Trendlines, Text, etc. on Subcharts

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Jan 12 2018

Dear All,

I would appreciate if you could help.

I have a scanner window and have linked the instruments to a chart. So effectively when I click on instruments on the scanner, the adjacent chart in the workspace displays the relevant chart. When I draw trendlines on the chart itself, and switch to different instruments the trendlines don't appear on every charts however for subcharts, it seems that when I draw a trendline, text, note, etc on one subchart, it is displayed on that subchart for all instruments. Am I doing anything wrong? Is there anyway around it. Particularly when I leave notes on the indicator or mark divergence etc in my analysis I am seeing this on the subchart for all instruments which clearly shouldn't be the case.

Greatly appreciate your help.

Many thanks.


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Henry MultiСharts
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Jan 26 2018

Hello Art,

This behavior is by design. If you want the drawings on the subchart to be "per instrument" you need to add a second data series with the same instrument and resolution as the main data series. Place it on the same subchart with your indicator, link 1st and 2nd data series and scanner, set 2nd data series style to Hidden bars. Then right click on the subchart-> Visual Order, click on the instrument in the list and then click Send to Back. Now the new drawings you place on the subchart will be linked to the hidden instrument on it.