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Open Feature request MC-225

Edit OHLC Bar data directly (removing bad ticks)

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The feture request disussed originally here:

I had mentioned this couple of times in this forum(more than an year or
two ago). Why can't I simply right click on any candlebar and remove bad
tick ? Having done software programming in my last life, it should not
take more than couple of hours of programming. Why keep on adding new
features - why not make usability a little more easier. Sorry for the


+1 good idea


I've used a trading software that allows to edit candle OHLC data. Right
Click on the candle -> Edit Data. Done. As easy as that.


It would be a great idea, that's how Tradestation does it and it's really a fast way to edit bad data.I would also like MC's data edit window to remember the previously
entered values, so if I have to repeatedly go back to the edit window,
for multiple bad ticks, that I don't have to re-enter the date, exchange
etc every time, it's very tedious..


Thanks to all for validating my request! I sure
hope someone from Multicharts listens and responds. I usually use
Multcharts wth IB and primarily follow SPY and get lot of bad spikes -
spoiling the whole chart. It happens so often that I usually switch to
other SPY proxies like SSO or UPRO so that I don't go thru data
management exercise all the time.
This request requires so little
efforts to implement that I am amazed why TSSupport does not even
respond to the request. If it requires huge efforts and they have other
priorities, sure, please mention it.

Steps to reproduce this issue


Comments (2)
user-offline.png  Guest
Aug 03, 2012 - 14:02

It would be nice to just hold down a "CTL E"  (Control E for Edit) and go to the chart and
point to the bad tick and "Enter" to "clip" the offending long bar.  That's how "Ensign for Window"
 does for editing out the bad ticks.  It can't be that difficult to implement!

user-offline.png  Guest
Dec 04, 2014 - 19:05

Hello guys, any idea if there is any talk of implementing this? Its been years since this request

Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Feature request
  • Category
  • Targeted for
    Not determined
  • Status
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
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    Not triaged
Affected by this issue (3)
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    user-offline.png  geizer
  • Owned by
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    2 subscriber(s)
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    Not determined
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