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Open Feature request MC-702

Don't use average entry price for open positions

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I already explained in MC-582 that a change in the current order management is desireable. I want to give two examples in which the current order management results in unexpected behaviour:
I used the chart trader panel to buy one contract without any exit strategy. The open position was displayed on the chart. After some minutes I chose the "Stop Loss" exit strategy and activated it on the chart trader panel. Finally I used once again the "Buy Mkt" button to buy another contract of the same instrument. Now the chart displayed the average price of both contracts as entry price for both contracts and one stop loss order for both contracts below the average entry price in the predefined distance from the entry price. However I would expect that the stop loss order is only placed for one contract and exactly in the predefined distance from the entry price of the secondly bought contract. 
Imagine that the first contract was bought without any exit strategy (maybe a long term trade). After some time the current price felt 30 points below the entry price of the first contract. Now one wants to enter a shot term trade and uses a stop loss strategy which places a stop loss 10 points below the entry price. After the order is places by a "Buy Mkt" order and executed at a price 30 points below the first entry price, MCDT computes the average entry price to be 15 points above the current price and places a stop loss exit strategy 10 points below the average entry price for both contracts. Now as the average entry price is 15 points above the current price, the stop loss is placed 5 points above the current price and what happens is that the stop loss is executed immediately! That is not an expected behaviour and it should be changed!
I want to suggest a completely different order managemant at this point: Each open position should be displayed on the chart at it's entry price and not all open positions at an average entry price. Each dependent OCO order or other exit strategy should always be corresponding to the entry price of it's open position. When an open position is closed by the "X" on the chart only it's corresponding orders should be cancelled an no other orders. That is the only way how pyramiding can be made possible in MCDT and I already use other platforms which offer such a feature. Of course, if someone consecutively opens many positions of a contract at different entry prices it can happen that the chart is cluttered by open positions and dependent orders but it is the most precise way to handle order management. At least there should be an option to use such a precise order management on a chart. It would be of much value for me and probably for many other traders. Finally, it is the only way to handle orders in the case Multicharts wants to support hedging in future releases of MC/MCDT.

Steps to reproduce this issue

Use MCDT Beta 1 on a PC with Windows XP Professional SP3 and Open E Cry demo  account.

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Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Feature request
  • Category
    Not determined
  • Targeted for
    MultiCharts 8.7 (RELEASED)
  • Status
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
Affected by this issue (2)
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    user-offline.png  disputin
  • Owned by
    Not owned by anyone
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    Not assigned to anyone
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    2 subscriber(s)
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Issue details
  • Resolution
    Not determined
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