You can spot MultiCharts at Traders Expo show.
Caesars Palace, November 17 – 20, 2010
Presentations & Speakers:
Sunny Harris (MoneyMentor, Sunny Harris Enterprises) – Haps and Hazards of Backtesting: Finding and Testing Profitable Trading Systems with MultiCharts
Jeff Jenkins (MultiCharts) – Getting an Edge: Trading with MultiCharts
Glad you will be there. What time are the presentations? Do you have a booth? Will you please devise a special sale offer for the convention.
I offer a special discount of 40% off for attendees of the Las Vegas Expo. Let me know if you are interested.
The presentation times are as follows:
Jeff Jenkins
Getting an Edge: Trading with MultiCharts
11/19/10 10:45AM – 11:15AM
Sunny Harris
Haps and Hazards of BackTesting: Finding and Testing Profitable Trading Systems with MultiCharts
11/19/10 3:30PM – 4:15PM
Yes, we have a booth. Come by to see our new product, great gifts, and learn information about any special offers.