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Open Bug report MC-902

Last daily candle display problem

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Data feed supplier : iQFeed
Instrument : all forex instruments

The 1 day resolution chart does not correctly display the last candle, the one that is being formed.

This problem only affects the 1 Day resolution.

Steps to reproduce this issue

Use the same iQFeed data and the same chart (see the screenshot)

Comments (12)
user-offline.png  MultiCharts Support
Apr 05, 2012 - 16:09

What are the session settigns for 24 hour and 1 day resolutions on your screenshot?

user-offline.png  MultiCharts Support
Apr 12, 2012 - 14:56

Every daily bar is a solid piece of data. In fact, it contains of 4 prices: Open, High, Low and Close. No matter what session setting you have, the prices will be taken the same.IQFeed returns daily bars according to the following sesison settings: 17:00 - 16:59.
If a minute data is used to create the daily bar (1440 minutes or 24 hours), then the sessions will affect the bar. If you use 17:00 - 16:59 the charts will look alike.

user-offline.png  Stratman
Apr 12, 2012 - 17:48

Andrew, if I understand correctly, you consider therefore that the daily chart I just added (see below) is a graph perfectly "normal" ?
I would draw your attention to the fact that the current daily candle is truncated (this is the forex, where there is no gap between yesterday and today) and that on all the platforms I use, there is only on MC that this daily candle is truncated !
I note that this is not a bug but only a specificity, a particular feature of MC which requires me to wait until tomorrow to see the candle of the previous day...
I like to think that my poor English did not express an understandable way of the real problem ;-)

user-offline.png  MultiCharts Support
May 09, 2012 - 13:06

The daily bars sent from your data vendor as historical data, as i have mentioned, consists of OHLC prices, it cannot be adjusted by session settings. However the daily bar that is being collecting in real-time can be. What are the session settings do you have?

user-offline.png  Guest
May 09, 2012 - 17:04

Andrew, the session settings are 24/7 as you can see on the screenshots.

user-offline.png  MultiCharts Support
May 17, 2012 - 10:27

Please set the following sessions:
Sunday to Monday 17:00 - 16:59
Monday to Tuesday 17:00 - 16:59
Tuesday to Wednesday 17:00 - 16:59
Wednesday to Thursday 17:00 - 16:59
Thursday to Friday 17:00 - 16:59
Reload the data by CTRL+R and try to reproduce the issue. If the is reproduced, please contact me in live chat to femonstrate it during remote connection.

user-offline.png  Fabrice
May 18, 2012 - 05:20

I live with this same bug for many months about the daily candles on Forex. In fact there are 3 main problems: 1) last candle is false 2) chart do not automatically update missing days (backfill problem). As I have reported recently, I do not always report all the bugs I find because I do not have all the time required, but you are not alone with this bug.
BTW, I have a radical solution: forget 7.4 and go to 8.0 (release version once available) . I have hopefully discovered that this bug does not exists in MC 8.0 beta 2 (not checked on a more recent version).
The 3rd problem: concering the timezone adujstment, in 7.4, it has absolutly no effect on Forex, which is somewhat surprising. Again, in 8.0 beta 2 it effectively change the time in the chart (x-line) and the session vertical lines.
Of course discovering and debugging this issue is very time consuming, and should not be the work of end-users.
 A last word: this is really a MC 7.4 bug. NinjaTrader, TWS and MC 8 beta 2 daily charts are exactly similar (and correct).

user-offline.png  Stratman
May 18, 2012 - 05:38

Thank you Fabrice to break my solitude in front of these problems... ;-)

user-offline.png  MultiCharts Support
May 31, 2012 - 11:20

Christian reproduced the issue and contacted me in live chat. I set up correct sessions for daily charts for all his FOREX instruments for IQfeed as i had suggested here below in one of my comments. The issue should not be reproduced on daily charts with such session settings anymore. Christian will let me know if there is any further problem. I recommend everyone experiencing the issue to set up correct settings in QM for all FOREX symbols, close everything, restart MC, plot only 1 daily chart for each symbol, reload the data by CTRL+R and don't use any other sesison settings for daily-based charts anymore.

user-offline.png  Guest
Jun 04, 2012 - 18:08

Andrew, just for your information, the bug still diplays an incorrect candle on the daily chart, as you can see on the 120604 screenshot. 
Of course, this chart is based on the session settings that you have modified yourself on my MC...
And this problem can be seen on all the daily charts, whatever the instrument.
So, I see that the changing of the sessions settings does not solve this problem once.

user-offline.png  Stratman
Jul 05, 2012 - 18:04

I see that the proble is still present on my daily charts...

user-offline.png  Stratman
Jul 05, 2012 - 18:05

Of course I'm talking about MultiCharts64 Version 8.0 Rekease (Build 5622)

Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Bug report
  • Category
    Not determined
  • Targeted for
    MultiCharts 8.0 (RELEASED)
  • Status
  • Priority
    Not determined
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
Affected by this issue (3)
People involved
  • Posted by
    user-offline.png  Stratman
  • Owned by
    Not owned by anyone
  • Assigned to
    Not assigned to anyone
  • Subscribers
    2 subscriber(s)
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Times and dates
  • Posted at
  • Last updated
Issue details
  • Reproducability
    Not determined
  • Severity
Attachments (6)
  • /pm/public/files/show/379
    120405_MC_Bug-DailyChart.JPG uploaded Apr 04, 2012 by Stratman
  • /pm/public/files/show/386
    120405_MC_Bug-DailyChart_D-settings.JPG uploaded Apr 05, 2012 by Stratman
  • /pm/public/files/show/387
    120405_MC_Bug-DailyChart_H24-settings.JPG uploaded Apr 05, 2012 by Stratman
  • /pm/public/files/show/394
    120112_MC_Bug_DailyChart.JPG uploaded Apr 12, 2012 by Stratman
  • /pm/public/files/show/424
    120604_MC-bug.JPG uploaded Jun 04, 2012 by Stratman
  • /pm/public/files/show/442
    120705_MC-Bug-DailyChart.JPG uploaded Jul 05, 2012 by Stratman
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