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Open Feature request MC-2337

Open AI Codex Integration

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The OpenAI Codex is an AI system that translates natural language to code. I think you should integrate Open AI Codex into the Multicharts Platform. This would allow MC users to type strategies in Natural Language and the Open AI Codex would translate it into MC.Net code. Please find the OpenAI Codex webpage below.

OpenAI Codex Webpage:

Comments (57)
user-offline.png  RGTrading
Oct 03, 2017 - 09:39

I have used Algoterminal before. I was one of the first beta testers when it was called IQ Broker. It is a bit more user-friendly in some areas than MC. It is easier to run back tests, and Optimize strategies. It is also easier to do detailed analysis on results. It is easier to dig down into individual trades and time periods. It is also easier to compare strategies side by side. MC has better charting and a bigger API library though. It would be great is MC took some ideas from Algoterminal on useability. It is just like anything else. MC is not great in all areas. It can use improvement just like everything else. MC taking some useability ideas from Algoterminal would be a great thing.

user-offline.png  RussianRouge
Oct 09, 2017 - 14:50

Nice idea. This would be a big improvement

user-offline.png  Leggy
Oct 12, 2017 - 10:00

I demoed it. It does not have the same amount of functions available in MC. But, some of the usability features make it a lot easier to use. Setting up data connections is easier. I prefer MC charting. But I can see benefit from having MC developers take some of the usability ideas from Algoterminal.

user-offline.png  MattTall
Oct 12, 2017 - 15:48

I tried it. I was not impressed with the library of functions at all. MC is a lot better. MC charting is better. But, the Analysis part is easier to use and the backtest is more streamlined. MC could take some tips from the uaability of Algoterminal. and MC could take some of the analysis tools. It is easier to look at individual trades in Algoterminal.

user-offline.png  LionsTrader
Oct 12, 2017 - 19:32

MC developer could take some ideas from Algoterminal which used to be IQ Broker. The site has some good analysis tools. And some things are more intuitive to use. Really the focus should be making MC more intuitive to use.

user-offline.png  garber
Oct 14, 2017 - 10:15

One thing I noticed is that Algoterminal never gets that annoying data overused warning that asks you to shut down unnecessary programs. I don't know what It always happens with MC and not with Algoterminal. It just does. This is a good idea. I took this platform for a spin. It is more intuitive to use in some ways and the analysis tools are more precise. They are easier to use. MC developers could take some hints.

user-offline.png  MrD
Oct 14, 2017 - 21:45

I agree. There is a lot that Multicharts could get from Algoterminal. I did a demo of it. Also, I agree with the previous comment. It never gets that warning that it is using too much memory and that you should close unnecessary programs. I don't know why that happens but I never saw it with Algoterminal.

user-offline.png  williepbodie
Oct 16, 2017 - 14:09

I tried Algoterminal out when it was called IQ Broker, stupid name. It is intuitive as other people have said. Everything is well organized that you need and on one page. MC developers could make good use of a trial to get some design ideas.

user-offline.png  FreddieKruger
Oct 18, 2017 - 09:55

This is a good idea. I tried it when it was called IQ Broker. It ended up having some really good Algorithmic trading analysis tools, easy to examine results and it was very intuitive. MC needs to be more intuitive. MC is better for discretionary trading though. I like to charts in MC better.

user-offline.png  JamPride
Oct 19, 2017 - 10:04

This would be a good idea. They could also take some inspiration from Trading Technologies, and Matlab too. But, Algoterminal has some good stuff in it. I wish they had visual trading system development tools that allow you to use a block system to put strategies together.

user-offline.png  JTVan123
Oct 21, 2017 - 13:30

MC Developers should take some ideas from Trading Technologies. It seems like MC has not gone through any real renovations in a while. It would be good to keep up with the competition. These new platforms are more intuitive and easier to use.

user-offline.png  BoweryBoy
Oct 25, 2017 - 11:52

This is a good idea. I have some experience with this. MC has all of the same stuff as Algoterminal. it just runs better.. It does not get stuck as much. It doesn't get alerts to shut down applications because of lack of memory. Also, what MC calls Quote Manager, Portfolio Trader and Order & Position Tracker are easier to use and are more intuitive. And the Analysis functions are easier to use. MC would help itself alot if they took tips from Algoterminal. I like MC charts better though.

user-offline.png  tapperhardy
Oct 27, 2017 - 12:33

If I could add one thing to this request it would be to also look at Trading Technologies. I have tried both Algoterminal and Trading Technologies platforms and the both have things that MC developers can steal things from. MC needs to update its Analysis tools. the charts are good but the Analysis tools that you get after a backtest need to be updated big time.

user-offline.png  edmondDantes
Oct 28, 2017 - 12:48

The comment on this page are correct. MC developer could take some input from Algotrader and Trading Technologies. The Analysis tools need to be updated and just the overall usability of the platform. They could also look at another platform called Protrader (https://protrader.com/) They have a pretty good offering that MC Dev could steal some ideas.

user-offline.png  LomiK
Oct 29, 2017 - 11:11

Definitely. MC needs a serious upgrade when it comes to usability. I read a couple comments that said that. It is true. They need to adapt to stay competitive. The Analysis tools need to get a whole lot easier to use.

user-offline.png  ManuManu
Oct 30, 2017 - 16:19

Algoterminal (or as it was known IQ Broker) is a good platform but the company sucks. I think it will be going under soon because of poor management. Bad customer service. MC has great customer service. MC should just buy the platform from the company and integrate it. Bad company/good product. The analysis tools are great. Better than MC. MC has better charts though. Algoterminal is better organized. MC should look into stealing some ideas from it at least.

user-offline.png  JohnH
Oct 31, 2017 - 18:47

I've never used AlgoTerminal, but I wouldn't use a platform that doesn't sell a lifetime license. Unless it's bundled with data like eSignal. I own a license of NT and will continue using it forever - or until NT dies.

But, I think that you guys aren't seeing the big picture here. The present and futures of this company is TradingView, which is doing very well!! Much better than MultiCharts and NinjaTrader.

What do you think happens to aging, outdated products in most companies when they have another product that is doing very well? It goes into maintenance mode, life support, and its value is squeezed until it's dumped. That is always the case. Even the mighty Microsoft kills off its old products once it has new ones. MC and NT's best days are behind them, the future for retail is TradingView and Quantopian/QuantConnect.

Lifetime licenses never work out for trading platform vendors for the long term - ProTrader are insane for going into this failed business model. Yes, users want it, demand it, but the market is limited and small, while the product is super high maintenance.

Ever wondered why eSignal, CQG, Trading Technologies, are big strong companies, while MC, NT are aging badly? It's because of these lifetime licenses. Why do you think both MC and NT moved to other recurring business models?

Seems like AlgoTerminal isn't even focused on retail, and we have no idea what's going on there. Just like we don't know what Deltix or QuantHouse are doing. But if this company has any future in the retail space it should stick to making its subscription model work, otherwise it will age badly like MC and NT. I think they should discontinue the professional package, and increase the prices of enterprise and focus only on that. The product looks nice in the screenshots and features, but way too expensive for me.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing TradingView become stronger with QuantConnect like features, that's the future for us. Go TradingView!

user-offline.png  MCHammer
Nov 02, 2017 - 10:05

I agree with this post. MC needs a huge upgrade. Not just a small one around the edges. I was an Algoterminal user when it was IQ broker. The previous guys are right. The product is good but the company sucks. They had a different pricing structure that made sense and then they changed it to the super high prices you see not. It is not worth what they are charging now. It was free to develop on and then you paid something close to what MC charges monthly. The company does not respect the customers. I wish MC would just completely redo there platform to work like a combination of Algoterminal, Trading Technologies, Trade Station and NT. Algoterminal does sell its platform but the price is undisclosed so it is probably very high. Also, I would not buy it because I think the company will go out of business soon. Nobody is signing up for it because of the high price and it was unstable for long time. It is stable now but the price is still way too high.

user-offline.png  MCHammer
Nov 02, 2017 - 11:22

Traderview is just a social network for investors. It is not a trading platform. It does not satisfy the same need as MC. I dont know why you broght it up

user-offline.png  JohnH
Nov 02, 2017 - 13:03

I'm sure that if AlgoTerminal wanted to they could sell lifetime licenses like NT and MC. The fact that they are not and the fact that they have been going at it since 2006 suggests they have the money and the vision.

They aim to compete with DeltixLab and QuantHouse, become big like TT and CQG.

Reuters charges $1000/mo, Bloomberg $2000/mo, CQG Integrated Client $600/mo.... that's the market to be in. Not compete with the free or cheap QuantConnect/Quantiopain/ThinkOrSwim/NinjaTrader/TradingView, etc....

I mentioned TradingView, because of several reasons:

  1. I really love it!

  2. Because it is becoming a trading platform, and a rather good one!

  3. Because MultiCharts and TradingView have the same owners. And TradingView is quickly becoming a huge player worth 100 times more than MultiCharts.... what would you do if you owned a huge company that is doing very well and a niche company that has an aging product? With free competitors in the cloud like QuantConnect, etc. People buy MultiCharts for algo/quant, but algo and backtesting are becoming cheap via the cloud providers which also give you free data.

AlgoTerminal has the sense to push higher and try to make it big. I think they used the retail clients for Q.A and now taking it to the next step, but I don't know. If I had the money and I really cared about backtesting and quant then I'd go with AlgoTerminal, they have more future then the rest of them, if they get institutional traction.

But I think that TradingView will eventually do it all, and be really cheap. So I'm with them.

user-offline.png  MCHammer
icon_reply.pngNov 02, 14:24, in reply to comment #47

They do offer a lifetime product. I would not buy it because I think the guy that runs the place has no idea how to treat customers and he has to be running low on capital. No one has signed up for this platform. As a beta tester, he sent out emails. It is pretty obvious from what he was saying. DeltixLab has been around for a long time and has won many awards. Quanthouse is a lot more established than Algoterminal. TT and CQG have great track records as well. The only thing Algoterminal has over MC is a more streamlined environment for analysis. Algoterminal's charts suck. It is overpriced for what it offers. No institutional people are going with AT just because they raised the price. That is no reason to use it over an established platform like Deltix. If I was MC/Traderview I would just steal what I could off of platforms like Algoterminal, NT and others to rejuvenate my MC business. NT is growing subscribers, so are the others. It doesn't make sense that it is not a good business to be in. When it is obvious it is growing.

'''JohnH wrote:'''

I'm sure that if AlgoTerminal wanted to they could sell lifetime licenses
like NT and MC. The fact that they are not and the fact that they have been
going at it since 2006 suggests they have the money and the vision.

They aim to compete with DeltixLab and QuantHouse, become big like TT and

Reuters charges $1000/mo, Bloomberg $2000/mo, CQG Integrated Client
$600/mo.... that's the market to be in. Not compete with the free or cheap
QuantConnect/Quantiopain/ThinkOrSwim/NinjaTrader/TradingView, etc....

I mentioned TradingView, because of several reasons:

  1. I really love it!

  2. Because it is becoming a trading platform, and a rather good one!

  3. Because MultiCharts and TradingView have the same owners. And
    TradingView is quickly becoming a huge player worth 100 times more than
    MultiCharts.... what would you do if you owned a huge company that is doing
    very well and a niche company that has an aging product? With free
    competitors in the cloud like QuantConnect, etc. People buy MultiCharts for
    algo/quant, but algo and backtesting are becoming cheap via the cloud
    providers which also give you free data.

AlgoTerminal has the sense to push higher and try to make it big. I think
they used the retail clients for Q.A and now taking it to the next step,
but I don't know. If I had the money and I really cared about backtesting
and quant then I'd go with AlgoTerminal, they have more future then the
rest of them, if they get institutional traction.

But I think that TradingView will eventually do it all, and be really
cheap. So I'm with them.

user-offline.png  fractaltr
icon_reply.pngNov 02, 15:04, in reply to comment #47

I have to agree with MCHammer. Nice screen name by the way. Algoterminal does feel like a company going out of business. The product is good. Analysis tools are good. Charting not so much. The customer service is terrible. I would not trust the company at all. And, It is an overpriced product. It's not worth what they are charging for it.

'''JohnH wrote:'''

I'm sure that if AlgoTerminal wanted to they could sell lifetime licenses
like NT and MC. The fact that they are not and the fact that they have been
going at it since 2006 suggests they have the money and the vision.

They aim to compete with DeltixLab and QuantHouse, become big like TT and

Reuters charges $1000/mo, Bloomberg $2000/mo, CQG Integrated Client
$600/mo.... that's the market to be in. Not compete with the free or cheap
QuantConnect/Quantiopain/ThinkOrSwim/NinjaTrader/TradingView, etc....

I mentioned TradingView, because of several reasons:

  1. I really love it!

  2. Because it is becoming a trading platform, and a rather good one!

  3. Because MultiCharts and TradingView have the same owners. And
    TradingView is quickly becoming a huge player worth 100 times more than
    MultiCharts.... what would you do if you owned a huge company that is doing
    very well and a niche company that has an aging product? With free
    competitors in the cloud like QuantConnect, etc. People buy MultiCharts for
    algo/quant, but algo and backtesting are becoming cheap via the cloud
    providers which also give you free data.

AlgoTerminal has the sense to push higher and try to make it big. I think
they used the retail clients for Q.A and now taking it to the next step,
but I don't know. If I had the money and I really cared about backtesting
and quant then I'd go with AlgoTerminal, they have more future then the
rest of them, if they get institutional traction.

But I think that TradingView will eventually do it all, and be really
cheap. So I'm with them.

user-offline.png  JohnH
Nov 02, 2017 - 17:20

The company has a massive product that you all mostly like. It's been in development free of charge for many years and now because it's expensive they suddenly have bad customer service and going out of business? If they were free all these years how can you judge the service? Did you ever pay for service? Wouldn't they charge something during those years?

You guys have no idea what type of business these guys are doing. Or why they are avoiding the easy path of selling lifetime licenses.

It would costs many millions to build such a platform... They are clearly stating their goal of becoming an institutional platform. A few large hedge fund clients is all they need, you don't know who if they don't have a few very large clients. We don't know what they are planning.

This looks like a company that is really not pressured into selling to retail clients. I will stick to Ninja and trading View and you guys can stick to multicharts. And I suggest we let AT make their own business decisions.

user-offline.png  FloridaTrader1
Nov 02, 2017 - 17:35

I have been reading the last few comments. This platform was not useable until recently. I don't know why they are putting themselves out as being institutional. I tried it and I would never execute on that platform. MC might be old but I trust the platform. It is stable. That thing had so many bugs. It was nerve-racking. I wouldn't trust it for trading live. The charts were always crap. One thing I agree with MC has great charts. I just wish they updated the other stuff. I never really had that much interaction with the customer service. But, the emails I got from the company were not very professional. I don't know if that is any indication of the company health. Anyway, I like MC.Net. I will stick with it and hope that it improves. I love the Lifetime License feature.

user-offline.png  JohnH
icon_reply.pngNov 02, 18:02, in reply to comment #51

The platform was free until recently, probably stayed in beta until it was stable enough. Seems that most posters here complain about MC stability, not AT. It doesn't matter, we are all holders of lifetime licenses of different companies, we are invested in their success. I want NT to do well because I own a copy and all of you guys want multicharts to do well because you own a copy. But you forget that someone has to buy more copies... Selling copies must have gotten harder with trading View offering amazing free charts, and the cloud platforms offering free data, back testing and algo.

Who will buy multicharts when they can get almost everything for free or buy protrader which is the best new platform?

'''FloridaTrader1 wrote:'''

I have been reading the last few comments. This platform was not useable
until recently. I don't know why they are putting themselves out as being
institutional. I tried it and I would never execute on that platform. MC
might be old but I trust the platform. It is stable. That thing had so
many bugs. It was nerve-racking. I wouldn't trust it for trading live.
The charts were always crap. One thing I agree with MC has great charts.
I just wish they updated the other stuff. I never really had that much
interaction with the customer service. But, the emails I got from the
company were not very professional. I don't know if that is any indication
of the company health. Anyway, I like MC.Net. I will stick with it and
hope that it improves. I love the Lifetime License feature.

user-offline.png  Willcox
icon_reply.pngNov 06, 10:07, in reply to comment #52

I have never used Algoterminal. I do agree that Multicharts needs a full upgrade. They keep doing small things. They need an entire redo of the platform to stay current. I looked at the Algoterminal website. It look very over priced. I used to work as an institutional trader. No one would pay that much money for that. I was more interested in the Protrader thing that you mentioned. How good it protrader? It really enticed me. It looks like it is attached to a large institutional platform for banks. That is the kind of platform I can see institutions paying for. Please give me some insight on the platform.

'''JohnH wrote:'''

The platform was free until recently, probably stayed in beta until it was
stable enough. Seems that most posters here complain about MC stability,
not AT. It doesn't matter, we are all holders of lifetime licenses of
different companies, we are invested in their success. I want NT to do well
because I own a copy and all of you guys want multicharts to do well
because you own a copy. But you forget that someone has to buy more
copies... Selling copies must have gotten harder with trading View offering
amazing free charts, and the cloud platforms offering free data, back
testing and algo.

Who will buy multicharts when they can get almost everything for free or
buy protrader which is the best new platform?

'''FloridaTrader1 wrote:'''

I have been reading the last few comments. This platform was not useable
until recently. I don't know why they are putting themselves out as
institutional. I tried it and I would never execute on that platform.
might be old but I trust the platform. It is stable. That thing had so
many bugs. It was nerve-racking. I wouldn't trust it for trading live.
The charts were always crap. One thing I agree with MC has great charts.

I just wish they updated the other stuff. I never really had that much
interaction with the customer service. But, the emails I got from the
company were not very professional. I don't know if that is any
of the company health. Anyway, I like MC.Net. I will stick with it and
hope that it improves. I love the Lifetime License feature.

user-offline.png  BBTrader1
icon_reply.pngNov 06, 16:42, in reply to comment #53

I agree.I have never used Algoterminal also. I just want to see MC get an update. Bigly as the prez would say. If this would do it I am all for it.

'''Willcox wrote:'''

I have never used Algoterminal. I do agree that Multicharts needs a full
upgrade. They keep doing small things. They need an entire redo of the
platform to stay current. I looked at the Algoterminal website. It look
very over priced. I used to work as an institutional trader. No one would
pay that much money for that. I was more interested in the Protrader thing
that you mentioned. How good it protrader? It really enticed me. It looks
like it is attached to a large institutional platform for banks. That is
the kind of platform I can see institutions paying for. Please give me
some insight on the platform.

'''JohnH wrote:'''

The platform was free until recently, probably stayed in beta until it was
stable enough. Seems that most posters here complain about MC stability,
not AT. It doesn't matter, we are all holders of lifetime licenses of
different companies, we are invested in their success. I want NT to do
because I own a copy and all of you guys want multicharts to do well
because you own a copy. But you forget that someone has to buy more
copies... Selling copies must have gotten harder with trading View
amazing free charts, and the cloud platforms offering free data, back
testing and algo.

Who will buy multicharts when they can get almost everything for free or
buy protrader which is the best new platform?

'''FloridaTrader1 wrote:'''

I have been reading the last few comments. This platform was not
until recently. I don't know why they are putting themselves out as
institutional. I tried it and I would never execute on that platform.
might be old but I trust the platform. It is stable. That thing had
many bugs. It was nerve-racking. I wouldn't trust it for trading
The charts were always crap. One thing I agree with MC has great

I just wish they updated the other stuff. I never really had that much
interaction with the customer service. But, the emails I got from the
company were not very professional. I don't know if that is any
of the company health. Anyway, I like MC.Net. I will stick with it
hope that it improves. I love the Lifetime License feature.

user-offline.png  MMTrader
icon_reply.pngNov 07, 10:49, in reply to comment #52

I think MC needs a huge upgrade too. I just took a look at Protrader. What is your opinion about the platform? How good is it?

'''JohnH wrote:'''

The platform was free until recently, probably stayed in beta until it was
stable enough. Seems that most posters here complain about MC stability,
not AT. It doesn't matter, we are all holders of lifetime licenses of
different companies, we are invested in their success. I want NT to do well
because I own a copy and all of you guys want multicharts to do well
because you own a copy. But you forget that someone has to buy more
copies... Selling copies must have gotten harder with trading View offering
amazing free charts, and the cloud platforms offering free data, back
testing and algo.

Who will buy multicharts when they can get almost everything for free or
buy protrader which is the best new platform?

'''FloridaTrader1 wrote:'''

I have been reading the last few comments. This platform was not useable
until recently. I don't know why they are putting themselves out as
institutional. I tried it and I would never execute on that platform.
might be old but I trust the platform. It is stable. That thing had so
many bugs. It was nerve-racking. I wouldn't trust it for trading live.
The charts were always crap. One thing I agree with MC has great charts.

I just wish they updated the other stuff. I never really had that much
interaction with the customer service. But, the emails I got from the
company were not very professional. I don't know if that is any
of the company health. Anyway, I like MC.Net. I will stick with it and
hope that it improves. I love the Lifetime License feature.

user-offline.png  CharoletteGreen
Nov 10, 2017 - 11:22

Never used Algoterminal but I do think MC need a big redo. Some of it is really hard to use.

user-offline.png  janlebtrader
icon_reply.pngNov 10, 14:09, in reply to comment #44

I just demoed Protrader I loved it. Thank you for letting me know about it. I never used Algoterminal but I am not impressed by the screen shots. It would be nice if Multichart updated but I am falling in love with Protrader. Thank you for the advice

'''JohnH wrote:'''

I've never used AlgoTerminal, but I wouldn't use a platform that doesn't
sell a lifetime license. Unless it's bundled with data like eSignal. I own
a license of NT and will continue using it forever - or until NT dies.

But, I think that you guys aren't seeing the big picture here. The present
and futures of this company is TradingView, which is doing very well!! Much
better than MultiCharts and NinjaTrader.

What do you think happens to aging, outdated products in most companies
when they have another product that is doing very well? It goes into
maintenance mode, life support, and its value is squeezed until it's
dumped. That is always the case. Even the mighty Microsoft kills off its
old products once it has new ones. MC and NT's best days are behind them,
the future for retail is TradingView and Quantopian/QuantConnect.

Lifetime licenses never work out for trading platform vendors for the long
term - ProTrader are insane for going into this failed business model. Yes,
users want it, demand it, but the market is limited and small, while the
product is super high maintenance.

Ever wondered why eSignal, CQG, Trading Technologies, are big strong
companies, while MC, NT are aging badly? It's because of these lifetime
licenses. Why do you think both MC and NT moved to other recurring business

Seems like AlgoTerminal isn't even focused on retail, and we have no idea
what's going on there. Just like we don't know what Deltix or QuantHouse
are doing. But if this company has any future in the retail space it should
stick to making its subscription model work, otherwise it will age badly
like MC and NT. I think they should discontinue the professional package,
and increase the prices of enterprise and focus only on that. The product
looks nice in the screenshots and features, but way too expensive for me.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing TradingView become stronger with
QuantConnect like features, that's the future for us. Go TradingView!

user-offline.png  PaulaVee
Nov 12, 2017 - 11:57

I would like to see MC go through a real change. Not just small stuff. I have never heard of Algoterminal but I have tried other platforms like Trading technologies that MC could take some notes from.

user-offline.png  sheliaRichardson
Nov 13, 2017 - 13:05

Much like a lot of people on this thread. I have not used Algoterminal. But, I think MC is overdue for a huge renovation. I am not big on Traderview as someone else mentioned. But, It seems like that website is more of a social network. It is not a trading platform. I am hoping that MC developers look at other platforms like Trading Technologies and others to do a huge renovation of the platform. More than just adding a few features here and there.

user-offline.png  Eli
Nov 15, 2017 - 08:27

I use protrader and TradingView. I use protrader to execute and I get Ideas from TradingView. I would love if their was a platform that was integrated with TradingView. I will never feel fully comfortable executing with TradingView. I need something one my own computer that I control. This would be the best of both worlds. I would even go Pro on TradingView, especially if I could use their data.

user-offline.png  MarkMax
Nov 15, 2017 - 10:15

I use tradingview. I would love to have a platform like this to do my trading. It could use some work though. I will check out the other ones mentioned.

user-offline.png  FidelisCapital
Nov 16, 2017 - 10:53
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Nov 16, 2017 - 10:53
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Nov 16, 2017 - 10:53
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user-offline.png  kayla
Nov 20, 2017 - 13:42

This is a great idea. I would love to have something like protrader attached to my tradingview account.

user-offline.png  neosin
Nov 21, 2017 - 10:53

I love tradingview. but, I would not execute on it. I would really love this kind of option. A separate trading platform would really be something I would use.

user-offline.png  charlesscitco
Nov 30, 2017 - 23:08

I can agree with this. I am hoping that the next version of MC is a big change. It needs a fresh look.

user-offline.png  newkid
Dec 02, 2017 - 09:41

This is necessary. MC needs to totally redo the platform. Some of the cloud features you see in cTrader would be nice. But, it is really hard to use MC compared to other platforms. They need to make it a lot more user-friendly.

user-offline.png  marriegreen
Dec 04, 2017 - 09:25

Multichart does need to be more user-friendly. It has not kept up with the competition. I wish they would put more effort into it.

user-offline.png  esbee
Dec 10, 2017 - 00:47

Agree 100%. It is crazy to think that 20 years later, we still have an Omega ProSuite 2000i like product (which I used in the last millenium).

Computers have changed, as have screen resolutions. For example, it is very difficult to grab these small squared anchors on drawing tools. When I want to change a trendline or fib retracement, it is often easier to delete the drawing tool and redraw it, instead of fighting 10 minutes trying to grab the small square.

Furthermore, many modern drawing tools are missing.

I wouldn't mind to go from lifetime license to a monthly subscription, provided that TSSupport, or Multicharts, or TradingView (or whatever the company name is) provides regular updates. By regular, I mean REGULAR (ie. not having to wait 4 years to get a Modified Schiff pitchfork).

user-offline.png  esbee
icon_reply.pngDec 10, 00:53, in reply to comment #44

On the other hand, Microsoft never says "buy a lifetime license, we will provide you with updates for life".

'''JohnH wrote:'''

I've never used AlgoTerminal, but I wouldn't use a platform that doesn't
sell a lifetime license. Unless it's bundled with data like eSignal. I own
a license of NT and will continue using it forever - or until NT dies.

But, I think that you guys aren't seeing the big picture here. The present
and futures of this company is TradingView, which is doing very well!! Much
better than MultiCharts and NinjaTrader.

What do you think happens to aging, outdated products in most companies
when they have another product that is doing very well? It goes into
maintenance mode, life support, and its value is squeezed until it's
dumped. That is always the case. Even the mighty Microsoft kills off its
old products once it has new ones. MC and NT's best days are behind them,
the future for retail is TradingView and Quantopian/QuantConnect.

Lifetime licenses never work out for trading platform vendors for the long
term - ProTrader are insane for going into this failed business model. Yes,
users want it, demand it, but the market is limited and small, while the
product is super high maintenance.

Ever wondered why eSignal, CQG, Trading Technologies, are big strong
companies, while MC, NT are aging badly? It's because of these lifetime
licenses. Why do you think both MC and NT moved to other recurring business

Seems like AlgoTerminal isn't even focused on retail, and we have no idea
what's going on there. Just like we don't know what Deltix or QuantHouse
are doing. But if this company has any future in the retail space it should
stick to making its subscription model work, otherwise it will age badly
like MC and NT. I think they should discontinue the professional package,
and increase the prices of enterprise and focus only on that. The product
looks nice in the screenshots and features, but way too expensive for me.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing TradingView become stronger with
QuantConnect like features, that's the future for us. Go TradingView!

user-offline.png  DButler
icon_reply.pngDec 15, 15:19, in reply to comment #71

This company and none of the other trading software companies will become Microsoft. Get real.

'''esbee wrote:'''

On the other hand, Microsoft never says "buy a lifetime license, we will
provide you with updates for life".

'''JohnH wrote:'''

I've never used AlgoTerminal, but I wouldn't use a platform that doesn't
sell a lifetime license. Unless it's bundled with data like eSignal. I
a license of NT and will continue using it forever - or until NT dies.

But, I think that you guys aren't seeing the big picture here. The
and futures of this company is TradingView, which is doing very well!!
better than MultiCharts and NinjaTrader.

What do you think happens to aging, outdated products in most companies
when they have another product that is doing very well? It goes into
maintenance mode, life support, and its value is squeezed until it's
dumped. That is always the case. Even the mighty Microsoft kills off its
old products once it has new ones. MC and NT's best days are behind them,
the future for retail is TradingView and Quantopian/QuantConnect.

Lifetime licenses never work out for trading platform vendors for the
term - ProTrader are insane for going into this failed business model.
users want it, demand it, but the market is limited and small, while the
product is super high maintenance.

Ever wondered why eSignal, CQG, Trading Technologies, are big strong
companies, while MC, NT are aging badly? It's because of these lifetime
licenses. Why do you think both MC and NT moved to other recurring

Seems like AlgoTerminal isn't even focused on retail, and we have no idea
what's going on there. Just like we don't know what Deltix or QuantHouse
are doing. But if this company has any future in the retail space it
stick to making its subscription model work, otherwise it will age badly
like MC and NT. I think they should discontinue the professional package,
and increase the prices of enterprise and focus only on that. The product
looks nice in the screenshots and features, but way too expensive for me.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing TradingView become stronger with
QuantConnect like features, that's the future for us. Go TradingView!

user-offline.png  DButler
Dec 15, 2017 - 15:20

This is the best post I have seen. MC definitely needs a top-down redesign.

user-offline.png  TrickDaddy
Jan 15, 2018 - 11:12

Algoterminal is a crap platform. I dont know why anyone would use it. I agree that multichart needs to update. But, dont look to Algoterminal. It sucks all around.

user-offline.png  PlazaMitty
Jan 16, 2018 - 11:55

Algoterminal is overpriced garbage. It freezes up all the time when you do backtests, the set up is amateurish at best, and you can't trust it to live trade with it. Basically, the company tries to give a high price to garbage hoping people are dumb enough to pay it and think they are getting something good. It is like selling an ounce of crap for the same price you sell four ounces of gold for and telling you that the crap is actually gold. Avoid Algoterminal at all costs. Protrader is better. Hell, anything is better. Save your money.

user-offline.png  PlazaMitty
icon_reply.pngJan 16, 14:17, in reply to comment #44

How you pay for the platform does not matter. How good the platform matters a lot. I have used Algoterminal. It sucks. Don't waste your money on that garbage. Trading Technologies has a better platform and is an all-around better company. They are very responsive and take recommendations. Algogarbage is an unstable piece of trash

'''JohnH wrote:'''

I've never used AlgoTerminal, but I wouldn't use a platform that doesn't
sell a lifetime license. Unless it's bundled with data like eSignal. I own
a license of NT and will continue using it forever - or until NT dies.

But, I think that you guys aren't seeing the big picture here. The present
and futures of this company is TradingView, which is doing very well!! Much
better than MultiCharts and NinjaTrader.

What do you think happens to aging, outdated products in most companies
when they have another product that is doing very well? It goes into
maintenance mode, life support, and its value is squeezed until it's
dumped. That is always the case. Even the mighty Microsoft kills off its
old products once it has new ones. MC and NT's best days are behind them,
the future for retail is TradingView and Quantopian/QuantConnect.

Lifetime licenses never work out for trading platform vendors for the long
term - ProTrader are insane for going into this failed business model. Yes,
users want it, demand it, but the market is limited and small, while the
product is super high maintenance.

Ever wondered why eSignal, CQG, Trading Technologies, are big strong
companies, while MC, NT are aging badly? It's because of these lifetime
licenses. Why do you think both MC and NT moved to other recurring business

Seems like AlgoTerminal isn't even focused on retail, and we have no idea
what's going on there. Just like we don't know what Deltix or QuantHouse
are doing. But if this company has any future in the retail space it should
stick to making its subscription model work, otherwise it will age badly
like MC and NT. I think they should discontinue the professional package,
and increase the prices of enterprise and focus only on that. The product
looks nice in the screenshots and features, but way too expensive for me.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing TradingView become stronger with
QuantConnect like features, that's the future for us. Go TradingView!

user-offline.png  PlazaMitty
icon_reply.pngJan 16, 14:20, in reply to comment #47

If you never used the platform how do you know what it can do. Trust me, I have used it. It is trash. What do you work there or something? If you do, I feel sorry for you.

'''JohnH wrote:'''

I'm sure that if AlgoTerminal wanted to they could sell lifetime licenses
like NT and MC. The fact that they are not and the fact that they have been
going at it since 2006 suggests they have the money and the vision.

They aim to compete with DeltixLab and QuantHouse, become big like TT and

Reuters charges $1000/mo, Bloomberg $2000/mo, CQG Integrated Client
$600/mo.... that's the market to be in. Not compete with the free or cheap
QuantConnect/Quantiopain/ThinkOrSwim/NinjaTrader/TradingView, etc....

I mentioned TradingView, because of several reasons:

  1. I really love it!

  2. Because it is becoming a trading platform, and a rather good one!

  3. Because MultiCharts and TradingView have the same owners. And
    TradingView is quickly becoming a huge player worth 100 times more than
    MultiCharts.... what would you do if you owned a huge company that is doing
    very well and a niche company that has an aging product? With free
    competitors in the cloud like QuantConnect, etc. People buy MultiCharts for
    algo/quant, but algo and backtesting are becoming cheap via the cloud
    providers which also give you free data.

AlgoTerminal has the sense to push higher and try to make it big. I think
they used the retail clients for Q.A and now taking it to the next step,
but I don't know. If I had the money and I really cared about backtesting
and quant then I'd go with AlgoTerminal, they have more future then the
rest of them, if they get institutional traction.

But I think that TradingView will eventually do it all, and be really
cheap. So I'm with them.

user-offline.png  PlazaMitty
icon_reply.pngJan 16, 14:21, in reply to comment #50

You definitely work there. Look man, that platform is terrible. You need to start looking for a new job.

'''JohnH wrote:'''

The company has a massive product that you all mostly like. It's been in
development free of charge for many years and now because it's expensive
they suddenly have bad customer service and going out of business? If they
were free all these years how can you judge the service? Did you ever pay
for service? Wouldn't they charge something during those years?

You guys have no idea what type of business these guys are doing. Or why
they are avoiding the easy path of selling lifetime licenses.

It would costs many millions to build such a platform... They are clearly
stating their goal of becoming an institutional platform. A few large hedge
fund clients is all they need, you don't know who if they don't have a few
very large clients. We don't know what they are planning.

This looks like a company that is really not pressured into selling to
retail clients. I will stick to Ninja and trading View and you guys can
stick to multicharts. And I suggest we let AT make their own business

user-offline.png  PlazaMitty
icon_reply.pngJan 16, 18:37, in reply to comment #71

Who cares about the lifetime license bit. Fact is algoterminal is a piece of overpriced garbage.

'''esbee wrote:'''

On the other hand, Microsoft never says "buy a lifetime license, we will
provide you with updates for life".

'''JohnH wrote:'''

I've never used AlgoTerminal, but I wouldn't use a platform that doesn't
sell a lifetime license. Unless it's bundled with data like eSignal. I
a license of NT and will continue using it forever - or until NT dies.

But, I think that you guys aren't seeing the big picture here. The
and futures of this company is TradingView, which is doing very well!!
better than MultiCharts and NinjaTrader.

What do you think happens to aging, outdated products in most companies
when they have another product that is doing very well? It goes into
maintenance mode, life support, and its value is squeezed until it's
dumped. That is always the case. Even the mighty Microsoft kills off its
old products once it has new ones. MC and NT's best days are behind them,
the future for retail is TradingView and Quantopian/QuantConnect.

Lifetime licenses never work out for trading platform vendors for the
term - ProTrader are insane for going into this failed business model.
users want it, demand it, but the market is limited and small, while the
product is super high maintenance.

Ever wondered why eSignal, CQG, Trading Technologies, are big strong
companies, while MC, NT are aging badly? It's because of these lifetime
licenses. Why do you think both MC and NT moved to other recurring

Seems like AlgoTerminal isn't even focused on retail, and we have no idea
what's going on there. Just like we don't know what Deltix or QuantHouse
are doing. But if this company has any future in the retail space it
stick to making its subscription model work, otherwise it will age badly
like MC and NT. I think they should discontinue the professional package,
and increase the prices of enterprise and focus only on that. The product
looks nice in the screenshots and features, but way too expensive for me.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing TradingView become stronger with
QuantConnect like features, that's the future for us. Go TradingView!

user-offline.png  FidelisCapital
Feb 26, 2018 - 09:52
A file was uploaded. icon_open_new.png
user-offline.png  Zoli
Sep 22, 2019 - 06:02

Tradingview is great but is limited due to being used in a browser.
Imagine combining the two platforms functionalities having all the nice features available in desktop version with as many charts as you want across multiple displays. All in one package.

user-offline.png  picklerick
Jan 15, 2021 - 01:51

Over 3 years since this request was made and nothing. Clearly MC have no intention of putting any serious redevelopment into the platform. They seem content on letting it age and doing the bare minimum to keep it running.

Visually, the platform is very outdated. Look at what tradingview is capable of (visually).

user-offline.png  FidelisCapital
icon_reply.pngMar 04, 13:48, in reply to comment #44

Algoterminal doesn't exist anymore. That company is a joke. They rebranded themselves like 5 times. You cannot use that company as an example of a successful business model.

'''JohnH wrote:'''

I've never used AlgoTerminal, but I wouldn't use a platform that doesn't
sell a lifetime license. Unless it's bundled with data like eSignal. I own
a license of NT and will continue using it forever - or until NT dies.

But, I think that you guys aren't seeing the big picture here. The present
and futures of this company is TradingView, which is doing very well!! Much
better than MultiCharts and NinjaTrader.

What do you think happens to aging, outdated products in most companies
when they have another product that is doing very well? It goes into
maintenance mode, life support, and its value is squeezed until it's
dumped. That is always the case. Even the mighty Microsoft kills off its
old products once it has new ones. MC and NT's best days are behind them,
the future for retail is TradingView and Quantopian/QuantConnect.

Lifetime licenses never work out for trading platform vendors for the long
term - ProTrader are insane for going into this failed business model. Yes,
users want it, demand it, but the market is limited and small, while the
product is super high maintenance.

Ever wondered why eSignal, CQG, Trading Technologies, are big strong
companies, while MC, NT are aging badly? It's because of these lifetime
licenses. Why do you think both MC and NT moved to other recurring business

Seems like AlgoTerminal isn't even focused on retail, and we have no idea
what's going on there. Just like we don't know what Deltix or QuantHouse
are doing. But if this company has any future in the retail space it should
stick to making its subscription model work, otherwise it will age badly
like MC and NT. I think they should discontinue the professional package,
and increase the prices of enterprise and focus only on that. The product
looks nice in the screenshots and features, but way too expensive for me.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing TradingView become stronger with
QuantConnect like features, that's the future for us. Go TradingView!

user-offline.png  MultiCharts Support
May 13, 2024 - 09:44
Dear Users,

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