PL.NET question

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PL.NET question

Postby jarym » 21 Feb 2015


Attempting to port some of my code from EL to PL.NET and I need a pointer on how best to achieve something very simple.

In EL I can do the following:
Value21 = MEDIAN( DMIPlus/2 ,7);
Where DMIPlus is the result of the DirMovement function.
Value21 is evaluated to be the 7 period median value of half of DMIPlus for each period.

In PL.NET I have m_DirMovement.DMIPlus which is of the type ISeries. I can't see whether there's an 'easy' way to get half of each period's value and then get a median for it.

Is there an easy way to do this?

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Re: PL.NET question

Postby jarym » 22 Feb 2015

Slight update, I have hacked together an IEnumerable implementation for ISeries and then used a LINQ sample I found on the internet to create a Median function.

Warning: I have been living in the land of Java for the last few years, the last time I touched C# was in the days when .NET 2.0 was considered bleeding edge. I would appreciate any quick review from more seasoned developers!

Code: Select all

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;

namespace PowerLanguage.Jarym
public static class ExtensionMethods
public static ISeriesEnumerable AsEnumerable(this ISeries<double> series, int length)
return new ISeriesEnumerable(series, length);

public static double Median(this ISeries<double> series, int length)
IEnumerable<double> list = ExtensionMethods.AsEnumerable(series, length);
List<double> orderedList = list
.OrderBy(numbers => numbers)

int listSize = orderedList.Count;
double result;

if (listSize%2 == 0) // even
int midIndex = listSize/2;
result = ((orderedList.ElementAt(midIndex - 1) +
else // odd
double element = (double) listSize/2;
element = Math.Round(element, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

result = orderedList.ElementAt((int) (element - 1));

return result;

public class ISeriesEnumerable : IEnumerable<double>
private ISeries<double> _series;
private int limit = int.MaxValue;

public ISeriesEnumerable(ISeries<double> series, int max)
_series = series;
limit = max;

public IEnumerator<double> GetEnumerator()
return new ISeriesEnumerator(_series, limit);

private IEnumerator GetEnumerator1()
return this.GetEnumerator();

IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator1();


public class ISeriesEnumerator : IEnumerator<double>
private ISeries<double> _series;

// Enumerators are positioned before the first element
// until the first MoveNext() call.
int position = -1;
int limit = int.MaxValue;

public ISeriesEnumerator(ISeries<double> series)
_series = series;

public ISeriesEnumerator(ISeries<double> series, int max) : this(series)
limit = max;

public bool MoveNext()
return (position < limit && _series[position] != null);

public void Reset()
position = -1;

private object Current1
get { return Current; }

object IEnumerator.Current
get { return Current1; }

public double Current
return _series[position];

private bool disposedValue = false;
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!this.disposedValue)
if (disposing)
// Dispose of managed resources.

this.disposedValue = true;



Now, I need an XAverage function that works on a VariableSeries<double> (in fact, I need to do an XAverage on a few instances) and I see that there is no extension method provided for it. Can someone tell me if there's an easy way to call the built-in XAverage for VariableSeries instances?

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Henry MultiСharts
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Re: PL.NET question

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 26 Feb 2015

Now, I need an XAverage function that works on a VariableSeries<double> (in fact, I need to do an XAverage on a few instances) and I see that there is no extension method provided for it. Can someone tell me if there's an easy way to call the built-in XAverage for VariableSeries instances?
Hello jarym,

You can use the prebuilt Function.XAverage.

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