pivot points

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Jul 30 2007

I'm looking for a simple pivot point eld which plots the pp s1,s2,r1,r2
i googled and find several but none of them are correct. (plotting at the wrong levels)
Eld's which are working in TS arent working correctly in MC probally because of the scaling (my chart is compressed when selecting 'same as symbol')
what is it what im doing wrong ?
where can i find a pivot eld?
attached the eld which isnt correct imo

sreenshot attached, same charts left is correct (pivot point 781.1) but needed scaling is compressing my chart. right is 'set to screen' but pivots arent correct anymore (pivot 788.6)

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Jul 31 2007

You could take a look at session end times. The biggest discrepancy comes when midnight is used for yesterdays close. Do they work if you only plot 'regular session' data?

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Jul 31 2007

thanks for reply, but im using regular sessions
im located in the netherlands, so 9:30 Est is 15:30 here..
market close at 22:15

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Marina Pashkova
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Jul 31 2007

I checked the indicator you have been using for RUSSEL in both TS and MC and compared the results.

The results in both programs were the same - for both 'same as symbol' and 'set to screen'. The charts and scales did look different depending on whether 'same as symbol' or 'set to screen' had been chosen, but this is just a matter of scaling and visualization. Your price scale (in the right image) is set according to the values of the symbol not the indicator. You can adjust that by double-clicking on the price area and putting the check-mark next to the indicator name.

You can also make sure that the pivot point has the same value irrespective of scaling by using 'show hint' tool which gives you all the information on the values calculated with the indicator.

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Jul 31 2007

thanks for reply but its not clear.
what do you mean with this:

"You can adjust that by double-clicking on the price area and putting the check-mark next to the indicator name. "

all i want is that my price is scaling as in the right screenshot
and my pivots are at the correct levels

the left screenshot is showing correct pivot levels but the price is comporessed because all the pivot lines have to be showed.
i want the screen scaled by prices not by the pivot lines


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Aug 01 2007

i think i figured out what you suggested:

"You can adjust that by double-clicking on the price area and putting the check-mark next to the indicator name. "

double click doesnt work but you can right click on right y-as and select indicator (pivot), scaling is then done by indicator levels and not by price.

problem is that chart isnt showing the right price anymore!
as you can see from attached screenshot it looks like price is closing at 770,0 area but in right chart you see its closing at 777.4 !!!!

is it possible to scale a chart with prices set to screen and still have the correct pivot levels ?
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Aug 04 2007

is it possible to scale a chart with prices set to screen and still have the correct pivot levels ?
I have asked for this over a year ago. See following post:


- Fanus

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Aug 04 2007

thanks. i had the idea that i was crazy......


Aug 04 2007

thanks. i had the idea that i was crazy......
Well, we both could be crazy. :-)

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Aug 05 2007

Regarding the Pivots, using Trendlines instead of the Plots overcomes the scaling problem:



I can share it later, if you think it's useful.



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Aug 06 2007

its much appreciated if you would be so kindly to share it

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Aug 06 2007

Take a look at it and let me know how it works for you. It's something I created yesterday, so there might come some new features in the future.

The input "IgnoreWeekends" should be set to true if you are for example using E-Minis with the Globex session and want to see Monday's pivots calculated with Friday's values instead of Sunday's.


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Aug 06 2007

its working nicely
thanks for sharing


Aug 06 2007

Take a look at it and let me know how it works for you. It's something I created yesterday, so there might come some new features in the future.

The input "IgnoreWeekends" should be set to true if you are for example using E-Minis with the Globex session and want to see Monday's pivots calculated with Friday's values instead of Sunday's.


very high quality coding.
thanks for sharing.


Aug 06 2007

all that codes just to draw a few lines on the chart !?

I am in awe.
Much appreciated.

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Aug 13 2007

Thanks for all the feedback, it's much appreciated.

I have updated the Pivot Tool. Where the first version was build to behave similar like the study provided by O66, you are now able to specify the time you want to use for calculations i.e. the time where the High, Low and Close occurs you take for calculations.

If you want the pivots to be calculated based on all data of previous day set "StartCalcTime" to "0000" and "EndCalcTime" to "2359" (without ""). If you want the calculation based on the regular session time for the ES for example and you are running on New York time, than set "StartCalcTime" to "930" and "EndCalcTime" to "1615" and so on. You will notice that the pivots can be quite different regarding the time you set.

The two other new inputs "PlotatDateChange" and "PlotToDateEnd" are to specify where the trendline drawing will take place:
PlotatDateChange = true ==> drawing will start at date change (first bar with new date);
PlotatDateChange = false ==> drawing will start at "StartCalcTime".

PlotToDateEnd = true ==> trendlines will be drawn until end of day
PlotToDateEnd = false ==> trendlines will be drawn until your EndCalcTime

As you can see the update provides a lot more flexibility. The name ends with V2, so you won't overwrite the old study and are able to compare for yourself which you like best.

Good trading,

ABC_Floor Trader Pivots V2.xml
Updated Floor Trader Pivot Version
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Aug 13 2007

you just can't stop outdoing yourself?

Thx !

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Aug 13 2007

Guilty in this case :wink: .


Aug 16 2007

just curious, is it possible to put the text (pp, etc.) on the right hand side ?

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Aug 16 2007

This would need some small changes in the code, but it's doable and makes sense, too. Will take the time later.



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Aug 17 2007

Here is the update to show the labels on the right site. For better visibility they are sitting on top of the trend lines.
Set "PlaceTextRight" to false and the labelling will be same as before.

Best regards,

ABC_Floor Trader Pivots V3.xml
Floor Trader Pivots V3
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Aug 17 2007


You are amazing.
Many thanks for sharing.