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Open Feature request MC-280

Simple database api or import/export method suggestion

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Managing market data is one of the biggest time consuming and error prone aspect of using MultiCharts.

The ideal would be a COM API that would let us create a script to:

  • List existing symbols and their attributes
  • Export symbols in CSV format
  • Delete symbols
  • Create symbols
  • Import symbol data in CSV format

    • Replacing existing data
    • Updating existing data

This would be sheer dynamite!

As a fallback, it would at least be helpful if these could be implemented via the QuoteManager by invoking it with command arguments that do these things.

For example,

quotemanager --listsymbols

quotemanager --export --symbol ZB --resolution minute --field trade --exchange cbot --source TradeStation --timezone exchange --starttime "11/8/2007 8:00am" --endtime "11/9/2007 8:00am"

quotemanager --import --symbol ZB --resolution minute --field trade --exchange cbot --source TradeStation --timezone exchange --starttime "11/8/2007 8:00am" --endtime "11/9/2007 8:00am"

This ought to be fairly easy to implement, I think, and would greatly help dealing with data stored in the database.

Steps to reproduce this issue

Just notice how long it takes to do anything that checks data or work with data!

Comments (8)
user-offline.png  jek
Apr 15, 2011 - 22:14

Obviously, you would like it to be a property of export/import that the data is identical if you export, delete, then import the data without change.

user-offline.png  jek
Oct 24, 2016 - 11:34

The case is marked as released but I don't see in the documentation any way to write a shell script to list and import or export symbols. It still looks like you have to go through an error prone way of automating the navigation through the user interface methods. Can you point me to the documentation that implements this request? Thanks!

user-offline.png  Guest
Oct 29, 2016 - 21:20

So can you confirm that there is still no sciptable way to import/export data?

user-offline.png  jek
icon_reply.pngNov 27, 00:13, in reply to comment #0

'''Guest user wrote:'''

So can you confirm that there is still no scriptable way to import/export

It looks liks #MC-1553 partially implements this, true?

user-offline.png  jek
icon_reply.pngNov 27, 00:26, in reply to comment #1

I guess I got excited too quickly. MC-1553 is still a GUI-based method, it appears.

We really, really need a command line way to export and import data.

Or else a programmatic way. Please!!

'''jek wrote:'''

'''Guest user wrote:'''

So can you confirm that there is still no scriptable way to import/export

It looks liks #MC-1553 partially implements this, true?

user-offline.png  jek
icon_reply.pngAug 30, 09:05, in reply to comment #2

It would still be very simple and valuable to export/import from the command line...

user-offline.png  jek
icon_reply.pngNov 27, 13:42, in reply to comment #3

We very much need a way to bulk import and export. Why won't you support this?

user-offline.png  jek
icon_reply.pngOct 17, 11:47, in reply to comment #4

Disappointed to still not have something like this in MC 14.0

'''jek wrote:'''

We very much need a way to bulk import and export. Why won't you support

Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Feature request
  • Category
  • Targeted for
    Not determined
  • Status
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
Affected by this issue (3)
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    user-offline.png  jek
  • Owned by
    Not owned by anyone
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    2 subscriber(s)
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    Not determined
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