MultiCharts vs MutiChartsBeta - MC won't load but MC beta OK

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.
Posts: 2
Joined: Aug 17 2006

Aug 17 2006

I am new user to MC. I installed the latest release on three PC's

1. Laptop - Toshiba 1.8GHz Mobile P with 1Gig Ram
-result, MC loaded fine.

2. Laptop - Gateway M500 3.2GHz Pent 4 w/2Gig Ram
-result, MC would not load but MC beta loaded fine.

3. Laptop - HypSonic (clone) 3.8GHz Pent 4 w/2Gig Ram
-result, MC would not load but MC beta loaded fine.

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Alex Kramer
Posts: 834
Joined: Feb 23 2006

Aug 18 2006

There's noting visibly wrong with hardware configurations for instaling MultiCharts either public version or beta on any of those machines.

We will need more information - what exactly happens, are any messages displayed etc.? We can take a loot at that our selves using HelpDesk, so
please contact us on Live Support using one of the machines on which MultiCharts won't run if possible.
You can find the instructions at