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Open Feature request MC-1329

Highlighting of Extreme Numbers In Volume Delta Footprint

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I think it is great with the color shading for highlighting delta in the Volume Delta fotprint chart, but I am wondering if you could please add highlightings for extreme numbers also? Meaning independent of the delta color shading.
More specifically, highlighting the level of largest toltal volume, largest sell volume and largest buy volume. This preferably being able to choose colors by personal preference.
The reason for this is for example that highest total volume traded at one level can be overlooked when almost white in color. One tend to seek after the darker red and darker green.
I have attached a picture which illustrates how this can be done. In the picture I have split the delta ladder with a orange frame which illustrates where largest total volume is. Second and third a red and green color has been choosen for largest sell and buy volume.

Steps to reproduce this issue

Can not be reproduced

Comments (4)
user-offline.png  Jobauma
May 11, 2013 - 18:10

Very good idea. One comment though. I looked at the highlightings and noticed that you have highlighted the ladder cell with two pixel width on the horizontals. I think one pixel around the whole cell would be enough. Same with max sell and max buy. I see four pixels width, but I think three would be enough. A bit too much on both of them.

user-offline.png  Laurentius
May 12, 2013 - 18:10

user-offline.png  @Jobauma
Thanks, and I agree. I took a look at it and I see that one pixel for the frame "max total volume" is enough. Same with max bid and max ask highlight. Three pixels width is enough.

user-offline.png  Laurentius
Jun 18, 2013 - 18:00

Thanks a lot guys for doing this.
Was just thinking here. Maybe bold numbers for the max buys and sells would be more intuitive than the red and green markers? Because this might set ones attention straight to the numbers instead of first the marker then checking the number.
If others could share their thoughs on this too that could be useful.

user-offline.png  tecman240
May 30, 2016 - 15:28

I'd like to see this implemented in a generic way so that it would be possible for the user to code in C# the conditions that trigger a number to be bolded.
Thanks for doing this.

Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Feature request
  • Category
  • Targeted for
    MultiCharts Future Releases
  • Status
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
Affected by this issue (2)
People involved
Times and dates
  • Posted at
  • Last updated
Issue details
  • Resolution
    Not determined
  • Severity
Attachments (1)
  • /pm/public/files/show/501
    Volume Delta footprint - Extremes Highlighting.png uploaded May 06, 2013 by Laurentius
Commits (0)
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