pivots trading hourly INDICATOR

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Feb 17 2012


i try to find an indicator to have every hour pivots point from last hour of trading

if everyone have the code

thx to share it

best regards


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Feb 17 2012

Search here. They have a lot pivot indicators.


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Feb 17 2012

thx for the link

impossible to register...i m always waiting the link to register :(

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Feb 17 2012

if anyone can open this link..


i can t register :(

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Feb 17 2012

if anyone can open this link..


i can t register :(

check your private messages

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Feb 17 2012

thx arnie

no running in hourly chart

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Feb 26 2012

help needed please

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Feb 26 2012

help needed please
Hi chipeur.

Contact ABCTrading.
Chris is the best in coding EL and his prices are well afordable.


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Feb 26 2012

if anyone can open this link..


i can t register :(
a lot of times the registration mail is lost in the junk mail.
you can just log in and see if it works.

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Feb 26 2012

help needed please
Hi chipeur.

Contact ABCTrading.
Chris is the best in coding EL and his prices are well afordable.

how much does he charge?

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Feb 26 2012

help needed please
you have not given enough detail for people to help you.

what is the chart resolution ? hourly chart?
how would you like it displayed? line? number?
do you want someone to code it for you? or someone to help you resolve a coding problem?

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Feb 26 2012

A search in the Multicharts Knowledgebase brought up something that would probably do what you have in mind on an hourly chart. Pivot Study
Besides that I am almost sure that you can find a study that does what you have in mind via google, too.


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Feb 26 2012

...and his prices are well afordable.
how much does he charge?
Well, maybe that didn't come out as I wanted too...

What is affordable to me might not be to others...

Many in this forum already commented on the fine programming Chris does.

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Feb 28 2012

thx all

i try to find hourly pivots on hourly chart

every hour news pivots with the last hour with OHLC :)

best regards


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Feb 28 2012

every hour news pivots with the last hour with OHLC :)
I know what you want chipeur.

You want this:


Chris programmed it for me a couple of years ago.
It plots the previous 60min OHLC (there you can only see the high and low) into the next hour. This way you can use the previous extremes as resistance/support. Later I added Mark Fisher's Pivots (the gray lines).
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Feb 28 2012

every hour news pivots with the last hour with OHLC :)
I know what you want chipeur.

You want this:

Chris programmed it for me a couple of years ago.
It plots the previous 60min OHLC (there you can only see the high and low) into the next hour. This way you can use the previous extremes as resistance/support. Later I added Mark Fisher's Pivots (the gray lines).
...but he wants hourly pivot on an hourly chart, and he has not specified how he want the pivot presented. Maybe a dot?

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Feb 28 2012

A slight modification of the link I gave you should do it then:

Code: Select all


PIVOTPOINT = (HIGH[1] + LOW[1] + CLOSE[1] + OPEN[1]) / 4;

Format the plot as line, dot, cross - whatever you prefer. The only thing you might need to add is any support and resistance calculations, but for that one would need to know the formula you prefer.

This would look something like this, depending on the formula for the first support of course:

Code: Select all


PIVOTPOINT = (HIGH[1] + LOW[1] + CLOSE[1] + OPEN[1]) / 4;
Support1 = 2 * PIVOTPOINT - HIGH[1];

Plot2(Support1, "Support1");
The same way you'd add the other support and resistance points and you have a study that should do what you have in mind. If you have problems with the coding post them in here and I am sure someone will help you out.


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Feb 28 2012

see this one in 30 mn chart


we can have a input to have 30 or 60 mn rolling pivot

it seem to me that it is a good idea to test hourly pivots...i can tranform some code but i can t play with the time on a chart...

i hope..it s also good for MC communauty...

answers are always posted on forumto help everyone ;)

thx for your help

best regards

michael from france...we have an oscar trophy now ...lol

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Feb 28 2012

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Feb 28 2012

Since I'm a IRT user I was able to confirm opening that same chart that is shown in the link.
Those are not hourly pivots. Those are normal daily pivots plotted on a 30 minute chart.

I think you are confused on what you requested.

What you show on those links are what is shown on the image I used above. Nobody here is saying it's not possible.
Last edited by arnie on Feb 28 2012, edited 1 time in total.

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Feb 28 2012

sorry arnie

bad english !!!!!!!!!!!!

but iknow what i try to write :)

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Feb 29 2012

I have not used it for a long time, for other intruments than the CME/EUREX futures and other intervals than a 5 minute chart you need to change the code.

Code: Select all

// Calculate Hourly Pivots on 5 min charts
input: sod (sess1starttime ), eod ( sess1endtime ), PlotUsedValuesForCalc(false);

RHigh (0),
RLow (0),
PivotHourly (0),
PivotR1 (0),
PivotS1 (0),
Pivotcolor (0),
Hclose (0), //Hourly Close
Divisor (0),
MinutesForHL (0);
Once begin
if mod ( sess1starttime , 100 ) = 30 then Divisor = 30; // Session starts a :30 , ie ES , NQ
if mod ( sess1starttime , 100 ) = 00 then Divisor = 00; // We have natural hours as start , ie FDAX, BUND, ESTX50
if bartype <> 1 then raiseruntimeerror ( " Works only on minute bars " );
if barinterval <>5 then raiseruntimeerror ( " barinterval needs to be 5" );
//Test print if we have the correct sess1starttime / sess1endtime in the QM, else sod and eod needs to be adjusted manually
//For Eurex: 800 / 2200
//For CME: 830 / 1515
print ( getsymbolname , Spaces(2) , sess1starttime , Spaces(2), sess1endtime ,Spaces(2), mod ( sess1starttime , 100 ), Spaces(2), Divisor, Spaces(2),barinterval);

if barstatus ( 1 ) = 2 then
if mod ( time,100 ) = Divisor or t = eod then
Hclose= Close;
If Divisor = 00 then
RHigh = Highest( High , 12 );
RLow = Lowest ( Low , 12 );
If Divisor = 30 then
if t = eod then
RHigh = Highest( High , 9 );
RLow = Lowest ( Low , 9 );
RHigh = Highest( High , 12 );
RLow = Lowest ( Low , 12 );

PivotHourly = (HClose+RHigh+RLow)/3;
PivotR1=(2*PivotHourly )-RLow ;
PivotS1=(2*PivotHourly )-RHigh ;
if PivotHourly >= PivotHourly[1] then Pivotcolor = green else Pivotcolor= darkbrown;
// Plot used values for pivot calc at the end of the last calc bar
if PlotUsedValuesForCalc then
Plot4 (Hclose,"Hclose", darkgray);
Plot5 (RHigh, "RHigh ", magenta );
Plot6 (RLow, "RLow", cyan );


//Plot as Dot or Cross, forward 1 Bar
plot1 [-1]( PivotHourly , " PivotHourly ", Pivotcolor );
plot2 [-1]( PivotR1, " PivotR1 ", red );
plot3 [-1]( PivotS1, " PivotS1 ", blue );


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Mar 01 2012

thx to SP to his answer

i try to begin to work with this code

best regards


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Sep 14 2012

every hour news pivots with the last hour with OHLC :)
I know what you want chipeur.

You want this:


Chris programmed it for me a couple of years ago.
It plots the previous 60min OHLC (there you can only see the high and low) into the next hour. This way you can use the previous extremes as resistance/support. Later I added Mark Fisher's Pivots (the gray lines).

Can you please post the study? Thanks.

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Sep 14 2012


Can you please post the study? Thanks.
Hi olobay.

This is a custom made study (ie. I've payed for its development).
Can't post it.