Features I would like to see in Multicharts

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.

Mar 16 2006

can you guy comment on the volume delta charts implementation, that's verry popular type of charting , are you considering to include them in the next release in the near future?

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Alex Kramer
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Mar 16 2006

There's a topic (http://forum.tssupport.com/viewtopic.php?t=683) devoted to delta volume charts implementation, there the users posted examples of implementaton in various products and asked us to enable such charts in MC. We have this added to our To Do list, it will be available in MC at some later release - no definite date so far.


Mar 19 2006

for me very important is the absence of data modification ability in
quote manager for back adjusting future contracts.
Also the program lacks ability to create custom symbol lists and some
buttons in toolbar to move left-right in them.
The lack of fibonnaci extension drawning tool and toolbars customization
ability is important IMO.
The charts must have the ability to be scrolled left beyond the fixed space
to the right (ensign-aGet)
Also a good idea is if we could increase-decrease bar spacing with the mouse wheel (very practical)



Mar 20 2006

One things I waited for long time in TS was .... seasonality chart.
The possibility to plot a chart over 12month (day by day, weekly or monthly) that permit to overlay the hisotry file and look at the seasonal price.

Thank you

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Mar 20 2006

One thing I like in Esignal in the playback option. That would be a great to have in Multicharts.


Mar 21 2006

Yes, I second that. Replay functionality would be great.


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Mar 21 2006

In multicharts I am sometimes not sure if the charts are updating correctly. In MCFX in the right hand bottom corner there is a "button" showing that the data is live. . Could we have something similar for Multicharts.

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Alex Kramer
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Mar 21 2006

Thanks for the feedback, the playback feature is already in the To Do list and a "live signal" will be considered.

As to the seasonality charting - could you please explain what in the current functionality does not allow this?


Mar 21 2006

I would LOVE a seasonality chart ... second that Bunker!!!!


Mar 30 2006


Apr 02 2006

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Apr 12 2006

24. I don't understand why the data coming from TS is not stored in the Quotemanager. That would speed up the data access if you use TS as your data provider and you can create your own continous contracts with this data and don't have to use the back-adjusted ones.
Now you are lost if the data files are corrupted. Storing the data in the Quotemanager would give you the ability to repair corrupted data.

I understand that TS is the evil empire, but Lord Vader is delivering very good and reliable data :lol: .

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Apr 12 2006

I suspect the reason TS is not cached is that TS has its own cache, so caching TS data would result in double caching

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Apr 13 2006

I suspect the reason TS is not cached is that TS has its own cache, so caching TS data would result in double caching
You are right, it will result in a double caching, but I don't see a problem there. If you are using eSignal and MC and are looking at charts in both, isn't the data cached twice, too?

MC's Quotemanager is far superior TS data storage, I have mentioned some points earlier. So the additional caching would be more than useful, because your data access will speed up and the ability to manage your data rises from 0 to 100%.


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Alexey Kramer
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Apr 13 2006

Chris and Trader39,
TS8 cache is quite reliable so we don't think it is necessary to duplicate data.
I'm attaching a DLL that will store the data in QuoteManager.
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Apr 13 2006

Chris and Trader39,
TS8 cache is quite reliable so we don't think it is necessary to duplicate data.
I'm attaching a DLL that will store the data in QuoteManager.

thank you very much that's great. TS8 cache is reliable, that's true, but it takes hours to build a chart from a tik-file which is bigger than 100 MB and you can't repair your tik file if it gets ever corrupted. And now we are able to build our own continous contracts out of TS data.

Thank you,


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Alexey Kramer
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Apr 13 2006

You are welcome!

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Apr 13 2006

New features I'd like to see ....

Okay, here's a little more expansion on my chartwindow placement suggestion ...

Within each workspace, allow the creation of a "Chart Manager". This window will contain a list of all the symbols in that workspace with a checkbox next to each one. In addition, there should be the ability to "move" each Chart line up or down using arrow keys similar to those that allow you to configure the status line fields. The position in the list should determine the order in which charts are tiled or stacked on the desktop.

At the bottom of the Chart Manager window is a button that sets all the charts that are checked to the user-defined default chart attributes and the user-defined default study template as is currently provided. You could also delete all that are checked or hide them. Hiding them would be nice if you just want to temporarily not see them, but don't want to get rid of them all together.

The main reason for all of this is that

1) when you get a lot of windows tiled on the screen, it's hard to find a specific window. It would be good to be able to reliably place a specific window in a specific location so when you auto-arrange, the order isn't upset.

2) If you've already defined many many windows with custom inputs to a collection of studies, it isn't so easy to apply a new study to a batch of charts. You have to configure each one separately. Or suppose you want to change the background on all your charts. You don't really want to delete the chart and add it again with new default chart attributes and study template because the chart you destroy likely contains custom input information for your studies and they will be lost when you destroy it. Hence, you have to go in, one by one, and change all the chart backgrounds manually. The current "default" settings are great for creating new charts. They don't really help you much in customizing a whole batch of existing charts.

I'm not sure about the paradigm of creating a new Chart Manager window, just as I'm not sure about the paradigm of creating new Quote Manager windows. Seems like you can delete Quote Manager windows without penalty or damage after you're done with them, and they take up precious screen space. But maybe I'm still too new at this to appreciate their significance. Please warn me if I'm getting in trouble by not appreciating them as much as I should. ;-)



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Alex Kramer
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Apr 14 2006

Thanks for the input. We'll consider the chart management as a separate function.

Soon we'll implement a "clone chart" function so you can set up a chart with studies, settings etc. and create a copy of it for quickly replacing the symbol with another.

The approach to Quote Manager windows is part of multi-document ideology - you can open or close one or several QMs, or none at all, if too many windows clutter the workspace, just use a single one for adding symbols etc.


Apr 19 2006

I would like to use a module for Option trading in MC.

This kind of thing is avail. in TS, but I espect a better module in order to trade Option with MultiCharts.


Apr 21 2006

Dear Chris:

Concerning your comment #1:
Dear t123knight:

To move chart horizontally without using scrollbar:
1. Keep the space bar pressed on the keyboard, you will notice the cursor is changed.
2. Now left-click on chart and keeping the left mouse button pressed, move the chart left or right.
Please, read "Navigating Chart" section in the MultiCharts Help to learn more about navigating chart.

Thank you for your feedback, it is very important for us.
Instead of having to hold down the space bar (which requires an extra hand), why don't you simply program it so that holding down the left mouse key on any blank space of the chart can drag the chart around?

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Apr 21 2006

I would prefer to leave it with the spacebar solution. I am constanly in trendline mode and this is the only way to move the chart quikly without constantly leaving the trendline mode. Believe me this is a very very good solution holding the spacebar down!! Please leave it as it is......


Apr 25 2006

I would prefer to leave it with the spacebar solution. I am constanly in trendline mode and this is the only way to move the chart quikly without constantly leaving the trendline mode. Believe me this is a very very good solution holding the spacebar down!! Please leave it as it is......
Im afraid I'd vote for NOT using the spacebar. On a laptop you kinda need to be an octopus. I too use a lot of trendlines but its easy enough to toggle them off.

As a side issue I'd urge the designers to look at Ensign from the point of view of visulistations and drawing tools. I understand the desire to offer a 'TS like' product but Ensign really lifted the bar on drawing tools and it seems silly to emulate a first generation product in this area when there are much better things around.


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Apr 25 2006

Not if you have thousands of them on the screen because you use them
as guidelines on your elliott wave (zig-zags) analysis on tick charts, range bar charts.
If you have 4 monitors open live trading and you need a fast scroll mechanism..........

Ensign is ok!



Apr 27 2006

Hi worx,

Exactly - we agree as you say " you need a fast scroll mechanism". The current one is not. Furthermore its is actually UNACEPTABLE on a Laptop, its one of the many annoying little things that is making me think MC may not be the way to go, I have to sit and use the UI everyday and I find bits (navigation zooming etc.) anoying.

The original poster proposed a faster mechanism of just clicking and draging anywhere on the chart to drag it around. If in drawing mode a single click and release draws a point. What could be simpler and faster than that? both operations acomplished with the mouse only.

Having used Ensign extensievely and most other charting packages for at least a week or two (some much longer) it is my opinion that it is the best there is for drawing visulisation and navigation. To model brand new software on software that was 'clunky' 10 years ago (Supercharts/TS2000i) seems to be an opportunity waiting to be missed.

When someone produces a package with great drawing tools visulisation UI AND solid scripting backtesting etc. they will have a massive hit however most companies completely negelect the former allowing Ensign to operate unchallenged not sure what there market share is but it is clearly significant possibly number one if you discount omega (now a broker) and esignal (data provider).


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Apr 27 2006

Hi Guest,

I just want to make sure if you know that if you are not in trendline mode
that you can scroll charts with a mous click if you left click the mouse exaxtly over
a bar of the chart (or the chart) hold it and then move the mouse left or right.

As long as the trendline mode is not activated it would be comfortable to be able to move charts without the space-bar.


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Alex Kramer
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May 03 2006

Dear Users,

We're locking this topic, please post your further feature requests in the Feature requests topic and poll:
