Function/Reserved word for "Current_Account_Balance"

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Jul 27 2011


I use MC7 for automated trading.
I was wondering whether MC 7 provides the ability for my automated system to extract the current account balance for my broker account.

I mainly want to do this so I can implement a tradesize that is relative to the balance of my account i.e compounding.


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Jul 27 2011

Hi Champski,

Sadly, this is not yet possible. A feature request for this has already been made - you can add your vote to that: MultiCharts Project Management - Issue MC-510 - For AUTO TRAIDING NEW FUNCTIONS.

In the meantime, you could use a GlobalVariable, which holds your (manually entered) account value, as a workaround. Don't have an own code example for your for that, but there are multiple topics about that here on the forum. :)

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Aug 24 2011

Hi MultiCharts,

I can not think of a serious auto trading platform that could not handle this, basis of any money management strategy.
A lot of our clients will stay away from MC because of 'details' like that.

I hope that it will be added shortly.

Thanks and regards,

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Sep 01 2011

Sadly, this is not yet possible. A feature request for this has already been made - you can add your vote to that: MultiCharts Project Management - Issue MC-510 - For AUTO TRAIDING NEW FUNCTIONS.
Thank you koka25 for requesting the much needed feature; thank you JoshM for bringing it to the fore.

Would Multicharts kindly 'review' the request (which has attracted 14 votes)?


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Sep 01 2011

Would Multicharts kindly 'review' the request (which has attracted 14 votes)?
Yes, please do MultiCharts - this is an important request. Since this information is already know to the MultiCharts program (in the Accounts tab of the Order and Position Tracker) I'm fairly optimistic this can be relatively quickly implemented - perhaps by MC 7.1 due this December? :)

Best regards,

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Henry MultiСharts
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Sep 23 2011

This feature request has been reviewed.
In MultiCharts 7.1 we will add new reserved words to get data from Accounts tab in OPT in the script.

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Sep 23 2011

Thank you.

This is very good news.


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Sep 24 2011

On Side note - just a thought - would it be possible to think of adding any other broker related keywords - like - contracts at broker(without running the synchronize to broker etc), open orders for a contract etc? Would be helpful as well - if this is being evaluated anyway.


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Henry MultiСharts
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Sep 26 2011

Hello Vking.
Please submit a detailed a description of the requested code words as a feature request to the Project Management of our web site so other users can vote for it:

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Sep 27 2011

Henry - if you confirm - what are the "possible" values that can be pulled from broker - that would be helpful to determine - what information is useful.

- Few keywords which are already included at present in MC - but would require "broker to chart" synchronization to be running in order to utilize position at broker/average entry price.
- if there is anyway to extract this information - realtime from broker - without running the synchronize signal - it would be useful in many ways. This would allow the user to use MC - specific to ONLY managing the exits(entries can be done in many ways either manually in MC or by some other entry modes/platforms) or only managing the entries in MC etc.


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Henry MultiСharts
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Sep 28 2011

Unfortunately that is not possible to confirm the "possible" values that can be pulled from broker at the moment.
Please describe what information do you want to receive from the broker-and we will check if this can be implemented.

The synchronizer strategy returns the market position from broker.
This script is open. You may use the script or parts of it as you like.
You can also use this script word: MarketPosition_at_Broker- it returns a numerical value, indicating the number of contracts and the type of position at the broker for the symbol.

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Oct 01 2011

This feature request has been reviewed.
In MultiCharts 7.1 we will add new reserved words to get data from Accounts tab in OPT in the script.
And the crowd goes wild! :D Thanks for adding this feature!

As I understand it, this would include the "Open P/L" data for each account?


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Henry MultiСharts
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Oct 03 2011

Hello Josh.
Yes, that is correct, this feature would include the "Open P/L" data for account.