IMPORTANT! Affects MC8 Beta1 users

Everyone who downloaded MultiCharts 8 Beta 1 before noon (12 pm) Eastern Standard Time on February 14th, 2012 must download the beta again, and install it again.

Due to a technical glitch, MultiCharts version that was available before noon today will stop functioning. To continue using the beta version, go to, download and install the program again.

We apologize for any inconvenience to the people who already downloaded the program. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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5 thoughts on “IMPORTANT! Affects MC8 Beta1 users

    1. Fernando

      MC beta versions are quite stable. I remember a version 5 beta which created a lot of problems, but since then all betas have been stable enough to trade with.

      Despite this glitch that Stan just reported, so far I had no problems with version 8 beta 1. All is working fine.

  1. Fernando

    I forgot to say that I’ve downloaded this version minutes after its release announcement on Twitter.

  2. Pingback: MultiCharts 8 64-bit - MultiCharts

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