Manual/Chart trading has too much bugs

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Manual/Chart trading has too much bugs

Postby manualtrader » 29 Dec 2011

MC is a great charting software, that's why I switched from NT, but there are a lot of bugs in ATM trading, which makes it very very difficult for real time trading, and I contacted Andrew, Henry, Katrin, Roman, and they all GREAT people trying to help me. Here are the ATM trading problems:

1. Master Strategy Targets does not work properly. I have Master Strategy auto attached to orders with three Profit Targets, if the entire order quantity is not filled one time, the profit targets will be wrong. For example, if 300 shares filled in three times, they will give you one Profit Target instead of three.
2. Master Strategy Profit Targets do not work when you add second position. If you had one position with three targets, when you add second position the same as the first one, it only adds the second position quantity to the third Target. For example, if you had 300 shares position with three targets, 100 shares @$51, 100 @52, 100 @51, when you add 300 shares more, you are expecting 200 shares @51, 200 shares @52, and 200 shares @53, instead it gives you 100@51, 100@52, and 400@53.
3. Master Strategy mixes all profit target for different orders. For example, if you entered order 300 shares at $50, the you have three targets per master strategy, 100 share @51, 100 shares @52, and 100@53; then if you entered second order 300 shares with three targets, such at $52, $53, $54, and the master strategy will combine the second lot targets with the first lots, and did the same with stops.

All these bugs make me so frustrated when I can't manage my trades corrrectly. I know many people are doing auto trading, but MC should not ignore the bugs in manual trading, because all new traders will start with manual trading, once they tried MC, they will go to NT for solution, NT handles ATM very well.

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Henry MultiСharts
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Re: Manual/Chart trading has too much bugs

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 30 Dec 2011

Hello Manualtrader.
Thank you for your kind words. The difficulties with manual trading you have described above are not bugs.

1) The described problem appears if the parent order is partially filled (not entire order quantity filled at once).
The default timeout is 1000 ms (1 second). The strategy fixes the current available amount of contracts 1000 ms after the first fill.
The workaround for this is to increase the default timeout in the registry editor.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TS Support\MultiCharts\TraderServer
You need to create a new DWORD value called "OrderPartFillTimeOutMSForATM" and set the data value in milliseconds in Decimal system.
The timer restarts after each next partial order fill.

2) This is expected behavior.
In current implementation of Master strategy:
The amount of contracts is set once when applying the strategy.
If the amount of contracts is changed for the parent order- the amount of contracts is changed from the Remainder level.
The amount of contracts for the other levels should not be changed.
Is the Remainder level is 0, the level is deleted.
The preceding level becomes the Remainder level.

3) The described situation happens because the exit strategies are applied to the entire position.

The functionality you have described works correctly.
Please submit a feature request to the Project Management of our web site if you would like to suggest the other implementation of these features:

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