(fracportion(ye / 100) * 100, 0);
oyd = mod(yds + floor(yds / 4), 7);
ocd = (3 - mod(intPortion(ye / 100), 4)) * 2;
//LeapYear correcture
if (mod(ye, 4) = 0 and mod(ye, 100) <> 0) or mod(ye, 400) = 0
olc = -1
olc = 0;
if (currentbar = 1 and month(date) = 1) or month(date) <> month(date[1])
then begin
ome = month(date);
case 1,3,5,7,8,10,12:
odd = mod(31, 7);
//January starts with md=0, dd is for next month calc
if ome = 1
omd = 0;
case 4,6,9,11:
odd = mod(30, 7);
case 2:
if olc = -1
odd = mod(29, 7)
odd = mod(28, 7);
if ome > 1
then begin
omd = omd[1] + odd[1];
if omd >= 7
omd = mod(omd, 7);
owd = mod(odd + omd + ocd + oyd + olc, 7);

SWF_DayOfWeek_v1.1 = 0;
Function 2 "SWF_LastDayOf_v1.1"

Code: Select all

//MODUL: Function SWF_LastDayOf
//DESCRIPTION: calculates LastDayOf (week|month|year)
//Author: Signalworks
//Version: 1.1
//Date: 26.04.2017

Inputs: MODE_LDO(numericSimple), oflag_ldo(numericRef), odd(numericRef), omd(numericRef),
omd_last(numericRef), ome(numericRef), oyd(numericRef), ocd(numericRef), olc(numericRef),
owd(numericRef), oda(numericRef), omo(numericRef);

vars: dow(0);

oflag_ldo = 0;
oda = round(fracportion(date / 100) * 100,0);
omo = month(date);
value1 = SWF_DayOfWeek_v1.1(odd, omd, omd_last, ome, oyd, ocd, olc, owd);

case 0:
dow = dayOfWeek(date);
if dow = 5
oflag_ldo = 1;
case 1:
case 1,3,5,7,8,10,12:
if (owd > 0 and owd < 6 and oda = 31)
or (owd = 0 and oda = 29)
or (owd = 6 and oda = 30)
oflag_ldo = 1;

case 4,6,9,11:
if (owd > 0 and owd < 6 and oda = 30)
or (owd = 0 and oda = 28)
or (owd = 6 and oda = 29)
oflag_ldo = 1;

case 2:
if (owd > 0 and owd < 6 and oda = 28 + olc * (-1))
or (owd = 0 and oda = 26 + olc * (-1))
or (owd = 6 and oda = 27 + olc * (-1))
oflag_ldo = 1;

SWF_lastDayOf_v1.1 = 0;
Indicator "SWI_LastDayOf_v1.1"

Code: Select all

//MODUL: Indicator SWI_LastDayOf
//DESCRIPTION: calculates LastDayOf (week|month|year)
//Author: Signalworks
//Version: 1.1
//Date: 26.04.2017

Inputs: MODE_LDO(1), //0: LastTradingDayOfWeek (Friday), 1: LastTradingDayOfMonth|Year

___TXT_Date1(ELDate(03, 16, 2017)),
___TXT_Date2(ELDate(03, 16, 2017));

vars: owd(0), oflag_ldo(0), odd(0), omd(0), omd_last(0), ome(0), oyd(0),
ocd(0), olc(0), oda(0), omo(0), otest(0);

if currentbar = 1 then
if DEBUG_OnOff = true

value1 = SWF_LastDayOf_v1.1(MODE_LDO, oflag_ldo, odd, omd, omd_last, ome, oyd, ocd, olc, owd, oda, omo);

Plot1(oflag_ldo, "LDO_Month");

if DEBUG_OnOff and date >= ___TXT_Date1 and date <= ___TXT_Date2 then
Print("[", round(FracPortion(date/100)*100,0):1:0, ".", month(date):1:0, ".", (1900+year(date)):4:0, "]",
"[", SecondsToTime_s ( TimeToSeconds ( time_S )):6:0, "]", " ",

"odd:", odd:1:2, " ",
"omd:", omd:1:2, " ",
"omd_last:", omd_last:1:2, " ",
"ome:", ome:1:2, " ",
"oyd:", oyd:1:2, " ",
"ocd:", ocd:1:2, " ",
"olc:", olc:1:2, " ",
"owd:", owd:1:2, " ",
"oda:", oda:1:2, " ",
"omo:", omo:1:2, " ",
"oflag_ldo:", oflag_ldo:1:2, " "
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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby maxmax68 » 27 Apr 2017

Hello signalworks,
Thanks to you for your ideas above. I would be glad about your comments/criticism.
please check your code, maybe the conditions in the switch-cases are not correct.

Code: Select all

or (owd = 0 and oda = 29)
or (owd = 6 and oda = 30)
I would say:

Code: Select all

or (owd = 5 and (oda = 29 or oda = 30))
You probably could have kept it all simpler, this way:

Code: Select all

// By Massimo Rizzi (Italy)

// When month changes resets Is_LastDayOfMonth
if currentbar=1 or Month(date)<>Month(date)[1] then Is_LastDayOfMonth=0;

// months with 31 days
case 1,3,5,7,8,10,12:
if (dayofweek(date)>0 and dayofweek(date)<6 and dayofmonth(date)=31)
or(dayofweek(date)=5 and (dayofmonth(date)=29 or dayofmonth(date)=30))
then Is_LastDayOfMonth=1;

// months with 30 days
case 4,6,9,11:
if (dayofweek(date)>0 and dayofweek(date)<6 and dayofmonth(date)=30)
or(dayofweek(date)=5 and (dayofmonth(date)=28 or dayofmonth(date)=29))
then Is_LastDayOfMonth=1;

// february
case 2:
if mod(year(date),4)=0 then begin
if(dayofweek(date)>0 and dayofweek(date)<6 and dayofmonth(date)=29)
or(dayofweek(date)=5 and (dayofmonth(date)=27 or dayofmonth(date)=28))
then Is_LastDayOfMonth=1;
else begin
if(dayofweek(date)>0 and dayofweek(date)<6 and dayofmonth(date)=28)
or(dayofweek(date)=5 and (dayofmonth(date)=26 or dayofmonth(date)=27))
then Is_LastDayOfMonth=1;

Please check the code, I do not have enough historical data available.

Best regards

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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby signalworks » 28 Apr 2017

Hi Massimo,

thank you for your solution. That works too and with less code (but ;-) why simple, if it can do complicated :wink: :lol: )
please check your code, maybe the conditions in the switch-cases are not correct.
The code related #wd is correct, because #wd is the calculated dayOfWeek of the last day of month. Is #wd a Sunday (0) so it is the 29th of month (1,3,5,8,10,12) the last trading-day (is #wd a saturday (6), so it is the 30th the last day for the above month's). #wd = 5 means, that the last day of month would be a friday, so it is the 31th the last day of above month's.

Only the leap-year calc in your code:
// february
case 2:
if mod(year(date),4)=0 then begin
should be:

Code: Select all

(mod(year(date), 4) = 0 and mod(year(date), 100) <> 0) or mod(year(date), 400) = 0
nice regards

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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby maxmax68 » 28 Apr 2017

Hello signalworks,
Only the leap-year calc in your code:

Code: Select all

// february
case 2:
if mod(year(date),4)=0 then begin
should be:

Code: Select all

(mod(year(date), 4) = 0 and mod(year(date), 100) <> 0) or mod(year(date), 400) = 0
yes, I like to keep it simple.
The correct version will only make a difference in 2100, but then maybe we will not be there. :wink: :D :D

Best regards

wullenweber helmut
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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby wullenweber helmut » 29 Apr 2017

In 2010 the last trading day in SPY was on Friday 05/28, in 2013 Thursday 03/28 . In this cases a modification is required.
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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby maxmax68 » 29 Apr 2017

Hello Helmut,
In 2010 the last trading day in SPY was on Friday 05/28, in 2013 Thursday 03/28 . In this cases a modification is required.
the question is why those days were the last trading day of the month ?
I suppose it is not a bug of the code but an anomaly of the market.
Let us know if you discover something.

Best regards.

wullenweber helmut
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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby wullenweber helmut » 30 Apr 2017

Hello Massimo,
in every timeseries there are some exeptions.

With this code you can be sure to catch all last trading days for a timeseries and export to a csv.

Code: Select all

//Indicator Monatsende

Var: Datei(" "), counter(0);

Datei = "D:\Temp\" & "LTD" & getsymbolname & ".csv" ;

if dayOfMonth(date) < dayofMonth(date[1]) then value1 = 1 else value1 = 0;
if dayOfMonth(date) < dayofMonth(date[1]) then value2 = barnumber else value2 = 0;
if value1 > value1[1] then counter = counter + 1;

If value1 = 1 then
print(File(Datei), "lasttradingday[", counter :0:0,"] = ",date[1] :0:0,";");
Copy and paste the list of
lasttradingday[1] = 980130;
lasttradingday[231] = 1170331;

to a signal or import from csv into a signal so you can trade on last trading day every month

Code: Select all

{Signal: Monatsende
Positionseroeffnung am Monatsende plus x Tage
Style = 1: long, Style = 2: short,
Daily Zeitreihe benutzen}

Input: DayDiff(0), nBarExit(10), Style(1);
Var: j(0), NumCts(0), CmpDate(0);
Arrays: LastTradingDay[400](0);

lasttradingday[1] = 980130;
lasttradingday[2] = 980227;
lasttradingday[3] = 980331;
lasttradingday[4] = 980430;
lasttradingday[5] = 980529;
lasttradingday[6] = 980630;
lasttradingday[7] = 980731;
lasttradingday[8] = 980831;
lasttradingday[9] = 980930;
lasttradingday[10] = 981030;
lasttradingday[11] = 981130;
lasttradingday[12] = 981230;
lasttradingday[13] = 990129;
lasttradingday[14] = 990226;
lasttradingday[15] = 990331;
lasttradingday[16] = 990430;
lasttradingday[17] = 990531;
lasttradingday[18] = 990630;
lasttradingday[19] = 990730;
lasttradingday[20] = 990831;
lasttradingday[21] = 990930;
lasttradingday[22] = 991029;
lasttradingday[23] = 991130;
lasttradingday[24] = 991230;
lasttradingday[25] = 1000131;
lasttradingday[26] = 1000229;
lasttradingday[27] = 1000331;
lasttradingday[28] = 1000428;
lasttradingday[29] = 1000531;
lasttradingday[30] = 1000630;
lasttradingday[31] = 1000731;
lasttradingday[32] = 1000831;
lasttradingday[33] = 1000929;
lasttradingday[34] = 1001031;
lasttradingday[35] = 1001130;
lasttradingday[36] = 1001229;
lasttradingday[37] = 1010131;
lasttradingday[38] = 1010228;
lasttradingday[39] = 1010330;
lasttradingday[40] = 1010430;
lasttradingday[41] = 1010531;
lasttradingday[42] = 1010629;
lasttradingday[43] = 1010731;
lasttradingday[44] = 1010831;
lasttradingday[45] = 1010928;
lasttradingday[46] = 1011031;
lasttradingday[47] = 1011130;
lasttradingday[48] = 1011228;
lasttradingday[49] = 1020131;
lasttradingday[50] = 1020228;
lasttradingday[51] = 1020328;
lasttradingday[52] = 1020430;
lasttradingday[53] = 1020531;
lasttradingday[54] = 1020628;
lasttradingday[55] = 1020731;
lasttradingday[56] = 1020830;
lasttradingday[57] = 1020930;
lasttradingday[58] = 1021031;
lasttradingday[59] = 1021129;
lasttradingday[60] = 1021230;
lasttradingday[61] = 1030131;
lasttradingday[62] = 1030228;
lasttradingday[63] = 1030331;
lasttradingday[64] = 1030430;
lasttradingday[65] = 1030530;
lasttradingday[66] = 1030630;
lasttradingday[67] = 1030731;
lasttradingday[68] = 1030829;
lasttradingday[69] = 1030930;
lasttradingday[70] = 1031031;
lasttradingday[71] = 1031128;
lasttradingday[72] = 1031230;
lasttradingday[73] = 1040130;
lasttradingday[74] = 1040227;
lasttradingday[75] = 1040331;
lasttradingday[76] = 1040430;
lasttradingday[77] = 1040531;
lasttradingday[78] = 1040630;
lasttradingday[79] = 1040730;
lasttradingday[80] = 1040831;
lasttradingday[81] = 1040930;
lasttradingday[82] = 1041029;
lasttradingday[83] = 1041130;
lasttradingday[84] = 1041230;
lasttradingday[85] = 1050131;
lasttradingday[86] = 1050228;
lasttradingday[87] = 1050331;
lasttradingday[88] = 1050429;
lasttradingday[89] = 1050531;
lasttradingday[90] = 1050630;
lasttradingday[91] = 1050729;
lasttradingday[92] = 1050831;
lasttradingday[93] = 1050930;
lasttradingday[94] = 1051031;
lasttradingday[95] = 1051130;
lasttradingday[96] = 1051230;
lasttradingday[97] = 1060131;
lasttradingday[98] = 1060228;
lasttradingday[99] = 1060331;
lasttradingday[100] = 1060428;
lasttradingday[101] = 1060531;
lasttradingday[102] = 1060630;
lasttradingday[103] = 1060731;
lasttradingday[104] = 1060831;
lasttradingday[105] = 1060929;
lasttradingday[106] = 1061031;
lasttradingday[107] = 1061130;
lasttradingday[108] = 1061229;
lasttradingday[109] = 1070131;
lasttradingday[110] = 1070228;
lasttradingday[111] = 1070330;
lasttradingday[112] = 1070430;
lasttradingday[113] = 1070531;
lasttradingday[114] = 1070629;
lasttradingday[115] = 1070731;
lasttradingday[116] = 1070831;
lasttradingday[117] = 1070928;
lasttradingday[118] = 1071031;
lasttradingday[119] = 1071130;
lasttradingday[120] = 1071231;
lasttradingday[121] = 1080131;
lasttradingday[122] = 1080229;
lasttradingday[123] = 1080331;
lasttradingday[124] = 1080430;
lasttradingday[125] = 1080530;
lasttradingday[126] = 1080630;
lasttradingday[127] = 1080731;
lasttradingday[128] = 1080829;
lasttradingday[129] = 1080930;
lasttradingday[130] = 1081031;
lasttradingday[131] = 1081128;
lasttradingday[132] = 1081230;
lasttradingday[133] = 1090130;
lasttradingday[134] = 1090227;
lasttradingday[135] = 1090331;
lasttradingday[136] = 1090430;
lasttradingday[137] = 1090529;
lasttradingday[138] = 1090630;
lasttradingday[139] = 1090731;
lasttradingday[140] = 1090831;
lasttradingday[141] = 1090930;
lasttradingday[142] = 1091030;
lasttradingday[143] = 1091130;
lasttradingday[144] = 1091230;
lasttradingday[145] = 1100129;
lasttradingday[146] = 1100226;
lasttradingday[147] = 1100331;
lasttradingday[148] = 1100430;
lasttradingday[149] = 1100531;
lasttradingday[150] = 1100630;
lasttradingday[151] = 1100730;
lasttradingday[152] = 1100831;
lasttradingday[153] = 1100930;
lasttradingday[154] = 1101029;
lasttradingday[155] = 1101130;
lasttradingday[156] = 1101230;
lasttradingday[157] = 1110131;
lasttradingday[158] = 1110228;
lasttradingday[159] = 1110331;
lasttradingday[160] = 1110429;
lasttradingday[161] = 1110531;
lasttradingday[162] = 1110630;
lasttradingday[163] = 1110729;
lasttradingday[164] = 1110831;
lasttradingday[165] = 1110930;
lasttradingday[166] = 1111031;
lasttradingday[167] = 1111130;
lasttradingday[168] = 1111230;
lasttradingday[169] = 1120131;
lasttradingday[170] = 1120229;
lasttradingday[171] = 1120330;
lasttradingday[172] = 1120430;
lasttradingday[173] = 1120531;
lasttradingday[174] = 1120629;
lasttradingday[175] = 1120731;
lasttradingday[176] = 1120831;
lasttradingday[177] = 1120928;
lasttradingday[178] = 1121031;
lasttradingday[179] = 1121130;
lasttradingday[180] = 1121228;
lasttradingday[181] = 1130131;
lasttradingday[182] = 1130228;
lasttradingday[183] = 1130328;
lasttradingday[184] = 1130430;
lasttradingday[185] = 1130531;
lasttradingday[186] = 1130628;
lasttradingday[187] = 1130731;
lasttradingday[188] = 1130830;
lasttradingday[189] = 1130930;
lasttradingday[190] = 1131031;
lasttradingday[191] = 1131129;
lasttradingday[192] = 1131230;
lasttradingday[193] = 1140131;
lasttradingday[194] = 1140228;
lasttradingday[195] = 1140331;
lasttradingday[196] = 1140430;
lasttradingday[197] = 1140530;
lasttradingday[198] = 1140630;
lasttradingday[199] = 1140731;
lasttradingday[200] = 1140829;
lasttradingday[201] = 1140930;
lasttradingday[202] = 1141031;
lasttradingday[203] = 1141128;
lasttradingday[204] = 1141230;
lasttradingday[205] = 1150130;
lasttradingday[206] = 1150227;
lasttradingday[207] = 1150331;
lasttradingday[208] = 1150430;
lasttradingday[209] = 1150529;
lasttradingday[210] = 1150630;
lasttradingday[211] = 1150731;
lasttradingday[212] = 1150831;
lasttradingday[213] = 1150930;
lasttradingday[214] = 1151030;
lasttradingday[215] = 1151130;
lasttradingday[216] = 1151230;
lasttradingday[217] = 1160129;
lasttradingday[218] = 1160229;
lasttradingday[219] = 1160331;
lasttradingday[220] = 1160429;
lasttradingday[221] = 1160531;
lasttradingday[222] = 1160630;
lasttradingday[223] = 1160729;
lasttradingday[224] = 1160831;
lasttradingday[225] = 1160930;
lasttradingday[226] = 1161031;
lasttradingday[227] = 1161130;
lasttradingday[228] = 1161230;
lasttradingday[229] = 1170131;
lasttradingday[230] = 1170228;
lasttradingday[231] = 1170331;

NumCts = InitialCapital/close;

for j=0 to 400 begin if Date = LastTradingDay[j] then CmpDate = JulianToDate(DateToJulian(Date) + DayDiff); end;

{Open Position at last trading day + x days }
if date = CmpDate then begin
if Style = 1 then buy NumCts shares this bar close;
if Style = 2 then Sell short NumCts shares next bar Open;

{Sell after x tradingdays}
if barssinceentry = nBarExit and Style = 1 then sell this bar close;
if barssinceentry = nBarExit and Style = 2 then buy to cover this bar close;

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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby maxmax68 » 30 Apr 2017

Hi Helmut,
unfortunately what you propose does not meet the requirements of signalworks
I need the info: today is the last trading day of a month. (not a day later on beginning of the new month).
Your code surely
catch all last trading days for a timeseries

but with a day of delay !!!

Then you plot the arrow at barnumber-1, but it is an artificial adjustment.

I think the right approach is to integrate the signalworks code, or my simplified version, which calculate the last day in correct time, with an input of dates for handling exceptions (holidays or special closures).

Best regards.

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Re: Pre-loop a chart

Postby signalworks » 02 May 2017

Hello Helmut,
In 2010 the last trading day in SPY was on Friday 05/28, in 2013 Thursday 03/28. In this cases a modification is required.
The 2010/05/31 was the Memorial Day in USA. The 2013/03/28 was the Good Friday.
For both (and in general) holidays is an additional logic necessary.

For my purposes, in those cases is

Code: Select all

month(date) <> month(date[1])
sufficient enough for me, because of lowly commonness of holidays accross the end of a month.

However, here an update of the function SWF_LastDayOf to "solve" those cases with my "solution":

Code: Select all

//MODUL: Function SWF_LastDayOf
//DESCRIPTION: calculates LastDayOf (week|month|year)
//Author: Signalworks
//Version: 1.2
//Date: 02.05.2017

Inputs: MODE_LDO(numericSimple), oflag_ldo(numericRef), odd(numericRef), omd(numericRef),
omd_last(numericRef), ome(numericRef), oyd(numericRef), ocd(numericRef), olc(numericRef),
owd(numericRef), oda(numericRef), omo(numericRef);

vars: dow(0);

oflag_ldo = 0;
oda = round(fracportion(date / 100) * 100,0);
omo = month(date);
value1 = SWF_DayOfWeek_v1.1(odd, omd, omd_last, ome, oyd, ocd, olc, owd);

case 0:
dow = dayOfWeek(date);
if dow = 5
oflag_ldo = 1;
case 1:
case 1,3,5,7,8,10,12:
if (owd > 0 and owd < 6 and oda = 31)
or (owd = 0 and oda = 29)
or (owd = 6 and oda = 30)
oflag_ldo = 1;

case 4,6,9,11:
if (owd > 0 and owd < 6 and oda = 30)
or (owd = 0 and oda = 28)
or (owd = 6 and oda = 29)
oflag_ldo = 1;

case 2:
if (owd > 0 and owd < 6 and oda = 28 + olc * (-1))
or (owd = 0 and oda = 26 + olc * (-1))
or (owd = 6 and oda = 27 + olc * (-1))
oflag_ldo = 1;

if month(date) <> month(date[1]) and oflag_ldo[1] <> 1
oFlag_ldo = 1;

SWF_LastDayOf_v1.2 = 0;
best regards,
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