MC stops working.

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Mar 09 2018


Here is the bug tracker link for this bug. ... es/MC-2468

When I replaced my disk drive I had to reinstall MC with no user settings stored (my error). So it was a 100% fresh install is what I am saying. I tried to reinstall the prior version of MC 64 bit because it worked flawlessly over a period of several months. I could be wrong but I think it was build 438 but that may have been the 32 bit version I was using before I went to 64 bit. This one is MC 11.0 14734. Anyway, I used the same install download file when I did the upgrade. Now 3 times MC has stopped working with no dump popup. It does this roughly every week. Windows comes up and says MC has stopped working. Any suggestions?

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Mar 09 2018

When in doubt, ask MC for another download.

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Mar 09 2018

When in doubt, ask MC for another download.
So a download and a repair I would assume.

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Mar 09 2018

When in doubt, ask MC for another download.
So a download and a repair I would assume.

I would go for an uninstall and a new install, just to be sure.

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Mar 09 2018

BEFORE trying to install Multicharts, I found with my Win10 64bit, that I had to TURN-OFF my antivirus-anti-malware programs to get a successful install. Once MC is installed, re-boot the computer and restart the antivirus-antimalware programs, (if they don't restart automatically).
I do this with every update and I haven't had a problem with installations since.

So, turn off the antivirus and do an uninstall and a new install as TJ has suggested. (The current version is very stable).

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Mar 12 2018

Maybe this is the problem. I chose an old install file because I wanted to avoid the crypto currency version of 64 bit MC (version 11 and whatever). I think it was the version 10 I installed from (the one that never aborted on me). So at the start of this thread I looked up the version I got in the about screen and I discovered it had ignored the version 10 and installed the latest version which is build 14.734 which I assume would have the crypto currency format. So after installing what I thought was version 10 at the time I returned my database files which I was using with version 10 (I have 31 days of zip backups). I would have thought this would create an instant problem but it took these files and kept adding to them as if nothing was wrong. The only thing wrong wsa the three aborts which is now four aborts. Before writing this post I uninstalled MC choosing to keep all my user settings (including keeping the database files). As always I was reading my install notes for MC before I continue to install it and the notes reminded me of the crypto currency change and that triggered this post. So what happens here?

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Mar 12 2018

So now after creating the above post I am a bit more confused as a result of somewhere having read that MC has a different database file type due to its now supporting crypto currencies yet when I search the wiki for it I get only one page ... rity_types which shows the Interactive brokers does not support crypto currencies. When I read there is a different file type I was thinking I would need to run a file conversion. However when I read that some brokers do not support crypto currencies maybe they are referring to trading crypto currencies rather than opening an account in crypto currencies. In my case I am only trading stocks and that will probably remain that way permanently. Does the new file type only come into effect if you are trading crypto currencies?

Anyway, in the mean time I will install the latest version of MC 64 bit again and just see if it accepts my old file type.

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Mar 12 2018

I installed the very latest version. It accepted the files and everything looks good so far. If windows says it is not working I will update this thread. If it is okay after a month I update the thread with that as well.

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Jun 13 2018

I just got another "MultiCharts64 has stopped working" error from windows. The info is below. I decided to get windows to check online for the solution. It did not come back with anything. I had a scanner work space open and one other work space. I have 16 gig of ram. It is Win7 pro on a quad core with a new disk drive now too. MS 11.0 built 15808
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: tsServer.exe
Application Version: 2.0.15808.400
Application Timestamp: 5a8b3322
Fault Module Name: StackHash_3d07
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.17514
Fault Module Timestamp: 4ce7c8f9
Exception Code: c0000374
Exception Offset: 00000000000c40f2
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 4105
Additional Information 1: 3d07
Additional Information 2: 3d078be50e61f3d108ddcdf9f411d2f7
Additional Information 3: bc09
Additional Information 4: bc0969175c7d306ec1d17787ce16b733

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Jun 14 2018

Another one. This time I have the scanner open and 3 additional work spaces. I have a sneaking suspicion this might have to do with the extra use of memory. I am going to restart it and take a memory reading with the task manager.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: tsServer.exe
Application Version: 2.0.15808.400
Application Timestamp: 5a8b3322
Fault Module Name: StackHash_3d07
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.17514
Fault Module Timestamp: 4ce7c8f9
Exception Code: c0000374
Exception Offset: 00000000000c40f2
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 4105
Additional Information 1: 3d07
Additional Information 2: 3d078be50e61f3d108ddcdf9f411d2f7
Additional Information 3: 321c
Additional Information 4: 321c7281820317cc51ab69ca7c5c18a5

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Jun 14 2018

Here is the first task manager image with the MC 64 just restarted and the scanner workspace opened and it is loading the 67 stock symbols with (weekly, daily, 30min, 15min, 5min) resolution. They are all loaded but some have a timeout ended. What I will do is I will open three work spaces and send another image of the task manager.
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Jun 14 2018

I just got another "MultiCharts64 has stopped working" error . . .
. . . with a new disk drive now too. MS 11.0 built 15808

Do you mean you have re-installed Windows?

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Jun 14 2018

Yes. Win7. I did it maybe two months ago. I stopped trading for a while to do some house repairs. I am just getting back to trading.

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Jun 14 2018

Here is the task manager with the scanner work space open + 3 more work spaces open. I am running win7 but I have not applied the updates after my DVD install. However I am not having any issues with any other software I use (just MC 64 bit). Looking at the memory in the task manager it does not seem to be a memory issue. I doubt I would ever open more than 4 or 5 extra work spaces (2 more max for a total of 6 work spaces if you include the scanner work space). I was a bit confused about free versus available memory so I read ... n-windows/. Based upon what I read there should not be a problem.
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Jun 15 2018

Another one. This time I have 9 work spaces open so I guess I lied :-) I opened a bug tracker item for this and referenced to each other. Here is the bug tracker link. ... es/MC-2468
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: tsServer.exe
Application Version: 2.0.15808.400
Application Timestamp: 5a8b3322
Fault Module Name: StackHash_d109
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.17514
Fault Module Timestamp: 4ce7c8f9
Exception Code: c0000374
Exception Offset: 00000000000c40f2
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 4105
Additional Information 1: d109
Additional Information 2: d10907f71c3e52004e3b7aeec937521e
Additional Information 3: e0a7
Additional Information 4: e0a7d6eef03f872372e807cb26abf143
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Jun 16 2018

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Jun 16 2018

The only Windows problems that I've had over the years are usually due to :

"Device Manager" showing errors.
Anti-Virus programs interfering with programs or using too many resources. (Try a different one). "Avast Anti-Virus" caused me problems.
Hardware Drivers not up to date.
Video cards or video card drivers specifically. Some video card drivers are absolute crap.
Bad hard drive or Ram. (or insufficient Ram- I use 32gb).
Use "msconfig" and turn off unnecessary start-up programs

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Jun 16 2018

Should be okay:
I checked all devices and they are working properly.
The disk drive is new and the error check is fine. I was getting the same problem with the prior hard drive.
I am at maximum ram but as you can see I am using less than 1/2 of it.
No others apps having aborts.
Use "msconfig" and turn off unnecessary start-up programs. I just disabled what I figure I can disable.
Monitor video seems to be working. Not having any other issues.

I will try it with avast disabled all this coming week. If it does not bomb then that is definitely it.

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Jun 16 2018

Have you installed all the Windows update and service packs?
It is a pain to do all the update, but one old patch can throw the programs into disarray.

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Jun 16 2018

Have you installed all the Windows update and service packs?
It is a pain to do all the update, but one old patch can throw the programs into disarray.
I just googled to find the latest service pack for Win7. It is service pack1. I have that one on my original DVD. I turned off updates when I got it and when I reinstalled it.

I tend to think it is more likely the number of scanner rows. I have 69 * 5 = 345 + whatever extra work spaces I have. I will try one thing at a time. Avast for a week, installing updates, running a week with only the scanner. Running a week with only the extra work spaces (no scanner work space). I don't remember it bombing like this when I was only running the scanner work space. I already updated MC to 11.0 but that did not fix it.

I also get lots of the errors in studies. Probably 10 a day now. There seems to be no way to figure out what is causing this which is an issue in itself.
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Jun 16 2018

I also got a new disk last year.

The computer has been crashing/freezing on me randomly for months. I tried multiple anti-virus to clean the disk (a new disk!). I finally track it down to some java script that pushes Ads to my browser. As long as I avoid certain websites, I am ok.

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Jun 16 2018

Also, try installing the free version of "Malwarebytes" and run the full scan, just to be sure.

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Jun 17 2018

Thanks guys. I will create a schedule on my calendar (one week each). I will try opening all the work spaces as I try each of your ideas. Here is a summary. At the end I will have the number of times it aborted at the end of each line.
Abort-Cnt/Week/What I am trying
1/Week1/ turn off avast (I am using the services directory stop service to do this.). Java is also off (TWS does not seem to need it now).
?/Week2/Also, try installing the free version of "Malwarebytes" and run the full scan, just to be sure.
?/Week3/I finally track it down to some java script that pushes Ads to my browser. As long as I avoid certain websites, I am ok.
?/Week4/install all MS updates
?/Week6/try running only the other workspaces
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Jun 19 2018

I am putting the counts of the aborts in the above post (off to the left).

I turned off Avast by stopping it in the services directory. Avast may have auto restarted but I stopped it again. The abort occurred while Avast was stopped.

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Jun 19 2018

I am putting the counts of the aborts in the above post (off to the left).

I turned off Avast by stopping it in the services directory. Avast may have auto restarted but I stopped it again. The abort occurred while Avast was stopped.
I had to completely remove Avast. It doesn't like MC. Removal instructions below:

Uninstall our software using avastclear
Download avastclear.exe on your desktop.
Start Windows in "Safe Mode". (not sure for Win7 maybe press "F8 key" during restart of windows) might have to do a Google search.
Open (execute) the uninstall utility.
(If you installed Avast in a different folder than the default, browse for it. (Note: Be careful! ...)
Restart your computer.

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Jun 19 2018

I had to completely remove Avast. It doesn't like MC. Removal instructions below:
Yes, I was wondering about this. Do any antivirus like MC?

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Jun 19 2018

avast was stopped all day. In other words it was stopped before TWS was started and before MC was started. This is the first day in a few days that MC has not aborted.

Initially I stopped the avast shield. I checked the services window and it was not stopped. So I stopped it there. So I started TWS and MC. Later I checked the services window and avast had started so I stopped it again. About 15 or 20 minutes later MC aborted. I am not sure why avast restarted. Maybe I did something.

So tomorrow I will see if avast stays stopped all day and if MC runs all day. It would be nice to know if having avast stopped all day fixes the problem and if there is a way to prevent it from starting mid day without having to uninstall it.

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Jun 19 2018

I had to completely remove Avast. It doesn't like MC. Removal instructions below:
Yes, I was wondering about this. Do any antivirus like MC?

I am using ZoneAlarm Antivirus and Firewall.

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Jun 19 2018

I am using ZoneAlarm Antivirus and Firewall.
Thanks TJ. I should check it out even if stopping Avast in the services directory does work in the end. Having to stop it is a bit of a pain. I want to keep Avast there for a while I just want to know the cause. I want to alternate a few times to see if I can say it is Avast for sure.

By the way, when MC ran all day today I tried opening 12 work-spaces and I hit a max objects limit. So it seems I have already eliminated the number of workspaces as the cause.

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Jun 20 2018

Hello, bowlesj!

Next time MultiCharts crashes and doesn’t give you the opportunity to send a crash report please see if any MultiCharts processes are still running in Task Manager -> Processes tab (you can sort by Desccription to see if any of them left). If there’re some processes, please collect the dumps using MC Dumper: ... lect_Dumps
Then send us the dumps to for analysis

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Jun 20 2018

Thanks Anna. I will do that.

For a 2nd day I managed to keep Avast turned off in the services folder all day and MC 64 bit ran all day. So now what I will do is I will toggle Avast back and forth with a day on and a day off to see if a consistent pattern of MC crashes occurs. If I get a crash while Avast is running tomorrow I am pretty sure I should be able to send the dump info because MC is still available for closing work-spaces until I click the close button that Win7 provides.

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Jun 20 2018

Thanks Anna. I will do that.

For a 2nd day I managed to keep Avast turned off in the services folder all day and MC 64 bit ran all day. So now what I will do is I will toggle Avast back and forth with a day on and a day off to see if a consistent pattern of MC crashes occurs. If I get a crash while Avast is running tomorrow I am pretty sure I should be able to send the dump info because MC is still available for closing work-spaces until I click the close button that Win7 provides.

Have you added MC and your broker to the white list? so that Avast will skip those programs/URLs during its scan?

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Jun 20 2018

Interesting question. I assume you are talking about the built in manual overrides capability. I will have to check. Avast isn't complaining at present.

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Jul 10 2018

I thought an update would be in order.

For four days while I was running the scanner and also opening up extra workspaces I ran without Avast for 2 days and ran with avast 2 days and had no aborts.

However I decided to dump my plan regarding trying to figure out what was causing the aborts. Instead I changed my trading procedures. I now only use the chart scanner and its linked charts for trading (the chart trader is always up on the 1 minute bars). I do not call extra workspaces at all. I have not had any aborts this way either and Avast has been running the whole time.

It is beginning to look like MC might have been aborting because I was running a script in the scanner and opening a lot of workspaces in addition to this. I can't be directly tied to amount of memory because as posted earlier I have 16 gig and I was only using 7 or 8 gig.

I am hoping this situation where I get no aborts continues :-)