Can I assign the current market position in Auto Trading?

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Aug 14 2008

After connection loss or re-compile the signal, the auto trading will be stopped be automatically. If the auto trading is started again, the MC will assume that the current marketposition is 0. Can I assign the current market position and current contracts in Auto Trading?

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Marina Pashkova
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Aug 15 2008

After connection loss or re-compile the signal, the auto trading will be stopped be automatically. If the auto trading is started again, the MC will assume that the current marketposition is 0. Can I assign the current market position and current contracts in Auto Trading?
Hi ppan,

There is no way to do so in MultiCharts because we allow both trading the same symbol from different charts and trading manually directly in TWS at the same time.


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Aug 15 2008

Can you clarify this please Marina. Am I correct to say this discussion is only relevent to sync mode because in async mode, MC doesn't care about your open positions, it will just forward every chart signal to the broker.

I haven't been using sync mode long, but if what ppan is saying is true, if while I'm in a position I lose connection with IB (such as happens at midnight every night when IB reboots their servers), or fix a bug with a signal and recompile, MC won't exit my position upon reconnecting because it assumes marketposition is 0? This would prevent me from using sync mode as some of my signals hold overnight.

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Marina Pashkova
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Aug 19 2008

Hi brendanh,

No matter what mode of auto trading is used, sync or async, when the connection is lost and auto-trading is turned on and then you turn auto trading back on market position will be taken as 0.

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Aug 19 2008

So given that IB disconnects overnight, this means MC can't exit inter-day positions? Please confirm.

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Marina Pashkova
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Aug 19 2008

Hi brendan,

If the connection is lost long enough for auto trading to get disabled, no open positions will be closed automatically. Moreover, when in this situation you enable auto trading again, market position is 0.

In the situation when the connection loss does not result in auto trading getting disabled and if data has been transmitted completely and without any failures, once the connection to TWS is re-established, auto trading will continue as if nothing has happened. But once again, only if auto trading hasn't been disabled as a results of the lost connection to TWS.

Please let me know if you need further clarifications.

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Aug 19 2008

Am I the only one who thinks this makes MC autotrading extremely unreliable? There are myriad reasons for broker disconnection, any of which will cause MC to fail to exit your positions upon re-enabling autotrading. I thought Async mode would just send all signals to IB regardless, so I'm surprised this is not the case.

We could increase the value for Disable auto trading after x seconds on the connection loss (see attached) to a long time. What is the maximum for this value? However this would still be unreliable as no new signals would be sent during this period and if we aren't notified of the broker disconnection, or aren't at the computer to fix the problem, MC would still disable trading at the timeout, and then fail auto-exit postions upon re-enabling.

Anyone else agree that Async mode should be changed so it sends all signals and makes no position assumptions? Without the ability to reliably exit trades, MC autotrading is fundamentally broken.
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Last edited by brendanh on Aug 19 2008, edited 3 times in total.

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Aug 19 2008

After connection loss or re-compile the signal, the auto trading will be stopped be automatically. If the auto trading is started again, the MC will assume that the current marketposition is 0. Can I assign the current market position and current contracts in Auto Trading?
Hi ppan,

There is no way to do so in MultiCharts because we allow both trading the same symbol from different charts and trading manually directly in TWS at the same time.


MC really needs powerlanguage functionality to read market position at brokers end, so that one can control order flow within strategies/studies.

This functionality should take care of concern regarding re-connections issues of position mismatch.


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Marina Pashkova
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Aug 20 2008

Hi Brendan,
Am I the only one who thinks this makes MC autotrading extremely unreliable?
I am afraid this is a very strong statement made without enough supporting evidence.
There are myriad reasons for broker disconnection, any of which will cause MC to fail to exit your positions upon re-enabling autotrading.
There aren't myriad reasons for broker disconnection. There is only one: maintenance disconnection that occurs once a day. In this case, auto trading can't pick up connection automatically once IB is loaded again. But we are working to make it possible. Also, you can use this program to log TWS back in after it shuts down:
I thought Async mode would just send all signals to IB regardless, so I'm surprised this is not the case.
The difference b/w sync and async modes is as follows:

Synchronous Auto Trading mode (SAT) is a mode when orders are plotted on the chart only after they have been executed at the broker.

SAT helps you to avoid discrepancies between the market position according to the chart and the one on the broker’s end under the following conditions:

1. One strategy is applied to one symbol
2. The market position at the broker equals zero at the time when auto trading is launched
3. A trader does not trade the symbol via the terminal during auto trading
4. During the connection loss, the broker did not send notifications about full order filling (cancellation)

Asynchronous Autotrading Mode simply plots all the orders generated locally in MultiCharts.

We could increase the value for Disable auto trading after x seconds on the connection loss (see attached) to a long time. What is the maximum for this value?
The max is 24 hours or 86400 seconds.
However this would still be unreliable as no new signals would be sent during this period
No new signals would be even generated in this case, because the disrupted connection would mean no quotes are coming in, hence there's no new data for new orders to be generated.
and if we aren't notified of the broker disconnection, or aren't at the computer to fix the problem, MC would still disable trading at the timeout, and then fail auto-exit postions upon re-enabling.
MultiCharts is not supposed to auto-exit open positions upon re-enabling auto trading. What if you opened some positions manually? What if you were using different strategies? How would you determined how the resulting position was actually achieved and how it should be exited?
Anyone else agree that Async mode should be changed so it sends all signals and makes no position assumptions?
I am afraid there must be some kind of misinterpretation of how auto trading works. Auto trading cannot avoid making assumptions regarding market position because order submission depends on what the current position is.
Without the ability to reliably exit trades, MC autotrading is fundamentally broken.
All experienced traders understand that auto trading is not something that will work endlessly without any interruptions or failures. Unless the system is very basic autotrading must be monitored. There are too many parts involved to think that it is possible to create auto trading that does not require monitoring.

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Marina Pashkova
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Aug 20 2008


MC really needs powerlanguage functionality to read market position at brokers end, so that one can control order flow within strategies/studies.

This functionality should take care of concern regarding re-connections issues of position mismatch.

The implementation that you are suggesting would cause the following conflict:

At the moment, the supervision is run on the strategy engine level. Trying to do the same thing from functions doesn't fit into this concept.

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Aug 20 2008

Hi Brendan,
There are myriad reasons for broker disconnection, any of which will cause MC to fail to exit your positions upon re-enabling autotrading.
There aren't myriad reasons for broker disconnection. There is only one: maintenance disconnection that occurs once a day.
It worries me that you think this Marina:
- IB Maintenance
- IB failure
- Bug discovery in signal
- Power failure
- Internet failure
- PC\OS\software failure

I'm sure other hard-bitten traders can give many more examples.
In this case, auto trading can't pick up connection automatically once IB is loaded again. But we are working to make it possible. Also, you can use this program to log TWS back in after it shuts down:
This program doesn't work because IB login now requires manual insertion of a code from a security device. Also it doesn't work with Vista. Even if you auto-reenable after maintenance, it doesn't change the fact that MC won't auto-exit after all the other disconnect situations above.
I thought Async mode would just send all signals to IB regardless, so I'm surprised this is not the case.
The difference b/w sync and async modes is as follows:
So they are the same except async plots all orders, sync only plots broker-filled orders
We could increase the value for Disable auto trading after x seconds on the connection loss (see attached) to a long time. What is the maximum for this value?
The max is 24 hours or 86400 seconds.
However this would still be unreliable as no new signals would be sent during this period
No new signals would be even generated in this case, because the disrupted connection would mean no quotes are coming in, hence there's no new data for new orders to be generated.
You fail to distinguish between data connection and broker connection. Quotes can still come in after IB disconnects.
and if we aren't notified of the broker disconnection, or aren't at the computer to fix the problem, MC would still disable trading at the timeout, and then fail auto-exit postions upon re-enabling.
MultiCharts is not supposed to auto-exit open positions upon re-enabling auto trading. What if you opened some positions manually? What if you were using different strategies? How would you determined how the resulting position was actually achieved and how it should be exited?
Of course it is supposed to auto-exit upon re-enabling otherwise it is false advertising to say "MultiCharts automated trading platform is seamlessly integrated with the Interactive Brokers order execution gateway, making it possible to fully automate the trading process.". You are not "fully" automating the trading process without reliably auto-exiting. I am a systems trader, I only trade my systems. If I manually enter a position it would only be to match my real-world postion with my system position. It is for precisely the reason that I might be trading other strategies that MC should have a simple mode that makes no position assumptions. I can determine how my postion was achieved because I am a trader! MC should not try to second guess me. Please force me to disclaim all responsibility from TSSupport for financial losses, just exit my positions!
Anyone else agree that Async mode should be changed so it sends all signals and makes no position assumptions?
I am afraid there must be some kind of misinterpretation of how auto trading works. Auto trading cannot avoid making assumptions regarding market position because order submission depends on what the current position is.
You may think that trading platforms can't avoid making assumptions, your competitors (eg TS) who provide a no-position-match mode do not. I suggest you bring your thinking into line with real traders and your competitors. MC autotrading would be closer to acceptibility if the assumptions it made were correct, but they aren't. Regardless of my RW position, MC assumes I am flat upon re-enabling autotrading.
Without the ability to reliably exit trades, MC autotrading is fundamentally broken.

All experienced traders understand that auto trading is not something that will work endlessly without any interruptions or failures. Unless the system is very basic autotrading must be monitored. There are too many parts involved to think that it is possible to create auto trading that does not require monitoring.

I don't expect it to work endlessly without failure, however I do expect those failures shouldn't be because of a bad design decision. I accept autotrading must be monitored, I never said it shouldn't.

Please explain how MC autotrading is not fundamentally broken for people like me. I trade inter-day using IB, and like most traders I sometimes have broker-disconnection due to the list above.

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Aug 20 2008

I agree that MC should have a simple mode option switch that trades in accordance with the signal/strategy position and makes no position assumption (eg flat when reconnected) other than that determined by the strategy currentposition. The onus is then on the trader to match the IB position with the system position. MC should still be able to have several charts on the same instrument eg 4 long & 1 short = 3 long in IB.

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Aug 21 2008


MC really needs powerlanguage functionality to read market position at brokers end, so that one can control order flow within strategies/studies.

This functionality should take care of concern regarding re-connections issues of position mismatch.

The implementation that you are suggesting would cause the following conflict:

At the moment, the supervision is run on the strategy engine level. Trying to do the same thing from functions doesn't fit into this concept.
I don't know how your strategy engine works but it is possible to do so in TS, there used to be an utility called Dynaorder whcih could read brokers position into TS through a custom Dll. I have used it very succesfully for may years, unfortunately Dyanorder went out of business and upgrades to keep up with IB API changes were not possible. In short there is a solution if MC has interest in implementing it.

I strongly support that MC should have an additional option which does not make any position assumptions in autotrade mode.


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Marina Pashkova
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Aug 22 2008

Hi Brendan,

If you re-read your post you will see that it’s full of contradictions.

No mater why auto trading is disabled, MC does not factor in the market position at the broker. The program simply sends all the generated signals. Just the way you want it to be done.

After auto trading is enabled, the trading starts with market position=Flat. Therefore open positions will not be closed.

According to our tests, TS 8 works in exactly the same way. If you have evidence to the contrary, please post it in this topic.

The above behavior is perfectly logical, because the decision to close open positions will not necessarily be always the best decision. For example, your strategy entered a very good position after which auto trading was disabled. If we use your scenario, the system will close the position and start waiting for new entry signals, which will NOT come along again because a nice trading setup has already been missed. A good trade will be lost. If you simply turn auto trading back on after that trade was entered and start waiting for the next signal to be generated, then, most probably, the strategy will generate a reverse signal that will exit the position. Of course, it might not happen and the strategy will generate a signal in the same direction which isn’t good. In this case, we leave it up to the traders to decide if open positions should be closed or not.

Once again, TS 8.3 does exactly the same. After auto trading has been turned on, TS notifies you that there are open positions and offers you to close them manually. We simply ignore that, but the behavior of the two programs is essentially the same: in both cases 100% automated trading cannot be guaranteed. However, this is true only in this particular case. In other scenarios, auto trading is truly and completely automated.

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Marina Pashkova
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Aug 22 2008


MC really needs powerlanguage functionality to read market position at brokers end, so that one can control order flow within strategies/studies.

This functionality should take care of concern regarding re-connections issues of position mismatch.

The implementation that you are suggesting would cause the following conflict:

At the moment, the supervision is run on the strategy engine level. Trying to do the same thing from functions doesn't fit into this concept.
I don't know how your strategy engine works but it is possible to do so in TS, there used to be an utility called Dynaorder whcih could read brokers position into TS through a custom Dll. I have used it very succesfully for may years, unfortunately Dyanorder went out of business and upgrades to keep up with IB API changes were not possible. In short there is a solution if MC has interest in implementing it.

I strongly support that MC should have an additional option which does not make any position assumptions in autotrade mode.


Reading positions by using external dlls is something else. But it certainly can be done in MC. MC supports such external dlls just the way TS does.

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Aug 22 2008

No mater why auto trading is disabled, MC does not factor in the market position at the broker. The program simply sends all the generated signals. Just the way you want it to be done.
After auto trading is enabled, the trading starts with market position=Flat. Therefore open positions will not be closed.
You are contradicting yourself. It does not send all generated signals as exit signals are not sent upon enabling autotrading.
According to our tests, TS 8 works in exactly the same way. If you have evidence to the contrary, please post it in this topic.
I have been using TS automation for many years, your tests in this matter are flawed. See attached "TS AutoTrading.gif" showing TS Automation options. I use the "Allow reversing exit and entry orders..." option. See the explanatory text "Note that if this option is selected the strategy will not perform the usual position checks before placing an order and the Postion Match value WILL NOT be used to determine whether an order is placed". TS makes no assumptions about my RW positions in this mode, it simply forwards all chart signals to be filled. Please match your competitor.
The above behavior is perfectly logical, because the decision to close open positions will not necessarily be always the best decision. For example, your strategy entered a very good position after which auto trading was disabled. If we use your scenario, the system will close the position and start waiting for new entry signals, which will NOT come along again because a nice trading setup has already been missed. A good trade will be lost.
I think you fail to distinguish between immediately closing positions, and placing chart exit orders. Upon re-enabling, I'm not suggesting MC should place exit orders that immediately close positions (unless the system happened to want to do this upon re-enabling). It should however place the signal-generated exit orders from the current bar. See further details of how TS handles these two possibilities below. I accept that MC will fail to send the historical signals that were generated during broker disconnection. I will place these orders with IB manually.

The principle here is that I am a systems trader. The system determines what is the best decision for me, not MC.
If you simply turn auto trading back on after that trade was entered and start waiting for the next signal to be generated, then, most probably, the strategy will generate a reverse signal that will exit the position. Of course, it might not happen and the strategy will generate a signal in the same direction which isn’t good. In this case, we leave it up to the traders to decide if open positions should be closed or not.
I think you aren't distinguishing between current and historical signals. Only current orders should be placed in which case as long as the trader has manually matched RW with chart position before re-enabling and the exit order is filled, there will be no problem.
Once again, TS 8.3 does exactly the same. After auto trading has been turned on, TS notifies you that there are open positions and offers you to close them manually.
TS is not the same. Yes when autotrading is enabled when you are in a chart position, it offers you to close it immediately manually (this is the Close Position button in the attached "TS Reenable Autotrading Close.gif "). However TS also offers the second option Exit Position in the attached "TS Reenable Autotrading Exit.gif" which places any current chart exit orders (which could be limit\stop orders that are not immediately filled).

The key point is that TS gives the option of auto-exiting positions in accordance with chart signals, regardless of your RW position.
We simply ignore that, but the behavior of the two programs is essentially the same: in both cases 100% automated trading cannot be guaranteed. However, this is true only in this particular case. In other scenarios, auto trading is truly and completely automated.
The behavior is not the same. Yes 100% automated trading cannot be guarranteed, but at the moment MC is 100% guarranteeing that after enabling automation while in a chart position, exit trades won't be placed.
TS AutoTrading.gif
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TS Reenable Autotrading Close.gif
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TS Reenable Autotrading Exit.gif
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Marina Pashkova
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Aug 25 2008

Hi Brendan,

Thank you very much for the clarification. We now understand what exactly you want to have implemented in MultiCharts.

Although TS 8 does not allow a 100% strategy automation, it does make it possible not to send an exit signal if needed. We were not aware of the fact. This feature will be added in MC 4.1

Thank you very much for your help!

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Aug 25 2008

You're welcome Marina. Glad I could help improve MC :-) Do you have an estimated release date for 4.1?

If you are going to match TS's design by displaying a window each time autotrading is enabled while in a chart position containing the option to exit positions, please can you match them in making it easily automatable by a script, ie the window is uniquely titled with buttons that have associated keyboard shortcuts (underlined letters).

Or even better considering there are probably many TS users like me who always press the Exit this position button, create a new tickbox on the AutoTrading tab: Always exit positions when enabling AutoTrading which suppresses this window.

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Aug 26 2008

Hi brendan,

I don't think we'll be automating execution via script and buttons. What we are going to do, though is just get MultiCharts compare the position on the chart to that on the broker and then take certain actions. And that's where we need your help again:

Could you please describe the possible scenarios of action depending on how positions on the broker and in the chart differ?

Thank you.

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Aug 26 2008

I still don't think you understand what I would like implemented in MC. Currently MC autotrading is unusable because if (for a number of reasons) automation becomes disabled while in a position, it will fail to send exit orders upon re-enabling because it makes the incorrect assumption that you are flat.

I'm requesting that MC has a simple mode that makes no position assumptions. It simply sends all chart signals (including exits) to the broker. This is equivalent to the TS "Allow reversing exit and entry orders..." mode.

In this mode MC would not check whether the number of contracts\shares in IB matched the number in the chart position. If it did then if you have multiple charts on the same symbol (which I do), it would have to compare across all automated charts, which would be prohibitively complicated to program (which is why TS haven't attempted it). It would only do position comparison in the sense that it would compare whether a limit order that was chart-filled in the current bar had been broker-filled (within the user-defined number of seconds), and if not cancel and place a market order instead.

I have never used a position-comparison automation mode, so am not the best person to help you design this. I suggest someone who has used this in TS would be better able to assist you. If this mode will be difficult to implement (I suspect there will be lots of IB API calls), please only program the simple mode above that does does no position-comparison in the interrim, as this will allow people like me to start using MC for automatic trading.

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Marina Pashkova
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Aug 26 2008

Hi Brendan,

If we make auto trading in the described situation work the way it does in TS, would that be enough to begin with?


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Aug 26 2008

Hi Brendan,

If we make auto trading in the described situation work the way it does in TS, would that be enough to begin with?

As I've previously said, if you can combine TS's features with IB's brokerage, you have created the best trading platform on the planet.

Not sure what you mean by this. TS has position-comparison mode and no position-comparison mode. I suggest you start with the no-position comparison mode this is much simpler. Removing the flat position assumption would be a big first step forward.

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Marina Pashkova
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Aug 27 2008

Hi Brendan,

Here's what we've come up so far (see the screenshot). If you need clarifications or have further suggestions as to how it should be modified, please let me know.
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Aug 27 2008

MC should assume the chart position is the broker position at initialisation. Thus when I'm in a chart position, exit it in accordance with my MC signal in IB. There should be no need for a window asking my broker-position.

TS initialises differently in that it asks for broker position in the form of the attached "TS Reenable Autotrading Exit.gif" screenshot (above). If you are in a chart position, it asks you do you want to Exit position ? If you press the Exit position button, it assumes chart matches broker, and places exit trades in accordance with your strategy. If you choose Do not exit this position, it assumes you are broker-flat and does not place strategy exit orders.

Personally, I'd prefer not to have to tell MC to Exit position each time autotrading is enabled. It should assume I want to. If I didn't want to exit, I wouldn't have enabled autotrading on that chart. But you may want to make this configurable.

Additionally, if TS detects you have a broker position in the chart instrument at initialisation, it asks, do you want to Close position (see "TS Reenable Autotrading Close.gif" above). If you choose Close position, TS immediately exits the position. If you choose Do not close position, it doesn't. I always choose Do not close position, so again, this is redundant to me and ideally the dialogue's existance should be configurable.

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Aug 27 2008

I fully suppport brendanh's comments regarding the problem with MC autotrading. When MC reconnects it assumes that the position is flat. In reality a position is held with IB and the signal shows that position on the chart. The next signal to appear is an exit, MC does not generate this exit order because it has wrongly assumed a flat position. MC should assume the position determined by "marketposition" in powerlanguage. If any signals have been generated by MC whilst disconnected then the trader must correct these by phone to IB whilst disconnected or by correcting the positions manually when reconnected. This was the case with earlier versions of MC.
If multiple signals/charts are traded on the same instrument the existing situation becomes a nightmare to get back in sync. Thankyou brendanh for your clear explanation.

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Marina Pashkova
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Aug 28 2008

Hi guys,

Let us know if these options will cover what you would like to see in MC auto trading:
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Aug 28 2008

+1 support to brendanh's suggestion

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Aug 28 2008

Hi guys,

Let us know if these options will cover what you would like to see in MC auto trading:

Looks good to me.

Thanks for your support.


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Aug 28 2008

I'm happy with that. Thanks Marina.

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Aug 28 2008

That looks good.
It might be clearer if the last two points began with with the word "Assume" instead of "Make" because we are not expecting MC to send any order to change anything on connection.

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Aug 29 2008

I second Johnchan's suggestion. "Make" suggests MC will immediately change broker position upon initialisation regardless of signal state. "Assume" means it only affects whether exit signals are forwarded to broker, which is what we want.

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Marina Pashkova
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Sep 04 2008

Hi guys,

We've changed the phrasing from 'Make' to 'Assume'.

Thank you for your input!

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Sep 11 2008

I notice this didn't make it into beta 2. Can you give an ETA please Marina?

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Marina Pashkova
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Sep 25 2008

Hi brendanh,

The feature is ready and it will be included into MultiCharts 4.1
