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Strategy Trading

MultiCharts is often used for discretionary trading, but originally our trading platform was created for trading strategies and automated trading. While discretionary trading is certainly better than trading on intuition alone, automated trading strategies tend to have more consistent success.

Strategy trading has a number of significant advantages when compared to intuition-based trading. Institutional traders have been using trading strategies for a long time, while private traders had very limited tools to create trading strategies that work.


Two main components are necessary to create successful strategies a realistic trading simulation and consideration of all the necessary factors. This allows you to test your strategy to make sure it works, before you put real money into it. Simulation on historical data is usually called backtesting, and it is used to separate strategies that work from the ones that don’t.

Only correct backtesting gives the ability to separate quality trading strategies from accidental success. While past performance is not a guarantee of future results, proper backtesting gives a higher probability of achieving repeated success during actual trading.

Trading system analysis is an essential part of developing a trading system. MultiCharts has an extensive collection of reporting tools that provide a complete picture of your strategy performance.

Strategy optimization and walk-forward testing allow for the creation of new trading systems, without falling into the curve-fitting trap.

Above all, automated trading eliminates routine tasks and allows you to be quicker than other market participants.

Extensive Choice of Trading Strategies

MultiCharts comes with over two hundred pre-built studies for an in-depth market analysis, covering the most popular trading concepts. This comprehensive library includes traditional as well as state-of-the-art trading strategies. A key advantage of MultiCharts is that any study's code can easily be modified. Nearly any custom trading strategy can also be created from scratch. Below you can find the brief list of available trading signals.

1-2-3 Reversal, 1st Hour Breakout, Atlant IfThenElse, Atlanta Points, Atlanta System, Atlanta System ADX, Bail1 for Daily, Bottom Fishing, Buy Mon Sell Mon, Confluence, Counter Atlanta, Derivative Moving Average, Elliott Wave System, Exiting Partially, First 2 Hour Channel, Force Index System, Mark, Mon. or Tues. Buy, Mov Avg - Supp/Res, Mov Avg X 2-20, MovAvg Adaptive Fltr, NMP System, OBVDI, Oddballvar 1.2, Price Vol System, RangeBreakout, Season Trading, Sharpe Demo, Simple Futures MA, Stochastic S&C, Support-Resistance, TFS Signal, TRIX System S&C, TSF System, Thrust Retracement, TrendLine BreakOut, Weekly S&P System.