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Open Bug report MC-19

Multicharts.exe process consumes more CPU ressources than in MC_5.5

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"What happens now with MC 6 that run alone in the PC, (the other applications are running now on another PC) is that during fast market conditions the TSserver is using about 40-45pct of CPU and the total use of CPU goes up to 100pct. This lasts for the whole 5-10 minutes that the sluggishness of the formation of bars is observed. Even when I close the workspace and leave MC running without any workspace open, TSserver continues using about 20 to 40 pct of CPU for several minutes, then it seams that its activity goes down.
In the workspace that I use the only instrument is ES, there are 7 windows open with various ticks, contracts, point and 1minute timebases.

Many studies are running on them including volume and volume up/down in some of them."

"After using the 5.5 version of MC all day, there was hardly any cpu's used, the chart never fell behind, and was accurate all day.
In contrast, version 6.01 used a tremendous amount of cpu's, had a great deal of trouble keeping up, was usually behind when any activity was taking place and was not reliable to trade off of.
Conclusion: The new version was release too early and there are significant bugs in it, and its ability to digest the market is not yet reliable. The new version must b recalled, as it still seems to be in a beta stage. Any new version must work as well or better than the 5.5"

Steps to reproduce this issue

1) Add symbol Universal DDE A1 Forex FX
2) Configure the Universal DDE data source with high frequency data
3) Open attached WSP
4) WSP has 7 charts (ticks, contracts, points and minutes), 3 indicators each (Mov Avg 3 Line, MACD и MACD Gradient)
The test computer is QAIntel (Intel Pentuim D CPU 2.80GHz 3Gb Windows Server 2008 x32)
The issue was tested for one hour on each version. 
Average CPU usage % 
MultiCharts.5.5.2723.400_Release          55%
MultiCharts.6.01.3605.400_Release        68%
MultiCharts.7.0.3784.0_FXCM-MT           66% 

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Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Bug report
  • Category
  • Targeted for
    MultiCharts 7.0 (RELEASED)
  • Status
  • Priority
    Not determined
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
Affected by this issue (3)
People involved
  • Posted by
    user-offline.png  Dave
  • Owned by
    Not owned by anyone
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    Not assigned to anyone
  • Subscribers
    2 subscriber(s)
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Issue details
  • Reproducability
    Not determined
  • Severity
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