MultiCharts .NET 10.0 Release 4 is a minor upgrade that includes the hot fixes for the issues in 10.0 Release reported by our customers and some minor improvements along with the all new features of MultiCharts .NET 10.0 Release. You can get acquainted with all the new features added and bugs fixed in MultiCharts .NET 10.0 Release here:
Charting/Data Handling
- FreeQuotes: multiple improvements to support Yahoo Finance connection via HTTPS.
- Interactive Brokers: fixed bug with loading chart data for Swedish Stock VOLV.B.
- WeBank: fixed issue with getting DOM data. Learn more:
- Rectified issue when “operator[]” did not work properly with MaxBarsBack if indicator calculation was done on the second data series and was called from a signal.
- Fixed bug in which values of an indicator called from a different study were not memorized correctly.