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Open Bug report MC-1969

Fix problem with reloading assemblies

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When modifying a referenced assembly, recompiling does not reload the assembly until you close MC.NET and open PLEditor.NET again. This is a major pain when working with external assemblies in PL.NET
To fix this MultiCharts should use a feature called Collectible Assemblies that comes in .NET Framework 4. It's something that has to be implemented at StudyServer level.


"Collectible assemblies are dynamic assemblies that can be unloaded without unloading the application domain in which they were created. All managed and unmanaged memory used by a collectible assembly and the types it contains can be reclaimed. Information such as the assembly name is removed from internal tables."
See related discussion: http://www.multicharts.com/discussion/viewtopic.php?t=48018

Steps to reproduce this issue

In Visual Studio create a Class Library project (Class A) and compile into a DLL
Add the DLL as reference assembly to a Study in PL.NET Editor and create an instance of Class A in the study.
Add study to a chart and keep MultiCharts process open
Modify project In VS to update the referenced assembly. You'll get an error that the assembly cannot be copied to output since it is locked by StudyServer.
To work around it you have to close all MultiCharts processes, recompile and open MultiCharts again. This is very time consuming and limiting for developers.

Comments (2)
user-offline.png  MultiCharts Support
Nov 20, 2015 - 09:39
user-offline.png  orad
Nov 20, 2015 - 19:08

I updated the repro steps. This issue exists regardless of the code editor you use and you can reproduce it with all versions of Visual Studio. Previously this was due to a limitation in the .NET AppDomain but now it's a bug because now .NET has a better way to handle unloading assemblies as said in the descriptions.

Issue basics
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    Bug report
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Affected by this issue (2)
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    user-offline.png  orad
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    Not determined
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