elexcel.dll on 2 workspace failed.. why?  [SOLVED]

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Nov 30 2012


A question for genius coder ( at least more than me :) )

Problem using elexcel.dll on more than one worspace

I would like to know the cause of failure of the elexcel.dll when I apply it at the same time on two workspaces.

- Is there a solution, a Boolean condition to be use ?

- Is a new dll may be coded to resolve the problem. If so, what need to be include in the code to prevent the problem. If I can't resolve the problem with the actual dll, and, if there is a solution, I want to start coding my own dll tool to communicate with Excel using VB express and this would be my first project. If successful I will share it to the comunity

Any help or information appreciated


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Andrew MultiCharts
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Nov 30 2012

Hello arjfca,

We have tested the .dll it turned out it cannot be used by scripts from 2 separate charts or workspace. But if you launch 2nd instance of MultiCharts, you should be able to use the .dll there

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Nov 30 2012

Hello arjfca,

We have tested the .dll it turned out it cannot be used by scripts from 2 separate charts or workspace. But if you launch 2nd instance of MultiCharts, you should be able to use the .dll there
I'm not succeeding in launching elexcel.dll on a 2' MC instance. I'm looking for a solution that will allow me to send data from MC to Excel after each terminating bar of whatever scale that I'm using while Excel after receiving these data , compute them automatically.

My interrogation is also, why. What could cause that. This is technical, but I like to understand in & out of a problem

A good weekend to all


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Andrew MultiCharts
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Nov 30 2012

I am afraid the only thing we can do for you is to study your case when the .dll can be used from 2 different MC instances, if you come to our live chat to demonstrate the issue.

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Dec 12 2012

Hello arjfca,

We have tested the .dll it turned out it cannot be used by scripts from 2 separate charts or workspace. But if you launch 2nd instance of MultiCharts, you should be able to use the .dll there
Hello Andrew

Just to let you know that I did succeed to send data from up to 8 charts in the same instance using Elexcel and Global variable

One chart is defined as Master and will be the one to communicate with Excel. The other one will be set as Slave and they will save their info in global variable

The Master will read global variable and if needed will send data to Excel to it appropriate cell target.
