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Open Feature request MC-70

Trendline magnet like in JForex

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I am a discretionary trader and use trendlines a lot. And I am never sure whether a trendline I draw has its coordinates exactly in High / Low of a given bar. I check the co-ordinates constantly to make sure, which consumes much time.
I noticed a fabulous feature in JForex. Having drawn a trendline in JForex I am 100% sure the co-ordinates indicate High / Low of a bar because of 'trendline magnet'. I would love MC to have this outstanding feature.

Steps to reproduce this issue

This feature is best experienced in JForex. No other platform I used has this feature. The only way to reproduce is to download JForex.

Comments (7)
user-offline.png  Dennis Globa
May 13, 2011 - 12:54

Dear Tresor,
Please give us more details on the feature. What is basic difference between the MultiCharts snap mode and the one you suggest. Our snap mode will force any drawing tool to attach to open, high, low or close of a bar.

user-offline.png  Tresor
May 13, 2011 - 13:22

Dennis, the way trendline magnet works is different from MC's snap mode of drawing a trendline in that:
(i) in JForex magnet is stronger for Highs / Lows of a bar - I personally think that it should only magnetize towards Highs and Lows (and disregard Open and Close);
(ii) in Jforex once you anchor the first co-ordinate to High or Low of a certain bar, you can anchor the second co-ordinate to whatever point in the chart you want - you can even anchor the second co-ordinate to a non-bar
(iii) while trying to anchor the second co-ordinate in MC, the trendline flips around OHLC of each bar nad it takes massive amount of time to draw a trendline - frankly it takes me at least one minute in MC what takes me one second in JForex
Dennis, given my limited English abilities, it is hard to tell excatly the diference. Best way to get to understand the trendline magnet is to download JForex (which takes 1 minute) and see for yourself.
Besides, the co-ordinate points in JForex are small dots (one empty and the other transparent) that help a trader anchor precisely in place a trader wants, while in MC you have non transparent big squares which - by the way - are hard to operate. Many times instead of moving only one co-ordinate of a trendline I unintentionally move the whole trendline in MC.

user-offline.png  Tresor
Jun 30, 2011 - 19:27

Denis, do you need anything else as far as this feature request goes?

user-offline.png  Laurent
Jul 23, 2011 - 12:53

to add pattern detection such as autochartist does :-P
on some FX brokers

user-offline.png  Tresor
Nov 08, 2011 - 09:48

as per title.

user-offline.png  Tresor
Nov 18, 2011 - 15:15

There is magnet mode on the website you probably do not know  https://www.tradingview.com/ You might want to have a lookat charts there to see how magnet works and to find out if more details are needed at your end. Note on this website the trendline co-ordinates are magnetized towards OHLC. I only need co-ordinates to magnetize to H and L. O and C are unwanted. But you might add O and C as an option.
Hope this can influence the issue's status change.

user-offline.png  Guest
Nov 19, 2013 - 14:20

Any news on this feature request? It would be perfectly fine if this feature were implemented the same way like trendline magnet on tradingview works.

Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Feature request
  • Category
  • Targeted for
    Not determined
  • Status
    Under Review
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
Affected by this issue (3)
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    user-offline.png  Tresor
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    Not owned by anyone
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    Not assigned to anyone
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    Not determined
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