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Open Bug report MC-1765

Study Y Scale Format issue

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  1. No. of digits rounding issue - For example is Y scale of a study is 1.70k, if I set No. of digits to 0, the scale label will become 2k, but its Y position IS NOT CHANGDED. This means big inaccuracy of Y scale. The good thing to do is to move the label to where 2k actually there.
  2. It should have an option to set minimal size to start "Auto Divide Scale Labels". For example: 173 should be displayed as it is instead of 1.73c, where 1730 can be displayed as 1.73k. In other words, Auto Divide should never increase the total characters. Say 173 is 3 characters, 1.73c is 4, thus 173 is preferred for Auto Divide.
Steps to reproduce this issue

As description.

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Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Bug report
  • Category
  • Targeted for
    Not determined
  • Status
    Under Review
  • Priority
    Not determined
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
Affected by this issue (2)
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    user-offline.png  WZero
  • Owned by
    Not owned by anyone
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    Not assigned to anyone
  • Subscribers
    2 subscriber(s)
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Issue details
  • Reproducability
    Not determined
  • Severity
Commits (0)
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