Signal trade with other symbol  [SOLVED]

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Signal trade with other symbol

Postby williamhk » 01 Aug 2012

Great to see MC support .Net finally, a strong fight back to its competitor ;)

With the .net API, is it still not possible to send order for symbols other than the primary one using on the chart?

Do we still need to make two charts each running the same strategy in pair trade scenario?

Thanks for input in advanced.

Happy trading.

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Stan Bokov
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Re: Signal trade with other symbol  [SOLVED]

Postby Stan Bokov » 02 Aug 2012

You can send orders from MultiCharts .NET to any connected profile and for any symbol. These orders are unmanaged, meaning that if you are sending orders outside of regular MC channels, you are responsible for monitoring them yourself. I've inserted the test script below and attached a PLN file with the same code.

Code: Select all

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using PowerLanguage.Function;
using ATCenterProxy.interop;
using PowerLanguage.TradeManager;
using ATCenterProxy;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace PowerLanguage.Strategy
public class Test_TradeManager_4 : SignalObject
public Test_TradeManager_4(object _ctx) : base(_ctx) { ctx = _ctx; }

object ctx;
private IOrderMarket buy_order;

private String MBTProfileName = "MB Trading";
private String MBTAccount = "35031736";
private String MBTSymbol = "/ESU2";

private String OECProfileName = "Open E Cry";
private String OECAccount = "DEMO342738";
private String OECSymbol = "ESU2";

bool MBTIsLastTradePositive;
bool OECIsLastTradePositive;

bool MBTIsOrderPased;
bool OECIsOrderPased;

double m_TakeProfitValue = 12.5;
double m_StopLossValue = -25;

ITradingProfile OEC;
ITradingProfile MBT;
OrderParams MBTop;
OrderParams OECop;
OpenPositionManager m_OpenPositionManager;

bool isSubscribet;

protected override void Create()
isSubscribet = false;
MBTop = new OrderParams();
OECop = new OrderParams();

void Positions_Deleted(params Position[] _items)
Output.WriteLine("------> Positions_Deleted");
foreach (Position p in _items)
m_OpenPositionManager.Delete(p.Profile, p.Symbol);

void Positions_Changed(params Position[] _items)
Output.WriteLine("------> Positions_Changed");
foreach (Position p in _items)
m_OpenPositionManager.Change(p.Profile, p.Symbol, p.Value, p.OpenPL);

void Positions_Added(params Position[] _items)
Output.WriteLine("------> Positions_Added");
foreach (Position p in _items)
m_OpenPositionManager.Add(p.Profile, p.Symbol, p.Value, p.OpenPL);

protected override void StartCalc()
if (MBT == null)
MBT = GetProfile(MBTProfileName);
if (OEC == null)
OEC = GetProfile(OECProfileName);
if (MBT == null || OEC == null) ExecControl.Abort("No Profiles");

m_OpenPositionManager = new OpenPositionManager(Output);

if (!isSubscribet)
TradeManager.TradingData.Positions.Added += new TItemsChanged<Position>(Positions_Added);
TradeManager.TradingData.Positions.Changed += new TItemsChanged<Position>(Positions_Changed);
TradeManager.TradingData.Positions.Deleted += new TItemsChanged<Position>(Positions_Deleted);
isSubscribet = true;

MBTop = GetDefaultParams();
OECop = GetDefaultParams();

protected override void CalcBar()
if (Environment.IsRealTimeCalc)

PositionInfo MBTPosValue = m_OpenPositionManager.GetValue(MBTProfileName, MBTSymbol);
PositionInfo OECPosValue = m_OpenPositionManager.GetValue(OECProfileName, OECSymbol);

Output.WriteLine("MBTPL = {0}, OECPL = {1}", MBTPosValue.OpenPL, OECPosValue.OpenPL);
if (OECPosValue.OpenPL == 0 && MBTPosValue.OpenPL == 0)
MBTop.action = MTPA_OrdrActn.eMTPA_OA_Sell;
OECop.action = MTPA_OrdrActn.eMTPA_OA_Buy;

if (OECPosValue.OpenPL < m_StopLossValue && OECIsOrderPased)
OECop.action = GetAction(OECPosValue.Quantity);
OECIsLastTradePositive = false;
PlaceOrder(OEC, OECSymbol, OECAccount, OECop);
OECIsOrderPased = false;
if (OECPosValue.OpenPL >= m_TakeProfitValue && OECIsOrderPased)
OECop.action = GetAction(OECPosValue.Quantity);
OECIsLastTradePositive = true;

PlaceOrder(OEC, OECSymbol, OECAccount, OECop);
OECIsOrderPased = false;

if (OECPosValue.OpenPL == 0 && !OECIsOrderPased)
if (OECIsLastTradePositive)
OECop.action = ReverseAction(OECop.action);
PlaceOrder(OEC, OECSymbol, OECAccount, OECop);
OECIsOrderPased = true;

if (MBTPosValue.OpenPL < m_StopLossValue && MBTIsOrderPased)
MBTop.action = GetAction(MBTPosValue.Quantity);
MBTIsLastTradePositive = false;
PlaceOrder(MBT, MBTSymbol, MBTAccount, MBTop);
MBTIsOrderPased = false;
if (MBTPosValue.OpenPL >= m_TakeProfitValue && MBTIsOrderPased)
MBTop.action = GetAction(MBTPosValue.Quantity);
MBTIsLastTradePositive = true;

PlaceOrder(MBT, MBTSymbol, MBTAccount, MBTop);
MBTIsOrderPased = false;

if (MBTPosValue.OpenPL == 0 && !MBTIsOrderPased)
if (MBTIsLastTradePositive)
MBTop.action = ReverseAction(MBTop.action);
PlaceOrder(MBT, MBTSymbol, MBTAccount, MBTop);
MBTIsOrderPased = true;

if (Bars.LastBarOnChart)
Output.WriteLine("PNL MBT = {0}", GetClosedPL(MBTProfileName, MBTSymbol));
Output.WriteLine("PNL OEC = {0}", GetClosedPL(OECProfileName, OECSymbol));

protected IEnumerable<PowerLanguage.TradeManager.Order> GetOrderList(String Profile,
String symbol,
ETM_OrderState _stat)
return from o in TradeManager.TradingData.Orders.Items
where (o.Profile == Profile && o.Symbol == symbol && o.State == _stat)
select o;

protected double GetClosedPL(String Profile, String Symbol)
IEnumerable<PowerLanguage.TradeManager.Order> ords = GetOrderList(Profile, Symbol, ETM_OrderState.eTM_OS_Filled);
double result = 0;
MCSymbolInfo si2 = GetSymbolInfo(Profile, ESymbolCategory.Future, Symbol, "CME");
double pipPrice = si2.symbol.PriceScale * si2.symbol.MinMove * si2.symbol.BigPointValue;
foreach (TradeManager.Order o in ords)
if (o.Action == ETM_OrderAction.eTM_OA_Buy)
result += o.ExecPrice.Value * o.FilledContracts * pipPrice;
result -= o.ExecPrice.Value * o.FilledContracts * pipPrice;

return result;

protected void PlaceOrder(ITradingProfile p, String Symbol, String Account, OrderParams op)
if (p.ConnectionState == ETM_ConnectionChanged.eTM_CC_Connected)
p.CurrentSymbol = GetSymbolInfo(p.PluginName, ESymbolCategory.Future, Symbol, "CME");
p.CurrentAccount = Account;

protected MTPA_OrdrActn GetAction(int Value)
if (Value > 0)
return MTPA_OrdrActn.eMTPA_OA_Sell;

return MTPA_OrdrActn.eMTPA_OA_Buy;

protected MTPA_OrdrActn ReverseAction(MTPA_OrdrActn Value)
if (Value == MTPA_OrdrActn.eMTPA_OA_Buy)
return MTPA_OrdrActn.eMTPA_OA_Sell;

return MTPA_OrdrActn.eMTPA_OA_Buy;

protected TradeManager.ITradingProfile GetProfile(String Name)
foreach (ITradingProfile p in TradeManager.TradingProfiles)
if (String.Equals(p.Name, Name)) return p;
return null;

protected MCSymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(String DataSource, ESymbolCategory cat, String SymbolName, String exch)
MCSymbolInfo msymbInfo = new MCSymbolInfo();
MTPA_MCSymbolInfo2[] si2 = SymbolStorage.GetSymbols(DataSource, SymbolName, cat);
if (si2.Length > 1)
foreach (MTPA_MCSymbolInfo2 s in si2)
if (String.Equals(s.SymbolExchange, exch))
msymbInfo.symbol = s;
else if (si2.Length == 1)
msymbInfo.symbol = si2[0];
else Output.WriteLine(" Error in GetSymbolInfo()");
msymbInfo.data_feed = DataSource;
return msymbInfo;

protected OrderParams GetDefaultParams()
OrderParams p = new OrderParams();
p.action = ATCenterProxy.interop.MTPA_OrdrActn.eMTPA_OA_Buy;
p.category = ATCenterProxy.interop.MTPA_OrdrCtgry.eMTPA_OC_Market;
p.tif = ATCenterProxy.interop.MTPA_OrdrTimeInForce.eMTPA_TIF_DAY;
p.limit_price = 0;
p.stop_price = 0;
p.contracts = 1;
return p;

public struct PositionInfo
public int Quantity;
public double OpenPL;

public class OpenPositionManager
Dictionary<String, PositionInfo> m__Positions;

object mLocker = new object();
IOutput OutPut;

public OpenPositionManager(object _ctx)
OutPut = (IOutput)_ctx;
m__Positions = new Dictionary<String, PositionInfo>();

public void Add(String Profile, String Symbol, int value, double OpenPL)
String key = GetKey(Profile, Symbol);

lock (mLocker)
if (m__Positions.ContainsKey(key))
OutPut.WriteLine("Error, Key \"{0}\" already Exist", key);

PositionInfo p = new PositionInfo();
p.OpenPL = OpenPL;
p.Quantity = value;
m__Positions.Add(key, p);

public void Change(String Profile, String Symbol, int value, double OpenPL)
String key = GetKey(Profile, Symbol);

lock (mLocker)
if (!m__Positions.ContainsKey(key))
OutPut.WriteLine("Error, Key \"{0}\" is not found", key);
Add(Profile, Symbol, value, OpenPL);

public void Delete(String Profile, String Symbol)
String key = GetKey(Profile, Symbol);

lock (mLocker)
if (!m__Positions.ContainsKey(key))
OutPut.WriteLine("Error, Key \"{0}\" is not found", key);

public PositionInfo GetValue(String Profile, String Symbol)
String key = GetKey(Profile, Symbol);
PositionInfo res = new PositionInfo();
lock (mLocker)
if (m__Positions.ContainsKey(key))
res = m__Positions[key];
return res;

protected String GetKey(String Profile, String Symbol)
return Profile + "_" + Symbol;
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Re: Signal trade with other symbol

Postby williamhk » 02 Aug 2012

Thanks for the suggestion. Is it a better practice to open two charts to do pair trading?

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Stan Bokov
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Re: Signal trade with other symbol

Postby Stan Bokov » 03 Aug 2012

If you are sending orders from two charts, make sure that each strategy monitors and knows that the other is placing orders. It's hard to say which approach is best - probably from the same chart.

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Re: Signal trade with other symbol

Postby lailaosama » 01 Aug 2013

The imaginable happened. My main two servers merged.

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