MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

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MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby pmat » 26 Aug 2011

I'm very fed-up, I cannot trade. As soon as I open the DOM (well, not sur 100% this is the reason), I get this message :

Address: 0x73EBCCD5 ( 1944833237 )
Code: 0xC000000D ( -1073741811 )
Continuable: 0x00000000 ( 0 )
Description: Un paramètre non valide a été passé à un service ou une fonction.
ErrorCode: 0xC000000D ( -1073741811 )
ExceptionType: 0x00000000 ( 0 )
Module: C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_50934f2ebcb7eb57\MSVCR90.dll
Process: C:\Program Files (x86)\TS Support\MultiCharts\TradingServer.exe
Thread ID: 0x00002488 ( 9352 )
Time: 26.08.2011 - 15:11:34.267

Tried on 2 different computers, same issue.

Win 7 64 bits, broker and data feed = IB

Very strange as I've been using MC for months and I did not make any upgrade.

Quick help will be very much appreciated.


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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby EddyEd » 26 Aug 2011

It happens on my system in the same way. Nearly 4-6 times a day it crashes, when I'm working with the scanner window.
Even because the many crashes, my database was damaged.

Win 7 64 bits, data feed = E-Signal

But I think it isn't a problem with the data provider, because it works well with NT.
Meanwhile I'm really frustrated to work with MC after I changed from NT

Even in earlier MC Versions I didn't had such problems as with the actual Version.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby Dave Masalov » 26 Aug 2011

Dear Sirs,

Please send us your log files after reproducing the issue but before restarting MultiCharts. You can find log files here "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\TS Support\MultiCharts\". You should paste this line in Start --> Run and in the window that will pop up make a zip-folder.

If you are able to reproduce the issue, please come to our Live Chat Mon-Fri between 6:30AM and 2PM EST so we can connect to your machine remotely for investigation.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby EddyEd » 26 Aug 2011

Dear Dave,

thanks for your suggestion.
After a restart sometimes a window appears with the question whether I would want to send the logs. Even with the suggestion to write a commentary what happend. I did so everytime and pushed the Button "Send".
Is this not the fact that doing this to send this Logs to the support of MC?
Have I to send this logs manually to you?

Best regards

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby Dave Masalov » 26 Aug 2011

Dear EddyEd,

When you send the logs automatically they are sent directly to the developers for investigation and all identified issues will be solved in the next build of MultiCharts. However, I wont be able to provide you with the feedback and solution for your particular issue unless you send us the logs via e-mail. Please send logs manually to

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby Dave Masalov » 29 Aug 2011

The issue has been confirmed. Our engineers are working on it at the moment and it should be fixed in MultiCharts 7.01. Thank you for reporting.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby EddyEd » 29 Aug 2011

This will be great. Do you already know the date of release for 7.01?

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby Dave Masalov » 30 Aug 2011


MC 7.01 should be released in the beginning of September.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby alex522 » 01 Nov 2011

Same problem faced, the error pop up almost immediately whenever I try to connect my broker profile to IB. (It has work perfectly for a period of time. And one day the system crash. And I cannot connect to IB after that.)

Any method I can fix this before the new release. Now I am forced to stop trading.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby bowlesj3 » 01 Nov 2011

The only way to resolve a (critical blocks you from trading) new release problem within 30 minutes is to roll back. I have done it 2 times. So keep your old install downloads (Maybe if you have been running on a version for 6 months you can delete the prior ones). Also copy each day's end data and work space files and put that days copy in a zip file in this format for every day of the month 01 to 31.
etc down to
That way you have the copy that matched the prior release for sure. The thing is rolling back often requires you go back to the old file format or old work space format. Not only that you may decide to roll back after a week of use on the new release. I did that the first time. I struggled with the new release for 3 weeks and decide to give up. this is the time you need that 30 day cycle of zip files. So when you install a new release make a special copy of the zip marking it as the prior release. (or whatever)

Have a checklist of things you learn from each install and use it for the next install. I have extracted my checklist below. Because of this, except for the mass compile I can be back up and running quickly.

One more note: If you have to format your drive have 3 checklist files so you have have them up on another machine at the same time. Have one for before the format, during the format and after the format. It makes it easy to move things into the correct places. I use to have the stuff in one big document and it gets very disorganized after a while. So the extract info below is from the "after the format" file, but obviously just for MultiCharts.

Code: Select all

 MultiCharts:
 Bring down the new release first. Do not start until you are sure you have it.
 TIP! Reread everything after MC is up and running. Last time you missed some stuff and had a scare one morning when your regirstration info had not been reentered.
 CRITICAL! Bring up MC off line and put all your tools (for example arcs) on your latest workspace and save it and back it up too. Now when you reinstall the new version go through all these tools one by one and use these tools to set the defaults after your new install.
 Tip, put the tool bars in the upper left corner and press screen print and put the picture in a word document then you must edit the picture and then you can increase the size to 700%. If you do not edit the picture you can only increase it to 176%.
 NOTE: If installing after a windows partition install with format you should return the directories first so your user settings are all there.
 First return all of C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\TS Support
 Secondly there is a TS support directory under John Bowles. Therefore return off all “Documents and Settings\John Bowles\TS Support. While you are at it why not return all of that.
 Do not return anything in the program files directory. The install itself sets that up.
 IMPORTANT: if this is a rebuild of windows with disk format you should return your workspaces directory from the full backup and the differential backup.
 Make sure your workspaces and 3 database files are backed up and marked as the last set of files for this release of MC. For the workspace backup use a zip file such as this
 MC says it is compiling all studies when you install it but it in fact does not (so answer no to this, you answer no by unchecking the check box). Therefore you must first export all EL code (everything). This saves bringing in the EL collections Map commands and List commands and the GV 2.2 stuff. Once the install is finished you import everything and recompile all uncompiled.
 NOTE: when you down load the new multicharts with google crome it uses its own directory. To find this and move the download where you want it click the top right wrench shaped icon (which is the options), click downloads, then find the item you just downloaded, now click the “show in folder” link which is associated with that item.
 You have to uninstall before you can install but you enter yes to the option to keep user settings etc. To do this go to control panel and use the standard uninstall from the programs list. It will run the MultiCharts Uninstall and there is a check box which allows you to keep your user settings. Just do not check this check box if it says that checking it will remove your user stuff. Note, that after you do the uninstall and before you put the GV 2.2 dll back and the EL collections dll back,
 Maybe you should restart the machine.

 Do the install Now.
 After the install is done (or a repair too) put in Elcollactions.dll, global variables dll, This goes in the multicharts program file directory.
 For MC2.1.999.999 You need to bring in the corrected daily bars DLL for Interactive Brokers. You have to place this DLL in C:\Program Files\TS Support\MultiCharts\Datafeeds
 After the install is done It is important to compile ALL the EL code you exported. This includes el collections code (list and map commands) and your code before opening the workspaces. If you do not do this then when you open the workspaces you loose all the stuff on your indicators such as the RSI lines (so make sure your workspaces are backed up).
 Keeping your user settings should keep this. However if you need to do this to get data from TWS you need to have TWS set up this way. Configure, API, Enable ActiveX and Socket clients. 7496 is the socket numbers. At the bottom you can see all api settings I have placed the screen for this at the very bottom of this document.
 MC is running now.
 CRITICAL! Put in your license info. You have to reenter the registration code if you reformat and reinstall because if you do not you will get a notice that your trial version has expired.
 CRITICAL! Do not upgrade the notebook until the desktop is good for at least a day live. If possible leave the old notebook version 1 week so you can pick up custom user settings from it.
 Use notebook MC to help Customize tool bars since you loose your custom settings on an upgrade.

 You should have created every one of your existing tools on the prior workspace. Use these to set the defaults.
 Note: when you first open up the work spaces and after you set the defaults on a single tool that is out there then remove the tool and create a new one to test the default actually works.
 Note that the MultiChart retrace tools should still be on your old workspace. Just bring them in and reset the defaults on these tools one by one.
 The Profit tool has a picture snapshot of the settings. “MC_Recovery_Pictures”
 You need to set the defaults on your tools. The tools will still be in the workspaces. So open them up and for every single tab set the default to the tool you have up.
 It seems that you need to set the taskbar to auto-hide so that MC does not keep shrinking down to one monitor each time you get logged out to the security window.
 TIP! Reread everything (top to bottom) after MC is up and running. Last time you missed some stuff and had a scare one morning when your regirstration info had not been reentered.
Last edited by bowlesj3 on 20 Nov 2011, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby PricePuzzle » 01 Nov 2011

Process: C:\Program Files (x86)\TS Support\MultiCharts\TradingServer.exe
Thread ID: 0x00002488 ( 9352 )
Time: 26.08.2011 - 15:11:34.267
I guess you may have the problem with TradingServer as mine. To investigate this
1) Check your TradingServer logs file, if the size is bigger than 1G. Then it is the same problem.
2) There is the file to disable the logs in
This is just temporary fix.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 02 Nov 2011

Same problem faced, the error pop up almost immediately whenever I try to connect my broker profile to IB. (It has work perfectly for a period of time. And one day the system crash. And I cannot connect to IB after that.)
Any method I can fix this before the new release. Now I am forced to stop trading.
Please close IB TWS.
Close Multicharts and all its products (i.e. MC, Quote Manager, PL editor, ....).
Make sure that all MC processes are ended.
In the Windows Task manager check these processes:
Please end the processes if they are still running after MC close.

After that-start MultiCharts and try to connect to TWS.
Please also make sure are you running MultiCharts 7.1 beta 1 or higher (MultiCharts->Help->About).

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby alex522 » 02 Nov 2011

Thanks a lot for all you great guy's advice.

I've just checked the TradingServer log. My one is still around 500k at the moment. And unluckily, stop the logging doesn't help. So I'll tried the 7.1 Beta first as that seems a bit simpler than the roll back method.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby alex522 » 07 Nov 2011

The system seems back to normal. But the 7.1Beta solutions is not as smooth as firstly expected:
1. After upgrade to 7.1Beta, when I connect to the IB profile, the MC just hang but without any error popup this time.
2. After reboot, I try again connect to the IB profile. And this time, it work normally. But after a few hours, the TradingServer error popup again.
3. And I reboot the machine and connect to the IB profile again. And this time, it finally work. (At least for today.) But for safety, I will connect it the the IB simulation account at least for one more day to ensure it really stabilized.
Last edited by alex522 on 17 Nov 2011, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 08 Nov 2011

I can recommend the following:
In Multicharts please go to this path File-> Broker profiles-> Manage-> IB-> Remove.
Update Multicharts to version 7.2.
After that add IB profile (New-> IB) in File-> Broker profiles-> Manage.

If this solution didn't help and you still have this issue-please come to our live chat Monday-Friday 6:30 am - 4 pm EST. We will do our best to help you.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby alex522 » 08 Nov 2011

Thanks, Henry. I will try that.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby alex522 » 14 Nov 2011

I have removed the IB profile, upgraded to 7.2Beta. And then re-intall the profile. But unluckily, it crash again after starting to trade.

And suddenly I remember I still have an ultimate solution that I haven't tried:
I have a backup of my machine about 3 months ago and my machine just started to crash about 1 month ago. So I copied the database files and export all the functions and studies from my machine, and copy/restore them to the restored machine from the backup. I can't imagine there's any reason it would crash now because all the MC files beside the database and imported studies are now old. But to my surprise, it crash again!!!

So I changed my thinking in other direction and have done a few other tests. And I have another interesting finding: The system just crashed when I am using the real trade IB account but not the simulation account. Anyone has any idea what is happening? It seems the root of the problem is around the TWS or my portfolio.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 14 Nov 2011

Please come to our live chat Monday-Friday 6:30 am - 4 pm EST to investigate the issue.
We will do our best to help you.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby arjfca » 16 Nov 2011

If I could put my two cents opinions

I used to have MC crashed very often until I changed how I use it

- I don't display a years of 1 minutes data. I go about 10 days for small scale time. Meaning, I don't over charge MC with data

If I need to do some backtest, I will split the test periods in smaller one then concatenate them.

- I display only one chart per session. If I want to compare two charts, then I open another session

My view: MC allocate defined resource for is need per session. If two charts is displayed then these resources are split between them

Since I operate MC using these two rules, MC as run flawlessly without causing me any problem

For sure it should be design like a solid army car, and resist to all assault, but it is not for the moment. This is a great tool, that as some limits. Just need to learn how to work around with it.

Good luck

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby alex522 » 17 Nov 2011

Thanks for the advice, unluckily in my case the system crash even for the simplest strategy with minimum data.
The MC support has dumped my files after another crash yesterday. Hopefully they can find the problem soon.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby TJ » 17 Nov 2011

Program crash are often caused by memory contamination.
ie. one program overwriting the memory space of another.

To narrow down the problem, I would do the following:

1. do not start other programs when using MultiCharts.

2. remove all programs that auto load when starting up your computer, including anti-virus and calendars.
you can see what programs are running in your TaskManager.

3. scan for virus, adware and Trojan horses.

4. vacuum the interior of the computer. Dust can cause computer crash.

5. check your CPU temperature. If the heat sink is not sit properly, it can cause your computer to crash.

6. check the memory modules to make sure they are secured. My computer was running fine for 3 years, then started crashing a few months ago. I found the memories modules slightly popped out of the slot for no reason.

Hope the above helps.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 18 Nov 2011

Thanks a lot for all you great guy's advice.

I've just checked the TradingServer log. My one is still around 500k at the moment. And unluckily, stop the logging doesn't help. So I'll tried the 7.1 Beta first as that seems a bit simpler than the roll back method.
The TradingServer crash issue is confirmed as a bug.
Here is a hotfix.
The fix will be also available in the next version of MultiCharts.

How to install a hotfix:
Please close Multicharts and all its windows.
Check that all MC processes are ended in Task manager:
Unzip the archive. Then run the Updater.exe and click on Update.
(705.36 KiB) Downloaded 192 times

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby alex522 » 23 Nov 2011

Unluckily, my TradingServer still crash after the hotfix. :(
Looking forward for the new patch.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 23 Nov 2011

Next time the problem will appear - please send us the logs and dumps for investigation.

Please copy the crash message and create the dump.
Here is how to create it:
Download the file and place it to drive C:
Start cmd.exe
Input this line
C:\Dumper.exe multicharts.exe (here you need to input the crashed process)
the dump will be created in this folder:
c:\users\’the user you are currently logged in’

Here's how to find the logs:
1)"%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application
Data\TS Support\MultiCharts\".
You should paste this line in Start --> Run and in the window that will pop
up make a zip-folder.
2) click on the Windows Start button-> Programs -> MultiCharts ->
make a right click on Logs-> then click on Properties.
Go to the Shortcut tab and click on "Open file location".
In the appeared window please compress to Zip folder called "Logs".
Send this archive to us and we will analyze it.

Please come to our live chat Monday-Friday 6:30 am - 4 pm EST to investigate the issue.
Please come early and we will do our best to help you.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby alex522 » 24 Nov 2011

Yes. Actually I've connected to the live chat this Monday and Katrin has already dump my logs.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby Katrin Yanenko » 29 Nov 2011

Dear Alex,

We need more details of this issue. Please come to our Live Chat as soon as you have the disconnection. Our working hours are from 6:30 am till 4 pm EST.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby alex522 » 29 Nov 2011

There is no new crash in the last three trading days. Hopefully that won't crash anymore.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby alex522 » 01 Dec 2011

I begin to use MC in my real trade in the last two days. I don't know why but everything is normal again now. It seems the patch is working now.

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Re: MC 7.0 has been crashing continuously for 2 days

Postby Katrin Yanenko » 02 Dec 2011

This is great news.
We are really glad to hear that.

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