MultiCharts .NET 12.0 Release 9

MultiCharts .NET 12.0 Release 9 is a minor upgrade that includes the hot fixes for the issues in 12.0 Release reported by our customers and some minor improvements along with the all new features of MultiCharts .NET 12.0 Release, including the all-new Saxo Group data and broker connectivity! You can get acquainted with all the new features added and bugs fixed in MultiCharts .NET 12.0 Release here:


  • All-new Saxo Group data and broker connectivity.


Charting/Data Handling

  • Added Holiday List for 2020.
  • Barchart: rectified the issue with historical data shift related to Daylight saving time.
  • Gain Capital: fixed the bug in which it was impossible to chart an expired futures contract.
  • OANDA: rectified the issue in which sometimes the real time data did not resume after reconnect.
  • Tradestation: rectified the issue with accessing historical data for @TU instrument.


  • Portfolio Trader: improved the commission calculation in Per Contract mode.


  • CQG: 64-bit Order IDs are now supported.
  • Interactive Brokers: added proper handling of IB API message “Order rejected – reason:Stop price revision is disallowed after order has triggered”.