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Open Feature request MC-854

Add preview image of Equity Curve for each result in Optimization report

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I believe one of the most important things is a very even and well behaved equity curve. But right now, I cannot view the equity curve when trying to decide which of hundreds (or thousands) of optimization results to choose.
I would like to be able to just hover my mouse over a new column "Equity Curve Preview", and when I hover then I will get a large preview window pop-up that shows me the equity curve. Or some other quick means to compare the equity curves inside of the optimization results report.

Steps to reproduce this issue

Feature request.

Comments (5)
user-offline.png  Big Mike
Mar 14, 2012 - 08:52

To add to this, please see the chart I posted here:

If you could add the capability of optimizing against a linear equity curve, that would be great. I think you could simply take the blue dashed line in my example (bottom left to top right linear line) and then look at the standard deviation from that line, with the smallest deviation being the best fit.

user-offline.png  PatrickSocal
Jun 04, 2013 - 18:23

Hi Big Mike,
Would it help if the folks at MultiCharts implemented the "K-Ratio" as developed by Lars Kestner? I think it's similar to what you have in mind.

user-offline.png  FastLane
Jul 18, 2014 - 02:09

Please add Equity Curve thumbnails for each symbol to Portfolio Backtest > Performance Report > Breakdown by Symbols. Being able to see them all in one place will make it much more convenient to see the look of the curve without having to click into each and every one.

user-offline.png  MC_Prog
Jan 03, 2015 - 13:05

I agree that both Equity Curve thumbnail images and ability to optimize against equity curve linearity would be excellent features to have in MC.

user-offline.png  Stefan-DE
Jun 05, 2018 - 13:58

Maybe it helps we can see a group or all Equity Curves in one Graphic like 100 or more equity Curves in the Monte Carlo Chart!

Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Feature request
  • Category
  • Targeted for
    MultiCharts Future Releases
  • Status
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
Affected by this issue (3)
People involved
  • Posted by
    user-offline.png  Big Mike
  • Owned by
    Not owned by anyone
  • Assigned to
    Not assigned to anyone
  • Subscribers
    6 subscriber(s)
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Times and dates
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Issue details
  • Resolution
    Not determined
  • Severity
Commits (0)
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