Did Andrew leave? Confirmed no. Last post March 16th 2010.

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Mar 04 2010

It occured to me that I have not seen Andrew post in a while. I scanned back and it seems as though his last post is January 20th. Anastassia has done a few since then. Has Andrew left?
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Mar 04 2010

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Mar 04 2010

Feb 16th. I guess I should have done a computer search.
Thanks, TJ

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Mar 04 2010

Just vacation I hope. Andrew is a very knowledgeable asset.

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Mar 06 2010

I want to believe that the latest "non responsive" state from TSSupport team here in the forum it's because they are very busy with the next MC beta version, though I must confess, it's not a good signal for their costumers.

They should at least release an official report from time to time, reporting how things are going.

All this silence make people nervous.


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Mar 06 2010

I want to believe that the latest "non responsive" state from TSSupport team here in the forum it's because they are very busy with the next MC beta version, though I must confess, it's not a good signal for their costumers.
Achieving something significant requires attention and focus. And a lot of work.
We need to give credit for what has been achieved so far.


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Mar 06 2010

I agree.
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Mar 07 2010

Achieving something significant requires attention and focus. And a lot of work.
We need to give credit for what has been achieved so far.


Please don't misunderstand me, I totally agree, they've achieved a lot, and I thank god they listen to their clients requests.

But as we have seen recently, many clients have been, let's say, sad with their lack of response here in the forum.

Just a couple of months ago, we had at least 3 TSSupport staff answering questions from their clients here in the forum on a daily basis, sometimes on a hourly basis and nowadays.....

I think it's normal that clients start to ask themselves if everything is OK with the project due to this "disappering".

Now if their "disappering" is due to the fact that they are working hard in enhance even more MC 6.0, and because of that there's no one to answer all the questions in the forum, at least they could publish a weekly newsletter, just to inform how things are going.

This way I'm sure all costumers would be more tolerante with them when they don't respond to their questions here in the forum.


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Mar 07 2010

I totally agree with Fernando.

Regardless of the difficulties faced by TSSupport, the company should position itseld regarding the support they intend to give through the forum.

Andrew being co-CEO of TSSupport, having him leaving should leave customer wonder about the company future.


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Mar 07 2010

Andrew being co-CEO of TSSupport, having him leaving should leave customer wonder about the company future.
I was going to ask that (what Andrew's position is). Interesting. I am assuming Stanley's position is similar.

Yes it would be wise to give a weekly update if they are short staffed in support personel. Marina use to notify us when she was going on holidays or going to a convention. Makes sense. My guess is this thread will lead to a response from Andrew eventually.

My main point above (which I shortened) was that people who achieve higher levels of excellence generally are excited about their work. As a programmer I know there are times it is much more efficient to really focus on a project until it is done. The reason is if you start cluttering your mind without outside stuff it is harder to remember logic sequences etc. People who are more controlled and systematic will try to do it all systematically during times when this focus is needed and it drops efficiency in those select tasks. Well that is my theory but it makes sense based on my experience. So if Andrew is in that position (not a externally hired support specialist who's job description includes keeping customers informed) then it really is not that hard to understand a bit of lapse in updates (short form: he is extra busy at the moment). I am not too worried about it myself. It may be a sign that the MC 6.0 final release will be clear of some of the bugs that are being reported. If I was a top brass I would be very excited about that for sure and really pushing for it. In this situation I do not think he would have time for training someone new nor finding personel but obviously that is one of their goals. I would think they want to get MC 6.0 clear of significant bugs so they can better justify charging for it and better afford to hire and train. Makes sense to me.

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Mar 09 2010

Come to think of it I have seen Andrew do giant catchups in the forum 1 or 2 times before. So I guess this is likely going to be another example of this.

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Mar 09 2010

Yes I noticed Andrew and others come and go in waves. I just hope they fix as many bugs in 6.0 as possible before the official release. I don't mind it being delayed for a while to achieve this goal. It's not like Microsoft where they can release regular fixes after a major release. Come to think of it I wouldn't mind if regular fixes were also released to patch MC and avoid going through the install process each time. i know 6.0 is going to be a major release so a re-install or upgrade is necessary. However, minor fixes could be made available on a download area to patch an existing install. I've been in the software development game long enough to know there is no such thing as a bug free complex application.

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Mar 09 2010

Gee Janus. I get the impression you are at the level (in C knowledge etc) where you could actually develop for TSS.

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Mar 09 2010

Gee Janus. I get the impression you are at the level (in C knowledge etc) where you could actually develop for TSS.
No thanks; been there done that. I did enjoy it back in my younger days - too old for that now.

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Mar 09 2010

Yes I noticed Andrew and others come and go in waves. I just hope they fix as many bugs in 6.0 as possible before the official release. I don't mind it being delayed for a while to achieve this goal. It's not like Microsoft where they can release regular fixes after a major release. Come to think of it I wouldn't mind if regular fixes were also released to patch MC and avoid going through the install process each time. i know 6.0 is going to be a major release so a re-install or upgrade is necessary. However, minor fixes could be made available on a download area to patch an existing install. I've been in the software development game long enough to know there is no such thing as a bug free complex application.
This approach has been adopted by TS as of release 8.8 - when you start up, it AUTOMATICALLY checks for new minor updates and bug fixes within the same x.x version, downloads and installs them by itself. You have the ability to roll back if there's a specific problem (and of course, their policy is to test these and only roll out minor fixes in this manner, not major new versions, and only "release" code is handled this way, not test code or beta code), but the design assumption is that everyone should always be running the latest "release" code within a given version unless they specifically elect otherwise. And of course, having taken this stance, it puts the burden on them to test carefully and make sure their quality control is top notch by raising the bar. They also of course roll out these changes to a small subset of early adopters (who have elected to do this) before rolling out to everyone else incrementally in stages (just like Microsoft does), after it all passes beta testing, to help provide even more assurance of a smooth process for the vast majority of users.

While some users will inevitably balk and say they want to explicitly review and approve every little thing that's fixed or updated on their platform (and they have the option then to turn this automatic update off, just like people turn off windows updates so they can "approve" updates, resulting in thousands of virus infestations and millions of spam messages being sent by botnets every year before they get around to doing so) for the vast majority of users, it's the right thing to do, and while there are obvious exceptions, they are rare, and having automatic updates on the whole reduces support costs and increases the perceived quality of the experience. And if anything, having automatic updates be the default in this manner helps require the software platform vendor to have a very high bar for quality control and an explicit heirarchy of production code vs. test code for new features even within major versions, something everyone should want.

Those who want explicit control over even minor bug fix updates (and they're always quite vocal about this) can always turn it off, but for the balance of the population, this type of feature is a huge improvement.

Automatic updates or not, frequent bug fixes and incremental minor releases tend to be a good thing.

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Mar 09 2010

FYI, my last correspondence with Andrew was on Feb 18. If I remember rightly, he was travelling either in Jan or Feb. He should be extremely busy.

Did anyone send a note to him expressing our concern on his sudden disappearing on the forum? I have just done that......

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Mar 18 2010

A update. Last post March 16th 2010.

After more than a month of not seeing a post from Andrew I was curious and did a computer search this time. Andrew posted March 16th 2010 therefore the theory that "he has not been posting because he is very busy or was travelling" is correct.

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Mar 18 2010

The whole thing about something being going on at TSS has been way overblown, and I haven't really wanted to comment on it further because these things have a way of just going on and on and on. They're working on 6.0 and the natural next steps.

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Mar 18 2010

Hi Bruce,

Communication is good. Ultimately the fears can only be controlled by TSS using this exceptional and very old tool of communication. However I fully understand that being too busy can cause us to not use this tool since I do it now and then too.

So that leads to another very interesting communication question. I am starting to get the impression that you work for TSS in some way. However I never saw such an announcement. Did I miss it because I was too busy or was TSS too busy to announce it or whatever else I have not thought of.


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Mar 18 2010

I'm a third party consultant / generalist specializing in quantitative trading and optimization. The information's all on my company's website, the link to which is below my name. We simply make it our business to have good relationships and good communications, to stay on top of what's going on, and to be helpful when and where we can be.

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Mar 18 2010

Bruce, good communication skills....so far something like 50 your last posts (in different threads) and just one response from TSSupport (Andrew, and I'm not sure if your posts make Andrew to respond). For me ... to much talking for just talking with no results (or trying to make your business visible).

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Mar 18 2010

Bruce, good communication skills....so far something like 50 your last posts (in different threads) and just one response from TSSupport (Andrew, and I'm not sure if your posts make Andrew to respond). For me ... to much talking for just talking with no results (or trying to make your business visible).
I sent an email to Andrew to ask him to respond.

regarding the purpose of this forum:
Discussion Forum (read only for unregistered users)

The Discussion Forum is the ideal place to learn from the experiences and knowledge of other customers. If there is no ready answer to your question in the forum, you'll get one really soon, and other users will be able to use your experiences. At our forum you'll be able to ask questions, share tips and tricks, and gain new insights from fellow traders. The forum is accessible only to the users who have a valid subscription or who have already purchased our products.

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Mar 18 2010

TJ is correct. The forums are functioning normally, and I have always found TSS to be extremely responsive whenever I have inquired about anything, which I do regularly. That is why I have no concerns in this regard and have posted to that effect.

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Mar 18 2010

In my opinion the forums are functioning normally and is going in direction of TS forum, which I don't like, and I have found TSS to be extremely unresponsive from the moment Marina left.

What about that?

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Mar 18 2010

Have you made any actual inquiries besides posting about your malaise on this forum? They have multiple avenues for support - the forums are principally for PEER support - feedback from other users, and that is exactly what you are receiving. While TSS does post here, this isn't the main way to contact them.
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Mar 18 2010

In my opinion the forums are functioning normally and is going in direction of TS forum, which I don't like, and I have found TSS to be extremely unresponsive from the moment Marina left.

What about that?
every person who have life time license/ monthly subscription has right to call tech support and get details.

Why running around? Is not much simpler to call Anastasia and get more info?

no skin off my back.

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Mar 18 2010

I've always found TSS to be very responsive. The forums just aren't the main way to contact them if you have an individual, one on one question - they're for peer support. Telephone, email, live chat - they're all available and work great when you have an individual, specific technical support question.

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Mar 18 2010

I'm waiting for Anastasia's answer 2 weeks if I can use current TT interface (or wait for new dll) on 1 tick ES charts after my problems with Zenf-fire. Every time I email her, answer is the same, developers are working on it, I need to wait. My conclusion...TSS doesn't know or doesn't want to tell me if I can use current TT dll.

Why I'm with one leg in XTAPI and willing to pay $1400 per month to have a good support and use stuff that works.

Bruce, do you thing, that I can call TSS support as responsive?

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Mar 18 2010

They are working on the 6.0 release I am sure - it sounds like from what you are saying they are well aware of an issue and it is in their development queue. I don't have any information personally on the TT interface status for MultiCharts, but would welcome any feedback from users who may be using it.

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Mar 18 2010

Yes, they are aware, but do you aware if you have open position long for example, and stop and target in place, when market trades one tick from your stop, you will lower your target, your stop will be cancel? (and resubmitted). Imagine, you trade 100 contracts lot and market is dropping 100 pts based on some kind of news before resubmitted stop order hits exchange.

This is going to be fix in unspecified release. Why I'm frustrated with quality of Multicharts, responsiveness of TSS, etc

For people who are using Zen-Fire, try too trade ES on 1 tick chart. Disaster... And we are after release 5.5!

I'm understand your happiness (TJ is associated with TSS, you are associated you your company and more MultiCharts problems, more business for you). But besides you both ... nobody sounds happy in this discussion.

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Mar 18 2010

It sounds like a legitimate concern regarding the order handling - since you're saying they're already well aware of it, hopefully it will be taken care of as part of the next 6.0 build. I'm not aware of the specifics of these reported issues, and haven't tested them here. If there's another thread documenting these specific concerns with a test case etc., you might post a link to it. This thread is probably moot at this point.

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Mar 18 2010

FYI, I was precise. The first described problem is not going to resolved in 6.0 and it is not schedule yet to any particular release (per Andrew). Please, next time to not change my information if you don't have knowledge, or based on your hopes or wishes.

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Mar 18 2010

Btw, it sounds that you are not aware about many things that are attached to real order execution. Are you another paper trader/system developer/consultant that makes money to "help" people how to trade/build system/etc?

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Mar 18 2010

I don't entirely follow what you're saying. I didn't change anything of yours. I merely said that since you've said they're aware of it and know all of the details (which I'm taking at face value), hopefully it will be resolved in the coming build. Only they can comment in concrete detail on their priorities.

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Mar 18 2010

"I merely said that since you've said they're aware of it and know all of the details (which I'm taking at face value), hopefully it will be resolved in the coming build"

And I read you posts. Again I'm correcting your hopes, it will be note resolved in coming build or final 6.0 version. It on their top list, but without release assigned to it. This all information is from Andrew.

Did you finally get it or we going to do next round (I expect a better logic from person who can do programming)?

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Mar 18 2010

Regarding development - I've just noticed your second reply above - I've told you I'm a consultant already - and my company's website is on my signature and has been as long as I've posted. I don't derive most of my income from development work (though there's nothing wrong with that of course) - while I do development when needed and can do that when called for, many of my clients have programmers on their teams already. Most of what I do is provide outside help with technical analysis and "best practices" system design, robustness, optimization such as integration with 3rd party optimizers and testing software, training, etc. as well as technical integration issues such as broker interfacing (though I've only started actively following MultiCharts inbuilt broker integration relatively recently as I mostly have worked on other platforms for autotrading projects, and MC has only been doing automated trading at all for a few years), which is why I am interested in following threads with specifics about technical problems like the one you've posted about, and why I asked if there was a specific report thread with a test case - if there was I would try it here when time permits. I'm not here particularly to solicit for business - that hasn't been the nature of really any of my responses to any thread on this forum - if you read over the history of my posts on this forum they're almost all helping people, answering technical questions, showing how to do things, etc. and I've learned about what issues exist from others' posts in some cases just as hopefully I've helped others out and saved them time along the way. And that's the stated purpose of the forums - peer support.

If Andrew has told you directly already that it's on their priority list and where it is on their list, release assigned or not, it boggles the mind what you hope to gain by posting here again about that same thing. It seems to me that since you've already heard from a principal that they know about it and will fix it in the future, but that there's no ETA yet... what is it you hope any of us could add?

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Mar 18 2010

Us..means traders. You are consultant, hoping make money off traders. I appreciate that finally you use word "I" is previous post (many times you was referring to yourself as "We" (I and person in the mirror). Let's go to finish.

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Mar 19 2010

I'm not "hoping" for anything but that (a) the problem such as you reported it will be resolved in coming builds (I can only go off of what you've said so far, since you've provided no reference to a report thread or test case and it isn't something that's been specifically tested here, although again, if you post a detailed test case I've already said we will retest it here when time permits to reconfirm the problem or see if we have anything to add - since you've said Andrew already knows about it, feedback from other users would have to be about all you could further hope for), and (b) to better understand this and any other reported broker integration or order handling issues, so that I can best be of help in the future, both on this forum and in work outside of the forum that may involve MultiCharts in the future. To that end, I've already posted an interest in hearing feedback from those with personal experience with the TT interface in this thread as well, and have several other threads in which I've engaged in quite lengthy discussions about broker integration issues with quite a lot of detail both from experiences here and soliciting for feedback from others, just about all of which has been very constructive. I've also heard from a number of people outside of the forum, and have had some very constructive dialogue with them regarding our experiences and theirs.

I'm not personally the only one who's involved in MultiCharts projects here. I'm not sure defending whether I typed "we" or "I" in a particular sentence is worthy of further engagement.

In general my experiences here on this forum have been very positive and constructive. It is unclear to me why a very few people seem to have an axe to grind instead.

I do wish you well with this. And, to the extent there's a specific, reported issue that Andrew is aware of in detail, of course I hope it's resolved as soon as it can be.

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Mar 19 2010

Bruce, sorry, but can you please stop talking to me or answering to my posts? I lost all respect for you. Personally I do not interact with people who every sentence trying to change what that said in previous sentence. Same examples:

"It sounds like a legitimate concern regarding the order handling - since you're saying they're already well aware of it, hopefully it will be taken care of as part of the next 6.0 build."

"I merely said that since you've said they're aware of it and know all of the details (which I'm taking at face value), hopefully it will be resolved in the coming build"


I'm not "hoping" for anything but that (a) the problem such as you reported it will be resolved in coming builds".

(after that I stop reading your last post).

Also I do not need to provide reference to problems described below to you, because you are nobody in relation to these problems. But to extend your knowledge how to use the forum, click on search and look for topics/posts by marekj.

Also, to make sure that I think about consultants on forums like multicharts, TS, NT, neotickers?

Losers, who acknowledge that, who realized that cannot make money in the market (market provides unlimited $$$ resources) and they are trying to make money off other trader. The only thing they can tell other traders based on your own experience, is how to fail in the market. Of course, the successful consultants exist, they working for the hedge funds and making 7 digit numbers and not losing their time for pennies on forums like multicharts.

Again, please to not respond to me anymore.
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Mar 19 2010

I am not here to solicit for work, as I have stated pretty plainly - I basically have all the work I can handle most of the time and I have no complaints in this regard. My interest in these forums is regarding technical issues. Beyond that, I don't think what you've said merits any further response, and it's unclear to me why you've even bothered to post, since as you've stated, Andrew is fully aware of the issue and he's the one who needs to be. It seems to me there's nothing more the forum can likely contribute until TSS addresses it and further discussion, especially along this line, is pretty pointless.

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Mar 19 2010

"I am not here to solicit for work, as I have stated pretty plainly - I basically have all the work I can handle most of the time and I have no complaints in this regard."

I have complain. If the consultant is here for technical reasons, I DO NOT WANT TO SEE his contact, web page, email, etc. Otherwise, it is solicitation for me (consultant tries to extend his/her network).

Bruce, please do not respond to my posts.

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Mar 19 2010

Quite clearly there's no point in continuing this exchange. I can assure you my signature has nothing to do with you. Good luck to you!
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Mar 19 2010

Frustration bothers some people more than others just like pollen bothers some people more than others. In that sense both are an alergy. If we frame our thinking to see those who do not have the frustration alergy as being very very lucky in that very little bothers them and they are likely to live much longer and happier lives then we may just be smart enough to try and copy them (a very doable effort for even the most challenged if you know how - see the REBT book below.). As learned by the study of REBT, frustration normally has the word "MUST" and "SHOULD" behind it and if we analyze our thinking we can find ourselves thinking those words when we are frustrated. So the key to getting rid of this alergy that we sometimes suffer from is contering those two words along with several other techniques. I try and aspire to this goal every single day (failing more on some days than others). So right now I will put out the effort to aspire to this "anti-frustration-alergy, dump the MUSTS and SHOULDS" goal and contribute a positive note to this thread.

A valuable asset to MC, Andrew is still with us!

P.S. A great REBT book for traders is titled "How To Refuse to Get Upset About Anything. YES ANYTHING!". Learning to trade and trading can be frustraiting so it gives you the knowledge required to greatly reduce extreme emotions such as too much frustration without distracting you from your trading goals too much. Ellis (the author who is now dead) was one of the best in his business. Some say the very best ever. He teaches people how to dispute these MUSTS and SHOULDS such that we can remain calm to better achive our goals, get along with others and live happier. His theories have been very heavily researched by the best in the world for many years now (since 1955 actually) and have been proven correct many times over.
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Mar 19 2010

This thread would not have existed if current expextations based on past experiences had been met. Up until the departure of Marina, TSSupport always provided regular updates on most of the topics posted. Andrew and Anastassia did follow-up for a while, until this recent time gap happened....anyone who's been here long enough and has invested time and resources in MC can fairly wonder about the reasons behind this lack of presence from the editor. Beyond this, I am also glad to see that Andrew went from disappearing to hiding.

I really appreciate the presence of external contributors, who take the time to answer this forum's requests and bring added value or tools to support the usage of MC. Thanks guys.

However, I do not understand the people who transfer their frustrations to this forum, by transforming professional arguments into personal ones.

Like anyone serious about the business of trading, I do have my stake of frustrations. I tend to address it in the best way I can, and this also means staying away from MC from time to time. This gives me time to read, to think out of the box and to wait for the required fixes to (hopefully) happen....even if this sometimes take more time to happen than expected.

Getting into pissing contests is not helping anyone in anyway. Thanks again to all contributors who contribute to this forum in a positive way.

(who owns 2 lifetime licenses in case the idiot back there ask again!).