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Open Feature request MC-1340 » Open Feature request MC-1553

Ability to Export data for multiple symbols together in ascii format from QM

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We need this functionality to be able to export data for multiple instruments together in one go in ascii format. Currently, this functionality is not available and its not practically possible to go and export data one-by-one for 500 or so symbols every night. Please consider implementing this feature as soon as possible for you guys. I think this is one of the functionalities that is sorely missing in Multicharts. It makes our lives very hard as users.
Having the ability to export out data from MC in ascii files is a highly useful functionality. This will allow us to easily use the collected data available in MC database, in any other application program like excel, R, Matlab etc. Also, we can put that data in our own custom database like Mysql.

Steps to reproduce this issue

Select 2 instruments together in QM and right click on them and go to export data -> ascii option is greyed out. However, if you select only 1 instrument, you can export it as ascii file.

Comments (4)
user-offline.png  MultiCharts Support
Apr 09, 2014 - 08:35

Sorry, at the moment the feature is not scheduled for a particular version of MultiCharts.

user-offline.png  jek
Nov 27, 2016 - 00:10

Could you post a link to the documentation?

user-offline.png  jek
Aug 28, 2017 - 13:52

Still needed...

user-offline.png  MultiCharts Support
Aug 28, 2017 - 13:57
It is mentioned in the main article describing how to export data: https://www.multicharts.com/trading-software/index.php/Exporting_Data
Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Feature request
  • Category
  • Targeted for
    MultiCharts 10.0 (RELEASED)
  • Status
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
Affected by this issue (2)
People involved
  • Posted by
    user-offline.png  hilbert
  • Owned by
    Not owned by anyone
  • Assigned to
    Not assigned to anyone
  • Subscribers
    2 subscriber(s)
    Click here to show the list of subscribers
Times and dates
  • Posted at
  • Last updated
Issue details
  • Resolution
    Not determined
  • Severity
Commits (0)
There are no code checkins for this issue

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